Guys everyone exclaimed when they saw Dark Faust being hit by Mebius's special move.

"This Dark Ultra Warrior actually dares to take on Mebius's special move, Light!" Shingo Gakamizu said in disbelief.

"Even monsters can only dodge or defend against Mebius' special attack, the light. This dark Ultra warrior is too arrogant." Mariina nodded.

Mu Zhimei looked at the sparks raised by the explosion expectantly and said: "Membius can definitely kill that guy!"

Aihara Ryu said: "It goes without saying that that guy is so arrogant."

George looked at the place of the explosion, his eyes flickering and said: "I feel that things will not end so easily. If that guy is really not sure, how can he welcome the light of Mebius's nirvana."

George's words made all the guys who were originally gloating about their misfortune couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yeah, if you don't have a special move to catch Mebius' special move, light, how can you not even have defense."

"No way."

"It's impossible, that guy must be underestimating the enemy.

Marina, Kizumi and the others began to inoculate themselves.

Lufa looked at the direction of the explosion of Dark Faust, as if he knew the reaction of everyone in Guy(cgbi)s, plus Mebius's thoughts. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "You are too young. If you are not sure, How could it be possible to receive Mebius’ special attack with this attitude?”



A huge mushroom cloud slowly rose.

In the widened gazes of the guys and Membius, the scene where Membius' light hit just now reappeared in everyone's sight.

I saw Dark Faust folding his hands and still standing quietly.

The moment they saw this scene, the guys' eyes widened instantly, and Menbius's eyes also flashed violently.

"How is that possible!" Mebius couldn't help but take a step back and said in a shocked tone.

So does everyone else.

Shingo Kasui looked at Dark Faust and exclaimed: "How is it possible? Nothing happened at all."

Ryuu Aihara also widened his eyes and narrowed his pupils: "This is Mebius. The ultra warrior's special attack light attack can be blocked without any problem. How powerful is this dark ultra warrior!? "

The two girls, Mu Zhimei and Jinna, are also unbelievable.

"This feeling is the same as that of Ultraman Rufa. He has perfect control over the scene."

Chapter 288: The fate of Mebius? !

"Did Membius' attack hit him like it was tickling him?"

George's face paled: "Sure enough!"

"Hmph." Dark Faust ignored the reactions of everyone in the guys. He snorted coldly, folded his hands and slowly released them. He looked at Membius and said: "If possible, I hope you can call your senior come out."

"My special move!!"

Mebius spoke in shock.

When Dark Faust saw this, his eyes flickered and said: "It seems that you have no such plan, but it doesn't matter. As long as I am ready to kill you and destroy the entire city, that guy will appear, right?"

Appearing in this ultra world, Dark Faust felt vaguely that there was a voice telling him again.

To understand everything in this world - everything.


Only then can the existence in the dark world come.

Dark Faust doesn't know who the being in the underworld is, but Dark Faust has an idea. Even if the underworld feeling doesn't appear, he will still let all the Ultra Warriors in the world come out.


Dark Faust stepped on his feet and rushed towards Membius in an instant.

Dark Faust's speed was so terrifying that even the guys couldn't keep up with their sight. It just flashed in front of their eyes, like a black light piercing the void.

By the time they reacted, Dark Faust had already appeared in front of Mebius.

Mebius was also startled by the dark Faust who suddenly appeared in front of him.

But what shocked Membius even more was the Dark Faust attack!

Dark Faust pulled Mombius's shoulder and exerted force when Mombius didn't react.

Membius only felt an irresistible force coming from his shoulders, and then his body couldn't help but bend.

next moment.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

I saw Dark Faust attack, hitting Membius hard in the abdomen.

"Build it!" Mebius froze, as if his whole body was frozen in mid-air, and his whole posture remained as if he was covering his stomach and bowing.

It is also under this roof.

The energy core in Membius's chest went from a tinkling sound at the beginning to a tinkling sound, as if it was always on.


Dark Faust's kick almost caused Mebius to die on the spot.

··········Ask for flowers·········

But the current situation of Mebius is actually almost the same as dying on the spot.

Mebius's body slowly fell to the side.

The whole body was like a puddle of mud.

But before Membius fell down, Dark Faust grabbed Membius's face with one hand.

next moment.

