Looking at Dark Faust, Lufa's faint voice appeared clearly in the entire void, and even the guys widened their eyes.

Because Lufa Ultraman was the first to speak.

"Do you feel powerful with this kind of power?"

After Lufa Ultraman said this, he suddenly rushed into the air in front of the wide eyes of Shingo Sakumui, Marina, Kinomi, George, and Aihara Ryu.


The terrifying sonic boom made the guys feel tinnitus.

But in just a moment, Lufa Ultraman was already standing in the air.

The next moment, under the attention of everyone, Lufa Ultraman slowly raised his right hand, and the dazzling colorful light began to fill the entire sky.


Countless colorful lights condensed, and under the shocked gaze of Shingo Sakumui, Marina, Kinomi, Aihara Ryu, and George, they condensed into a huge 300-meter light wheel.

The rainbow halo in the sky was like a god appearing in the world, which stunned the whole city and the guys.

"My God, that's Ultraman Lufa, Ultraman Lufa is just like a god."

"Look, the dark Ultraman warrior who appeared before was blown away by Ultraman Lufa, and he couldn't stop."

"Ultraman Lufa is going to kill the dark Ultraman, that's great."

The citizens exclaimed happily when they saw this scene.

And the guys saw Ultraman Lufa condense a 300-meter rainbow halo, and a long-forgotten picture in their minds reappeared!

At this time.

The guys Shingo Sakumui remembered that Ultraman Lufa had used a super-large halo before, which shocked them for a long time.

"I almost forgot that Ultraman Lufa has such a powerful skill." Shingo Sakumui looked at Ultraman Lufa and said in shock.

"Yeah, have you forgotten? In addition to the Ultra Chainsaw, Ultraman Rufa also has the ability to summon helpers." Marina said happily.

Kino Miyako said: "Apart from these, it seems that Ultraman Rufa has never used light skills. Do you think that as an Ultra Warrior, Ultraman Rufa will not use light?"

Aihara Ryuya said: "Yes, and it seems that I remember that Ultraman Rufa used a long sword once..."

George listened to what Shingo Sakami and the others said, looked at Rufa in amazement and said: "No wonder Rufa said to Dark Faust that this kind of power is powerful. I suspect that even now, Ultraman Rufa has not exerted his strength."

And in the amazement of the guys.

The rainbow light wheel in the hand of Ultraman Rufa has turned into a colorful sun and hit Dark Faust.


The 300-meter light wheel is extremely huge and extremely eye-catching in the air.

And the speed is not slow, and it is even terrifyingly fast.

In just a moment, before Dark Faust could respond, Ultraman Rufa's 300-meter rainbow light wheel had already hit Dark Faust.

"Boom, sizzle, sizzle...!"


Dark Faust's screams echoed throughout the city.

And Ultraman Rufa's 300-meter rainbow light wheel hit Dark Faust and began to spin rapidly, and colorful lightning exploded in the sky.

The next second...

Chapter 300 One round to destroy Dark Faust! ! !


The 300-meter rainbow light wheel cut through Dark Faust.

And the rainbow light wheel continued to fly forward, flattening countless barren mountains in an instant, and creating a deep ditch that was tens of kilometers long.

Although the guys couldn't see the damage caused by the light wheel, they could hear the terrifying noise.

The guys still couldn't help but gasp.

"No... Impossible!!" Dark Faust stretched out his hand and clawed at Ultraman Rufa, saying in an extremely unwilling tone.

"Next time you travel to the Ultra World, remember to run away when you see me."

Ultraman Rufa used Ultra Telekinesis to convey his voice and smiled in Dark Faust's ear.


An energy wave spread out in the sky for who knows how many kilometers.

26  Dark Faust was completely engulfed in flames, and his figure disappeared from the sky.

From beginning to end, Ultraman Rufa did not have a red light flashing, not even once!

The guys looked at the direction of Dark Faust who had been killed in the sky. Shingo Sakumui and the others widened their eyes, reacted, and everyone began to cheer in surprise.

"We won, we won!"

"As expected, Ultraman Rufa is invincible!!"

"Great, that Dark Ultra Warrior was killed."

"This time I almost thought that Ultraman Rufa was no good, but it seems that we thought too much. What is wrong with Ultraman Rufa? He is simply unfathomable."

Ultraman Rufa couldn't help but chuckle in his heart when he heard what the guys said, and then he squatted slightly and rushed into the void and disappeared in an instant.

"Thank you Ultraman Luffy!"

Seeing this, the guys waved to Ultraman Luffy.

At this time.

The human form of Mebius, who was killed by Dark Faust at the beginning, was finally awakened by Hibino Mirai.

"What am I doing!" Hibino Mirai was stunned, looked around, and then looked at the city.

There is still no change in the city, and the figure of the dark Faust who appeared before has disappeared.

