Dark Faust was in his own dark domain, feeling his strength skyrocketing, and was intoxicated.

Of course.

In space.

The discussion of the guys was also known by Dark Faust.

Dark Faust looked at the guys and introduced them quietly, as if he had won the game: "No need to guess, you are now in my dark domain. My strength will be greatly enhanced in this domain, while the Ultra Warriors will be suppressed." . "

After Dark Faust finished speaking, he looked at Ultraman Lufa who was curiously looking at his dark domain in front of him and said.

"Next, I will make you regret what you said! "

After Dark Faust said this, he slowly took a fighting stance.

And guys, hearing what Dark Faust said, were shocked.

Is there such a heaven-defying skill?

Drag the enemy into a space that can enhance its own strength and reduce the enemy's strength, and then block and kill it.

In this case, even if the enemy wants to escape, there is probably no place to escape.


Sakumi Shingo's face changed drastically, he looked at Ultraman Rufa and said: "Be careful, Ultraman Rufa!"

Marina, Kinomi and others reacted and immediately reminded Ultraman Rufa.

"Be sure to deal with it carefully, Ultraman Rufa, you are invincible."

"Yes, you are the guardian of our earth."

"We believe in you. "

After hearing this, Ultraman Rufa looked at the guys, and then nodded slightly in the guys' expectant eyes.

Seeing this, the guys were pleasantly surprised.

It seemed that Ultraman Rufa understood what they said.


Dark Faust sneered, looked at Ultraman Rufa and sneered: "Useless, useless, now, you die!"

Dark Faust stepped on the ground, and a roar suddenly burst out. The next moment, he rushed directly towards Ultraman Rufa.

The terrible strength, coupled with the increase in the dark field, the strength of Dark Faust at this time is indeed much stronger than before.

Facing the Dark Faust rushing towards him, Ultraman Rufa did not panic at all. He picked up the Ultra Chainsaw and cut towards Dark Faust fiercely.

"¨ˇ Still want to use this trick, huh. "Dark Faust, seeing that Ultraman Rufa was still using the Ultra Chainsaw to attack him, couldn't help but sneer, then used light energy to protect his hands directly at the Ultra Chainsaw, and grabbed the chainsaw. (Zhao De's)


In the terrifying and harsh sound that the guys felt.

A series of "sizzling", a sound that made people's teeth ache, began to echo in the entire dark area.

I saw that Ultraman Rufa's Ultra Chainsaw, which was invincible, was actually caught by Dark Faust at this time.

Seeing this scene, the guys' eyes widened instantly.

"Ultraman Rufa's chainsaw... was caught." Marina was stunned and said a little panicked.

Chapter 297 Dark Faust: I am invincible!!

"How is it possible that the blessing of a dark space can change so much?" Sakami Shingo said in disbelief.

"This is Ultraman Rufa's extremely powerful attack skill, and the Ultra Chainsaw is even more invincible, my God. "Aihara Ryu also said in disbelief.

Kinomi, George and the others also widened their eyes.


The sound of teeth ache continued.

Dark Faust grabbed the Ultra Chainsaw that was attacked by Ultraman Rufa and sneered: "What? Is it no good? Where is your arrogance just now? Is that all?"

Feeling that Ultraman Rufa's Ultra Chainsaw had no effect on him, Dark Faust felt extremely comfortable.


That's right.

Since you have come to another Ultra world, you must be invincible. This is correct. 710

Otherwise, why did you come to this Ultra world?

Seeing Dark Faust's arrogant look, Ultraman Rufa couldn't help but chuckle, and then said lightly: "Do you think you have a sure win?"

"What else?" Dark Faust also sneered. In his eyes, Ultraman Rufa has no other way now.

"Then let's wait and see! "

Ultraman Rufa smiled, and suddenly exerted force on the Ultra Chainsaw in his hand, flipping off Dark Faust who was holding the Ultra Chainsaw.

Holding the Ultra Chainsaw, Rufa continued to attack Dark Faust.

However, Dark Faust did not feel the slightest fear when facing the Ultra Chainsaw attack of Ultraman Rufa, and even dealt with it very easily, completely different from his previous attitude outside.

"Swish, swish, swish! "

Bursts of sparks continued to fall in the space.

Ultraman Rufa's Ultra Chainsaw did not cause any effective attack to Dark Faust, and even felt suppressed by Dark Faust.

Even more.

In a collision, after the two sides pulled away, Dark Faust directly fired a palm light bullet.

The purple light bullet flew into the void and instantly hit the Ultra Chainsaw held by Ultraman Rufa.

