The reason why Hibino Mirai transformed into Mebius so quickly was because after Dark Faust hit the Phoenix, he once again assumed a posture of firing light bombs from his palms.

"call out!"

Another purple-black palm light bullet flew out from Dark Faust's hand.

This scene directly caused Shingo Gakamizu, Kizumi and Teppei to shrink their eyes and scream in surprise.

Lufa was in another place, looking at the light bullets fired by Dark Faust at the Phoenix, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He didn't panic.

Because he knew that this guy Mebius would definitely appear.

as expected.

Amidst the exclamations of the guys, a fiery red light struck from the sky.



The two light bombs instantly formed a small sun and spread out.

During the explosion, a red and silver giant fell from the sky, and then steadily caught the Phoenix that was about to fall.

Inside the Phoenix.

Ryu Aihara, Mariina, and George looked at the huge face of Mumbius in front of them. The three of them were very surprised and said: "Mumbius!"


Membius looked at the three of them, nodded slightly, and then put the Phoenix in his hand on the ground.

When Dark Faust saw Mebius appear, his relaxed state turned into a trace of solemnity: "Is he the Ultra Warrior of this world? Sure enough, no matter the Ultra Warrior of that world, the light on them , they all disgust me!”

Dark Faust said, then looked at Membius quietly, waiting for Membius to face him...

Mebius put down the Phoenix, turned around and walked several steps in the direction of Dark Faust.

"Are you the Ultra Warrior of this world?" Dark Faust raised his hand slightly, indicating to Membius to answer his question.

"Huh?" Mebius was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashing. He didn't expect that the dark giant in front of him would actually communicate with him.

Even the previous Dark Seven just attacked without paying any attention to his thoughts.

"My name is Mumbius, who are you? Why do you appear here!?" Mumbius 1.8 asked Faust directly without any ink marks.

"Dark Faust!"

Dark Faust said his name, then looked at Mambius and smiled: "As for why you are here, you can understand that this is a very pleasant surprise."

"In my eyes, the Ultra Warriors are a thorn in my side and a thorn in my flesh!"

"How about showing me the Ultra Warriors of this world!?".

Chapter 285 The battle begins, the guys are nervous!

"Dark Faust!"

"unexpected surprise?"

"I don't think it's a surprise for you to appear in this world."

"Build it!"

Membius heard the words and gave a soft drink, then assumed a fighting stance towards Dark Faust.

"Ha." Dark Faust did not answer Mumbius, but rushed directly towards Mumbius.


Dark Faust's huge body started running, and the whole city felt like a magnitude 78 earthquake.

Seeing this, Mebius, not to be outdone, also rushed towards Dark Faust.

"Build it!" Meng 26 Bius shouted angrily, gathered strength with his fist, and punched Dark Faust directly.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

In Membius's surprised eyes, his fist actually hit Dark Faust.

Mebius was stunned for a moment, looking at the fist he hit on Dark Faust's chest. He probably didn't expect that Dark Faust would actually receive his attack.

"What!" Membius looked at his fist, and suddenly found that the power carried in his fist hit Dark Faust, as if a stone was sinking into the sea, and he felt nothing at all.

What's more, Mebius didn't even feel the slightest bit of shock from the dark Faust being attacked by him.

"That's it!" Dark Faust felt the fist that hit him, shook his head slightly disappointedly and said: "It seems that the Ultra Warriors in this world are just like this, and they are far behind that guy. ”

Membius recovered from his surprise when he heard the words of Dark Faust.

Even the Dark Sevenx who appeared before did not show such a disappointed look and tone as Dark Faust when faced with his attack.

"Damn it!" Membius shouted angrily and punched Dark Faust again.


With a muffled sound, Dark Faust remained motionless.

Mebius couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily: "I don't believe how you can be stronger than the Dark Ultra Warrior yesterday."

Boom boom boom!

Mombius struck Dark Faust in circles.

With a series of muffled sounds, Mebius punched Dark Faust, but it had no effect.


Guys Shingo Awamizu, Mariina, Ryu Aihara, Kinoomi, Teppei and the others were stunned when they saw this scene.

Although Membius would be defeated when facing monsters before, it has never been like this before, and any attack from Membius by the opponent did not cause any substantial damage.

