Lufa didn't know how he would fare against Zaki, but if possible, to be honest, he was quite excited, after all, it was Dark Zaki! Such a powerful being must be able to fight with all his strength.

When various thoughts appeared in Lufa's mind, the dark Faust who came to this world glanced at the surrounding environment and seemed to be adapting to this world.

The next second.


Dark Faust attacked a building next to him.

With a deafening explosion, the building instantly became shattered, with countless concrete and steel bars flying around.

It was also at this time that everyone came back to their senses from the appearance of Dark Faust, especially when they saw Dark Faust starting to attack the city, and the entire city immediately rang with piercing sirens.

This dark Ultra Warrior was not summoned by Ultraman Lufa.

Apparently an evil dark Ultra warrior.

The guys on Lufa's side immediately became angry when they saw Dark Faust starting to attack the city.

"¨ˇ Damn guy, is he really evil?" Shingo Osui looked at Dark Faust and said in a very angry tone.

Dark Faust's attack just now caused at least hundreds of casualties.

Kinoomi, Mariina, plus Aihara Ryuu, George, and Hibino Mirai, they all also spoke angrily.

"These guys, yes, they all appear when we are not at the base, which makes it impossible to deal with them immediately." (Zhao Hao)

"That's right, damn it!"

"Quick, ask the base to dispatch fighter planes, we will dispatch immediately."

"Stop this guy from continuing to destroy the city."

Amid the murmurs of discussion, the guys bid farewell to Lufa and then ran to the nearby airport.

Hibino Mirai looked at the people leaving, and then said to Lufa: "Senior, how strong is this guy? From your tone just now, it seems that you know his existence?".

Chapter 282 The power of Dark Faust is shocking! !

"Dark Faust!" Lufa did not hide it, but said directly: "He is not a dark Ultra warrior in this world. It should be because of some strange reason that he appeared in this world."

"As for his strength!"

When Lufa said this, he looked at Hibino Mirai and smiled: "If you rely on your current situation, there is no chance of defeating him."

"Do I have a chance to win?" Hibino Mirai heard this and nodded heavily: "I know senior, if I have a chance to win, that will be enough."

After Hibino Mirai finished speaking, he turned around and chased in the direction where the guys left.

Looking at Hibino Mirai leaving, Lufa turned to look at Dark Faust and said with a smile: "I said there was a 703 chance, but I didn't say much. A slight chance should be an opportunity, right?"

I don’t know if Hibino will come back and give Lufa a beating in the future if he hears what Lufa is saying now.

Dark Faust attacked a building. Looking at the reactions around him, his red and black eyes flickered, and then he nodded slightly, as if he understood something.

But this time.

Suddenly the roar of the engine attracted Dark Faust's attention.

Dark Faust looked in the direction of the roar of the engine and saw the Phoenix speeding towards him. In addition, the people who were originally chaotic and running around were also specially organized at this time. , conduct an orderly evacuation.

"Are these guys similar to the night raid team in my world?" Heian Faust's eyes flashed, and he had already made more conclusions in his heart.

It seems that this is a world very similar to the Nexus Ultra world.

Maybe there are Ultra Warriors in this world.

Dark Faust became more and more interested when he thought of this.

Unexpectedly, in this world, besides Nexus, there are other worlds of Ultra Warriors.

At this time.

Ryu Aihara, Marina, and George, who arrived on the Phoenix, looked at the dark Faust staring directly at their fighter plane below, and couldn't help but feel nervous.

After all, being an enemy of an Ultra Warrior, even a dark Ultra Warrior, is many times more powerful than a monster.

to be honest.

Everyone knows that fighting Dark Faust will definitely lead to failure.

But in order to give time for evacuation and to protect their homes, they must do this.

Shingo Shimizu was on the ground and saw that the Phoenix was approaching Dark Faust. He immediately contacted him via radio and said, "Be careful. That guy looks very strong. Be careful to dodge."


Ryu Aihara, Mariina, and George nodded.

Aihara Ryu responded, and then said to Mariina and George: "Phoenix, start attacking."

"Laser, aim, fire!"

Jinna took aim decisively and reminded George at the same time.

George also said: "Laser, fire!"

Following Marina, George pressed the attack button and saw two rays of light tearing through the void instantly on the Phoenix and attacking the dark Faust below.