Under the wide-eyed gazes of everyone in the guys, Mebius was directly lifted up by Dark Faust.

.... 0 ....

This scene is very similar to the previous scene of Dark Seven.

But this time, Mebius didn't even have a chance to struggle!

Dark Faust pinched Mebius's face and lifted it up, then looked in the direction of the guys. His voice clearly appeared in the ears of the guys.

"Listen, Earth's defense team. You have three minutes to call out another Ultra Warrior in this world!"

"Otherwise, the Ultra Warrior in my hand will completely disappear from this world."

The dark Faust voice stunned everyone in the guys.

This was the first time they heard the voice of Ultra Warriors.

Although he is a Dark Ultra Warrior! Son.

Chapter 289: Show some real skills!

Looking at Dark Faust, guys were extremely shocked.

"This, this guy!! This Dark Ultra Warrior should not be the kind of guy we imagined, and it was definitely not summoned by Ultraman Lufa." Shingo Osui looked at Dark Faust and said with an extremely heavy tone. .

"That guy wants to kill Mebius." Mariina said nervously.

"We must not let that guy succeed." Mu Zhimei "707" also said.

Ryu Aihara and George on the side couldn't help but look around when they heard this.

"Where's Ultraman Lufa? Isn't Ultraman Lufa coming out at this time?" Ryuu Aihara looked around, hoping to see the figure of the white light.

"Yes, Ultraman Lufa should be coming out at this time." George looked around in the same way and said nervously.

However, when the guys looked around, there was no sign of Ultraman Lufa appearing.

Dark Faust finished speaking and was also paying attention to the surrounding situation.

But like everyone else, he didn't feel the presence of other Ultraman.

Seeing this, Dark Faust sneered: "Since you are unwilling to come out, then this guy..."

After Dark Faust finished speaking, his right hand was raised.


A black lightsaber extended from his hand.

When Membius saw this scene, his eyes flickered, but he was not afraid at all. He said coldly to Dark Faust: "Even if you kill me, as long as the senior appears, you will definitely be crushed and defeated by the senior. ”

"How dare you say that." Dark Faust sneered, and the next moment he raised the black lightsaber in his hand.

Seeing this scene, guys Marina and Kizumi had already exclaimed, subconsciously closed their eyes and looked aside.

Ryuu Aihara, George, and Shingo Osamizu widened their eyes.


"Quick, use the ray gun."

"Stop him!"

Dark Faust snorted coldly, and stabbed Mebius fiercely with the lightsaber in his hand.

But right now.


White light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The white light appeared so suddenly that even Dark Faust did not react from the white light's appearance.

call out!


In the widened eyes of Shingo Aizui, Ryu Aihara, and George, the white light hit Dark Faust in an instant. With a large series of sparks exploding, Dark Faust flew out fiercely... .

At this time, Membius also fell hard to the ground.


Mebius blew up a large piece of earth.

Membius lay on the ground, looking at the white figure standing next to him, his eyes flashing fiercely, and he smiled: "Senior is finally here."

Having said that, Mebius could no longer hold on, and his entire body began to turn into light particles, which began to slowly dissipate in the air.

Ultraman Lufa crossed his arms, looked at the place where Mebius disappeared, and said helplessly: "He is really a junior that makes people worry."

1.8 Ultraman Lufa said, looking in the direction of Dark Faust.

From the attack just now, Ultraman Lufa can be very sure that Dark Faust is indeed more powerful than he remembered! !

And it's not even the slightest bit stronger.

If you want to deal with this guy, you might have to come up with some truth.


That's right, some real skills.

Chapter 290 Lufa vs. Dark Faust!

Dark Faust had already stood up from the ground. He looked at Ultraman Lufa, felt the pain coming from his body, patted the stone on his body, and then said in surprise: "It seems that you are the senior that guy said Right? You really have some strength, and you can knock it away with confidence."


Ultraman Lufa smiled when he heard this, crossed his arms, and did not answer Dark Faust.

Dark Faust saw Ultraman Lufa's cold look and couldn't help but snorted: "What did I think you were like? You seem to be more arrogant than me."

Dark Faust assumed a fighting stance and continued to speak coldly.

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