This makes everyone in guys unbelievable.

Shimizu Shingo looked at Dark Faust and Mumbius who kept attacking 707 Dark Faust, and was surprised: "How is it possible that Mumbius attacked like that? That Dark Ultra Warrior didn't even react at all. , it’s just unbelievable.”

"Yes, how is it possible? I have never seen Membius' attack without causing damage to the enemy. It is simply unbelievable." Mariina's voice resounded on the radio.

Aihara Ryu, the beauty of wood, Teppei also said.

"If Membius continues like this, he will definitely be killed."

"For sure, this Dark Ultra Warrior feels even more terrifying than the last one!"

"Mebius, come on, you can definitely do it.".

Chapter 286: Nirvana

Lufa couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he saw Dark Faust being indifferent to Membius' punch attack.

"This Dark Faust seems to be much more powerful than in memory!"

"Even Faust in the original work can't be so calm when facing Membius now. He looks like the aura of the final dark boss."

As he said this, Lufa did not intend to take action, but prepared to watch for a while.

Mebius punched Dark Faust.

"Build it!" Membius roared angrily. The next moment he gathered his strength, his fist was filled with red light, and then he punched Dark Faust hard.


Finally, when his fist hit Dark Faust, Menbius clearly felt this move. Sparks exploded from Dark Faust's body, and his body even shook.

Sensing the damage caused to Dark Faust by his fist, Mebius looked up at Dark Faust in surprise: "I finally caused you damage." "

"It finally did me some harm."

After Mebius finished speaking, Dark Faust also spoke, but his tone was full of disdain.

next moment.

Under the gaze of Membius, Dark Faust raised his fist, and then struck hard with a punch.


Terrifying sparks suddenly exploded on Mengbius.

"Build it!!!" Mebius screamed, and his whole body flew out like an ordinary person being hit by a speeding train.


Membius's body flew out violently amid the screams of everyone in the guys.

The whole body fell to the ground and kept sliding.

Along the way, the terrifying and indestructible power directly smashed and knocked down all the buildings in the path of Mebius's slide.

After gliding for several kilometers, Membius's flying body slowly came to a stop.

at the same time!

Thick black smoke began to fill the sky over the entire city.

"Mumbius!" Shingo Osami couldn't help but screamed when he saw this scene.

When others saw this second, they also looked in the direction of Mebius with great concern.

"Ding ding ding." The sound of the energy core in Menbius's chest flashing appeared in the ears of the guys. This made the guys even more worried.

at this time.

Mebius slowly stood up.

Membius clutched his chest, staggered, and almost fell to the ground again.

But Mebius finally stabilized.

Mebius felt the pain in his body and looked at Dark Faust in shock: "¨ˇ You are really strong!! But no matter how strong you are, if you face the seniors, there is only one possibility, and that is to be defeated. "


Dark Faust suddenly became interested when he heard what Membius said, and asked Membius with great interest: "Senior? Are there other Ultra warriors in this world besides you?"

Hearing this, Membius took a deep breath, then clasped his hands (Zhao's Zhao) ten, and began to release Membius's ray special move: "This is of course, the senior is the strongest!"

"Dream Beam Ray!"

Mebius shouted angrily and directly used the fiery special move in his hand.

Guys, when they saw Mebius unleashing his special move on Dark Faust, they couldn't help but hold their breath, and then looked at Dark Faust with wide eyes!

The ultimate move against Mebius.

This guy can't be the same as before, so indifferent! ! .

Chapter 287: Dark Faust is the same as Lufa?

Like everyone else in Guys, there is also Mebius.

Looking at the light of his special attack, Mebius's eyes flickered. He also didn't believe that Dark Faust could still be so calm in the face of his own attack.


Under the gaze of everyone, Dark Faust remained as before, facing Membius's Mambius ray, without any defensive posture, or even the thought of defense.


The blazing ray, which was terrifying enough to blow up everything, hit Dark Faust in everyone's eyes.


Sparks of terror exploded directly from Dark Faust.

Mebius never expected that Dark Faust would actually dare to take advantage of his special attack, the light.

However, he didn't expect Dark Faust to directly connect Dark Faust's special move. Then Mebius was looking forward to it. It would be better if his special move, Light, could solve Dark Faust's attack.


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