The light falls in the void like a stream of light.

The next second.

The light struck Dark Faust directly.


A huge spark exploded from Dark Faust.

However, amid the huge sparks, Dark Faust remained motionless, still looking up at the approaching Phoenix.

This Faustian attitude of not being afraid in the face of danger and attacking as if they were new made all the guys' eyes widen at this moment.

Chapter 283 How could there be nothing wrong? !

"What!!" Zhenna couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene.

Ryu Aihara and George's eyes widened when they saw this scene.

"Nothing happened at all?"

"How can it be!!"

Both of them couldn't believe it.

This is light. It can easily smash a huge rock or blow up a house. However, when attacking Dark Faust now, the opponent cannot even make the opponent move.

This scene.

Let guys see the dark Ultra warrior that appeared before, Dark Seven x!

At that time, Dark Seven also showed extremely shocking and crushing scenes, just like Dark Faust now, which makes people feel so terrifying, so powerful, and so invincible.

"The Phoenix's light attack was of no use to him, how is that possible!" Shingo Osui's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

"The guys who have appeared recently are getting more and more terrifying. The same is true for the Dark Ultra Warrior from before. Our light attacks have little effect on them, and they are very powerful!"

Zheping's voice appeared on the radio.

When Hibino Mirai saw this scene, his eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly.

this moment.

In Hibino Mirai's eyes, Dark Faust seems to have turned into the Dark Sevenx before!

He never expected that this dark Ultra warrior who suddenly appeared would be so powerful.

But soon, Hibino Mirai thought of what Lufa said.

"Senior said that I have a chance to defeat this guy!" Hibino encouraged himself in the future.

In the sky.

Inside the Phoenix, Ryu Aihara, George, and Marina once again received instructions from Shingo Hakamizu.

"Phoenix, continue the attack." Shingo Osui's voice appeared in the ears of the three people on the Phoenix.


Aihara Ryuu and the others nodded, and then attacked again.

"Hmph." Dark Faust couldn't help but sneered and snorted when he saw the Phoenix approaching him again, and then he directly crossed his arms!

call out!

The attack hit Dark Faust again.

However, except for the sparks exploding in Dark Faust, it was still the same as before and did not cause any harm to Dark Faust.

"It seems that the escorts in this world are much weaker than the night raiders." After enduring two consecutive attacks, Faust confirmed the current strength of the guys.

··········Ask for flowers·········

The information collected is almost complete now.

Then let’s take a look at what the Ultra Warriors in this world look like.

As for how to make Ultra Warriors appear as quickly as possible, there is a very simple way, which is to deal with the Earth Defense Force organization.

No matter which world it is, as long as it destroys the city or takes action against the Earth Defense Organization of this world, the Ultra Warriors of this world will definitely appear.

.... 0 ...


After Dark Faust withstood the second Phoenix attack, he slowly raised his head and looked at the Phoenix flying overhead.

In the sky.

Aihara Ryu, George, and Mariina in the Phoenix also saw it and looked up at their dark Faust.

Aihara Ryu's heart skipped a beat, as did George and Marina.

Below, Shingo Shimizu on the ground warned directly: "Be careful, that dark giant is probably going to attack you."


Aihara Ryuu and the others had already been prepared, so the three of them answered directly.

However, how can this kind of thing be answered and dealt with?

Chapter 284 Dark Faust vs. Mebius!

Dark Faust looked at the Phoenix, and a red light flashed across his eyes. The next moment, before anyone could react, he fired a light bullet from his hand.

"call out"

The purple-black light bomb was hit even before the guys and Phoenix could react and separated.


Sparks flew.

Smoke began to billow from the Phoenix.

Ryu Aihara, George, and Mariina's expressions changed drastically.

Aihara Ryu's voice appeared on the radio: "No, the Phoenix was hit!!"

"Quickly, separate and parachute!" Shingo Osami gave the order immediately.

"No, the separation device has malfunctioned, prepare to parachute!"

George, the voice of Marina, appeared on the radio.

Hibino Mirai looked at this scene, his eyes and pupils shrank slightly, then he raised his left hand, and a halo representing the infinity symbol began to burst out from his body.

And on Dark Faust's side.

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