Marina, who was standing by, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw this.

When they arrived at the door of Lufa's store.

At this time, Kimi was hurriedly tidying up her clothes and appearance, and then she kept taking deep breaths, waiting for the guys to come out.

When she saw Lufa and Shingo Sakomi coming out, Kimi walked over.

Seeing this, Teppei couldn't help but tease again: "Hey, Kimi, we are really leaving. Are you sure you don't want to express your feelings to Lufa now?"

"Teppei, you, what are you talking about? I... I, I'm leaving first."

Having just adjusted her mentality, Kimi couldn't stand it again as Teppei spoke. She looked at Lufa shyly, then lowered her head and hurried to the crosswalk, preparing to walk to the parking lot opposite.

Seeing this, everyone chuckled again.

At this time, everyone's eyes were still on Kimi.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Kinomi lowered her head, not paying any attention to the traffic, and walked very fast. In this situation, crossing the crosswalk is the most dangerous.

Sakumui Shingo seemed to have seen something, and his pupils suddenly shrank, and he shouted to Kiyomi: "Team Kiyomi, be careful!!"

George, Teppei, Aihara Ryu, and Marina also exclaimed.

.... 0 0

"Be careful, team Kiyomi!!"

Kinomi was immersed in shyness, and suddenly heard the shouts of the crowd, and she was stunned for a moment: "Eh?"

The next second.

In Kiyomi's sight, a truck was speeding towards her.

Seeing this scene, Kiyomi's pupils instantly dilated, her whole body trembled, and she froze in place.

It's over! !

These two words appeared in Kiyomi's mind.

Hibino Mirai saw this scene, and her heart jumped. She was thinking about not caring about being exposed, using the power of Mebius to save Kiyomi.

But at this time, a figure rushed to Mu Zhimei faster than he thought.


The figure rushed to Mu Zhimei's side in an instant like a flash of lightning! ! ! Er.

Chapter 279 Is Lufa a superman! ?

Before the guys could react, Lufa had already carried Mu Zhimei in his arms and returned to everyone's side.


At this time.

The truck that rushed towards Mu Zhimei stopped on the road with a violent brake sound.

From the guys' side, everyone could clearly see that the truck driver was confused and looked back and forth on the road in panic. It seemed that he saw the person "Seven Zero Zero" and then braked suddenly, but didn't see anyone.

"Am I dazzled?" The truck driver looked confused, and then got off the car to check again, making sure that he didn't hit anyone. Under the urging of the traffic behind him, he got in the car and drove away.

And the guys forced Shui Shingo and others.

At this time, whether it was Hibino Mirai, Sakumui Shingo, Teppei, Aihara Ryu, or Marina, their eyes were all on Lufa standing beside them, and Ki Nomi in his arms.

Their eyes widened, looking at Lufa without blinking, their mouths opened, and their expressions were all shocked.

Ki Nomi was also in a daze, her hands subconsciously wrapped around Lufa's neck, and then she looked up at Lufa, stunned.

Realizing that everyone's eyes were all on him, Lufa didn't feel any surprise, but lowered his head, looked at Ki Nomi in his arms and smiled: "Are you okay, team member Ki Nomi?"

As soon as Lufa opened his mouth, Ki Nomi reacted.

"I, I'm fine, thank you, thank you Lufa." Ki Nomi stammered, still not out of the shock just now.

And Sakumui Shingo, Aihara Ryu, and Marina, they exclaimed.

Shingo Sakumui said: "Lufa, just now, what you did just now was..."

"Oh my god, was that the speed that humans can burst out? I shouldn't have seen it wrong?" Aihara Ryu stared at Lufa with his eyes wide open.

"I can't believe it either. In just a moment, Lufa directly crossed at least ten or twenty meters and brought back Team Member Kinomei!" George also said in disbelief.

Marina nodded vigorously, and then looked at Lufa as if he was looking at a monster and said: "I can't believe it either, really, that speed is simply too terrifying, even the truck driver didn't seem to react."

Hibino Mirai looked at Lufa and was extremely shocked...

Although everyone is an Ultraman.

But Hibino Mirai can be sure that as a human, she can't exert the power of an Ultraman at all. Only by releasing the power of her body can she reach Lufa's level.

It's so abnormal!

Is this the gap between herself and Lufa?

Hearing what everyone said, Lufa smiled and said, "I also rushed over subconsciously. When I reacted, I was holding Mu Zhimei back here. I also felt very strange."

"He is simply superman."

Marina looked at Lufa and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Aihara Ryu and George also nodded vigorously: "Superman!!"