With a loud bang.

The Ultra Chainsaw in the hands of Ultraman Rufa was directly blown to pieces in the wide eyes of the guys.

This was the first time they (cgbi) saw this scene.

Instantly, the guys turned pale and looked at Ultraman Rufa in disbelief.

Sakumi Shingo said: "Ultraman Rufa... Is it possible that even Ultraman Rufa is no longer viable?"

Marina said: "Impossible, Ultraman Rufa is invincible, how could he be defeated."

Kinomi also nodded vigorously, clasped her hands together and looked at Ultraman Rufa and said: "Ultraman Rufa will not be defeated, I believe he can definitely defeat this dark Ultraman warrior."

Aihara Ryu and George also spoke.

"Ultraman Rufa, come on!!"

"Don't give up."

However, the words of the guys sounded ridiculous to Dark Faust.

After Dark Faust blew up the Ultra Chainsaw held by Ultraman Rufa, he looked at the guys and sneered: "Don't dream, I am invincible in this dark space."

"Tsk tsk."


Ultraman Rufa looked at the handle of the Ultra Chainsaw in his hand that was blown to pieces by Dark Faust, then let go, letting the handle dissipate into light particles, and said to Dark Faust with a smile.

"Isn't it? Ha, do you have any hidden cards?"


Chapter 298: Dark Faust was blown away by a punch, and Faust was shocked!

Dark Faust said sneerfully.

Ultraman Rufa laughed even more happily when he heard this.

Ultraman Rufa said calmly: "You are right, I do have hidden cards, and more than you can imagine. I even said that the fight with you just now was just me wanting to play with you."

Dark Faust heard this, with a tone of exasperation and disbelief, and laughed: "What a joke, haha, let me see~how can you be stubborn."


Dark Faust attacked Ultraman Rufa again.

In the dark realm, Dark Faust's strength is absolutely beyond imagination.

In just a moment, Dark Faust appeared in front of Ultraman Rufa, and punched out, and the whole space was filled with terrifying ripples.

It is enough to see how powerful the punch of Dark Faust is.

However, the next moment.


Accompanied by a slight sound.

Dark Faust, with a powerful punch, was caught by Ultraman Rufa, just like when he faced Ultraman Mebius at the beginning.

Sensing the resistance from his fist and the power of his fist, Dark Faust was stunned when he hit Ultraman Rufa, as if a stone had sunk into the sea.

His eyes flashed violently, and he looked at Ultraman Rufa in disbelief and said, "What!!"

The guys not far away also widened their eyes when they saw this scene.

Sakami Shingo exclaimed, "What, Ultraman Rufa actually caught the attack of Dark Faust!"

"Sure enough!!"

Marina, Kinomi, Ryu Aihara, and George, when they saw that Ultraman Rufa finally began to show his power, their eyes suddenly lit up and their faces showed surprise.

Ultraman Rufa, as expected, is the strongest!

Dark Faust came back to his senses and said angrily, "Impossible, I don't believe it, how could you still hide such a powerful power, such a powerful power... even that guy, that guy!!"

As Dark Faust spoke, he began to rage.

The next moment.

Dark Faust continued to bombard Rufa.

"Boom boom boom boom"

Dark Faust's fists swung like a hurricane, and each round could easily crush Ultraman Mebius before.

However, now, every punch he threw was caught steadily by Lufa.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Even Lufa Ultraman didn't even move a step, his breath was stable, as deep as the ocean, terrifying.

"Bang." Lufa Ultraman took the punch that Dark Faust had thrown for an unknown number of times, and then looked at him and smiled: "You have attacked so many times, so now it's my turn."

.... . ...

After Lufa Ultraman said that, Dark Faust hadn't reacted yet.

Lufa Ultraman raised his other hand, then clenched his fist and punched Dark Faust.


"Oh!" Dark Faust's body instantly bent into a shrimp shape, and then the whole person was like a meteor, and was instantly knocked out by Lufa Ultraman.

At the same time

The dark domain released by Dark Faust also collapsed in an instant.

The clear sky and the prosperous city reappeared in the sight of the guys.

And this terrifying punch has already stunned the guys.

Dark Faust was flying backwards, his body kept struggling, his eyes fixed on Ultraman Rufa and roared: "No, how could there be such a powerful force!!".

Chapter 299 Use Blaze's Rainbow Light Wheel, but it is the 300m version! !

Hearing the sound coming from Dark Faust flying backwards, Ultraman Rufa couldn't help but laugh.

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