Ultraman Lufa was also missing.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Hibino Mirai's face: "It seems that senior must have killed that guy. Sure enough, senior is invincible."

Hibino Mirai nodded heavily.

At this time, the guys discovered that Hibino Mirai was missing, and they quickly looked for Hibino Mirai.

Hibino Mirai also pretended to give herself a reason, and then met with the guys.

Everyone returned to the guys base!

Inside the base command room.

At this time, there was an image on the big screen in the command room that shocked everyone.

The captain of the guys is Shingo Shimizu, as well as the assistant officer Toriyama, the acting director Mikiyuki, plus Marina, Kizumi, Ryu Aihara, and George.

All the guys were staring at the picture, motionless713.

After a while, Shingo Osami looked at Zheping in shock and said, "Team Zheping, are you sure this image was taken by a satellite?"

"That's right!" Zheping nodded.

"Oh my God!" Jinna couldn't help but murmured in shock.

Hibino Mirai also widened his eyes and said with great shock: "This is Lufa-senpai, the one who solves the damage caused by the light wheel released during the battle, hiss!!"

When Hibino Mirai said this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

That's right.

What was displayed on the screen in the command room of the guys base was the satellite picture of Ultraman Lufa's destruction caused by the 300-meter rainbow light wheel.

Chapter 301 The Father of Dark Ultra Transformation Card? !

Guys, everyone knows that when Lufa releases that light wheel, its power is absolutely terrifying.

But I never expected that the images captured by the satellite would be so shocking.

"Do you still remember what Ultraman Lufa said before?" Shingo Osui looked at the satellite screen and remembered what Ultraman Lufa said when facing Dark Faust.

When Shingo Gakamizu said this, Marina, Kizumi, and George couldn't help but were stunned, and then Lufa's words came to mind.

That is, the scene caused by the light wheel released by Ultraman Lufa does not seem to be his strongest strength.

"Isn't this the full strength of Ultraman Lufa?" Jinna took a breath and said softly.

"That's right, Ultraman Lufa...he said this is not all his strength." Mu Zhimei also nodded, remembering what Ultraman Lufa said before. "

Ryu Aihara and George looked at each other after hearing this, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

This is not Ultraman Lufa's strongest strength, so how terrifying would it be if Ultraman Lufa unleashed his full strength!

"Let's not think about it so much." " Shingo Osui smiled bitterly, then looked at the destruction caused by Ultraman Lufa's light wheel on the big screen again and said: "We just need to believe that Ultraman Lufa is invincible. "

"That's right."

Marina, Kizumi and the others quickly put away some strange thoughts in their minds, and then nodded.

As for the strange thoughts in their minds.

That is, if Lufa's full strength explodes, will it directly explode the earth?

Maybe it's really possible.

While guys and everyone were shocked, Lufa had already received a reward from the system.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +21, speed +5, strength +4, and spiritual power +54! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have obtained the Dark Ultra Father transformation card! 】


Lufa sat on the rocking chair, looking at the system prompts in front of him, and couldn't help but be surprised: "The transformation card of the father of Dark Ultra? I'll go, the father of Dark Ultra is here."

Lufa said this, but his eyes were full of interest.

After all, he is the father of Dark Ultra.

It seems that in the Ultraman world, the father of Dark Ultra has not appeared yet, right?

After all, the Father of Ultra is the signature of the Ultra world, and Tsuburaya cannot easily let the father of Dark Ultra come out.

"¨ˇ That's interesting."

"It's still a transformation card. You can use it next time."

Lufa said with great interest, very interested in the power of the father of Dark Ultra.

A few days passed.

After sorting out the last battle process, everyone in Gu(Zhao Dehao)ys discussed again the importance of Ultraman Lufa, and then came to Lufa's hotel after a long absence.

Even though a few days had passed, the guys were still discussing with gusto the destructive power caused by Ultraman Rufa's Nimbus, and also discussed Membius.

Jin Nai said: "Lufa's strength is completely unknown. I think from now on we all have to believe in Ultraman Lufa. We must believe that Ultraman Lufa is invincible." Xin.

Chapter 302 Hibino Mirai: Hiss! ! !

Kizumi nodded and said: "Yes, Ultraman Lufa is invincible. If Ultraman Lufa shows a little bit of invincibility next time, I also feel that Ultraman Lufa is just kidding."

"I don't think you can trust what you say. When that time comes, I'm afraid you two will be more worried than anyone else." Aihara Ryu teased, not believing what Marina and Kinomi said.

"That's right, just listen to your words." George nodded in agreement, then looked at Kinomi and smiled, "We are going to see Lufa again, team member Kinomi, you should be very happy."

George's tone was a little teasing.

After saying this, the guys, Marina and Aihara Ryu, Sakomi Shingo, Hibino Mirai, all looked at Kinomi.

This time, Team member Teppei also came.

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