Mu Zhimei had adjusted her mentality at this time. Seeing Lufa's heart beating fast, she thanked him 1.8: "Thank you Lufa!"

"It's okay." Lufa shook his head, and then smiled at Mu Zhimei: "Have you recovered? If possible, I will put you down."

Hearing Lufa's words, Mu Zhimei realized that she was still in Lufa's arms.

Seeing this, her pretty face couldn't help but blush, and she said shyly: "No, it's okay.".

Chapter 280 Why is Dark Faust here? ?

Mu Zhimei got down from Lufa's arms, and everyone in the guys saw this scene. Ryu Aihara, George, and Shingo Oshui couldn't help but look at each other, and then a smirk appeared on their faces.

Although Mu Zhimei had not expressed her love before, from this scene, they could not tell that Mu Zhimei definitely liked Lufa.

Just when Aihara Ryu and George were about to tease the beauty of the wood.


A strange wave of energy suddenly formed and swept through everyone in the city where Lufa was.

Almost instantly, everyone couldn't help but look up at the sky, including Lufa, Hi-26 Hino Mirai, and the guys.

"There seems to be something!!" Shingo Masui looked at the sky, frowned, and said in a bad tone.

"You all felt that feeling just now, right?" Aihara Ryuu said seriously.

Zheping narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "It's very much like the fluctuation of high-frequency energy, so powerful that even we can feel it."

"Look at the sky, something seems to be coming out!"

Jinna, Mu Zhimei suddenly exclaimed and said.

Hibino Mirai on the side stared nervously at the sky, then looked at Lufa next to him and whispered: "Senior, what is it!!"

"An unexpected presence."

Lufa looked at the sky, narrowed his eyes, and then answered Hibino Mirai. .

An unexpected presence?

Hibino Mirai was stunned, what is an unexpected existence?

But when Hibino Mirai was in a daze, the sky had changed.


In the eyes of countless people throughout the city, the sky suddenly opened up with a black gap several kilometers in diameter. From the black gap, countless dark energy streams rushed out, and the sky turned black in the blink of an eye.

A crack several kilometers long! ! !

When everyone saw this scene, their scalps couldn't help but tingle!

Could it be a space monster? !

Guys has never seen a terrifying existence that can tear apart space before.

Just when the guys thought it was a space monster appearing, a black light suddenly flew out of the crack and fell to the ground like a meteor.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar.

The entire city felt like a magnitude seven or eight earthquake.

Where the black light fell, a ring of several kilometers of buildings collapsed. At the same time, a wave of air visible to the naked eye spread to the entire city.

Glass exploded and debris flew everywhere.

The terrifying scene made Shingo and others shrink their eyes, nervously seeing the guy emerging from the crack.


The black light gradually converged.

In the sight of the guys, they saw where the black light fell, a giant that looked a bit like a dark Ultra warrior, with a silver and black body and purple eyes, slowly standing up.

When Lufa saw this giant, he narrowed his eyes and was surprised 703!

Because he knew this dark giant, not only knew him, but he was also very familiar with it.

The main thing is.

He was not supposed to be in this world.

Dark Faust!

He was supposed to be one of the villains in the Ultraman Nexus world.

As a result, he ended up in the world of Mebius?

"That's..." Shingo Zakimizu looked at the sudden appearance of the Dark Ultra Warrior, and couldn't help but widen his eyes and said: "Dark Ultra Warrior!!"

"Is this guy the same as the Dark Ultra Warrior from before?"

Aihara Ryu looked at the sudden appearance of Dark Faust and was also surprised.

Chapter 281: Nervous people

Next to them, Kinoomi, Marina, and Hibino Mirai reacted, and they looked at Dark Faust in surprise.

Hibino Mirai came to Lufa and asked softly: "Lufa-senpai, what's going on?"

"how could I know!!"

Lufa looked at Faust and said speechlessly to Hibino Mirai: "I'm not a god, how can I know everything, but it's really strange that this guy appears here."

After Lufa finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Faust. After taking a closer look, it seemed that he was indeed one of the villains in the world of Nexus, Dark Faust!

If you say so.

Dark Faust can only appear by relying on the power of Dark Zaki.

If you travel through time and space, if there is no continuous supply of Dark Zaki's power, you will most likely lose this power.

That is to say.

If a dark Ultra warrior like Dark Faust appears here, is it very likely that Dark Zaki has also come to this world?

If you think about it this way, it's not impossible.

If Dark Zaki appears in the world of Mebius, things will be very serious.

This is an existence that can rival the mysterious Four Noa in the setting.

The strength is absolutely powerful. Even the final Mebius Phoenix Hero may not be able to compete with Dark Zaki, right?

And your own words.

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