
None of them succeeded!

That's right.

Ultraman Lufa seems to have a very simple skill, but Hibino Mirai just didn't perform it.

Apparently, the Ultra Chainsaw is not as easy to master as imagined, and when the Ultra Chainsaw is used, the powerful cutting force, Mebius feels that even Ace's guillotine can't compare to it? ?

Lufa Restaurant.

The guys, Hibino Mirai, are still discussing Lufa's performance at that time.

Lufa lay on the rocking chair, looking at the guys who came in, raised his eyebrows, then put down the newspaper in his hand and walked towards them.

Chapter 275 Ultra Chainsaw? It's very simple!

"Welcome everyone!" Lufa looked at the guys who came over and greeted them with a smile.

When Hibino Mirai saw Lufa, a smile suddenly appeared on her face. She was about to walk over and ask Lufa about the secret of using the Ultra Chainsaw, but before he could take a step, Marina and Mu Zhimei had already walked to Lufa.

"Lufa, long time no see. When I saw you, I felt that the whole world was bright." Marina looked at Lufa with a sweet smile on her face. At the same time, looking at Lufa's handsome face, her heartbeat also accelerated slightly.

After 26 exciting battles with monsters, Marina knew very clearly how beautiful some things are when people are alive.

Mu Zhimei on the side also said: "Lufa, we come to your place for dinner again. This time you will cook for us, right? I feel that except for you, other chefs don't cook as well as you."

Since being saved by Lufa last time, Mu Zhimei's feelings for Lufa have been improving every day through self-attack.

Now Mu Zhimei has completely fallen in love with Lufa.

"Of course there is no problem with this." Lufa smiled. He was very good at cooking, and he usually didn't cook except for guys.


Aihara Ryu, George, Teppei and others who were listening nearby cheered happily when they heard Lufa's answer.

Seeing this, Shingo Sakamizu couldn't help but laugh and said, "Fortunately, Lufa didn't join our guys, otherwise, I feel that the players of our guys would become gluttons."


Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard what Captain Shingo Sakamizu said.

Lufa smiled when he heard this, and asked the waiter to take Shingo Sakamizu and others to the box. On Lufa's side, Hibino Mirai saw that the guys had left Lufa, and he finally had the opportunity to get close to Lufa.

Of course, he would not miss this opportunity, and hurriedly stopped Lufa who was about to go to the kitchen.

"Wait a minute, senior!" Hibino Mirai ran to Lufa, and then looked at Lufa seriously.

Looking at Mebius, Lufa raised his eyebrows and asked, "Mirai, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Hibino Mirai took a deep breath and then expressed his doubts about the Ultra Chainsaw: "Senior, when you were fighting before, you used the Ultra... Ultra Chainsaw, how did you perform it?"


Hearing Hibino Mirai's question, Lufa's face suddenly showed a strange look.

Why did he want to learn the Ultra Chainsaw he created according to Hibino Mirai's words?

Hey, hey!

Are you kidding me?

Thinking of this, Lufa asked Hibino Mirai: "Future, you don't want to learn my Ultra Chainsaw, do you?"

"Yes, I want to learn the Ultra Chainsaw of Senior Lufa." Hibino Mirai nodded seriously, and the image of Ultraman Lufa wielding the Ultra Chainsaw and killing people appeared in his mind, saying: "I feel that your move, the Ultra Chainsaw, is very powerful, and it looks very destructive, so I want to learn it to better deal with monsters. Will you teach me, senior?"

"It's okay to teach you, but such a simple move, can't you figure it out by yourself?" Lufa asked curiously.

"Simple..." Hibino Mirai's mouth twitched when he heard it.

Chapter 276: The Beauty of Marinagi vs. Lufa...

If it was simple, how could he not learn it.

In general, to condense the Ultra Chainsaw, it is not only as simple as condensing the shape, but also to let it carry the power of cutting, otherwise, it is just a mold with light energy, which is useless.

"Okay." Seeing Hibino Mirai's mouth twitching, Lufa knew what was going on, and then he explained to Hibino Mirai how to use the Ultra Chainsaw.

The first thing to pay attention to is the intensity of energy!

Since you want to construct a chainsaw, the energy intensity must be sufficient, and the quality must also be sufficient! !


The cutting power of the Ultra Chainsaw is actually Lufa Ultraman, who attaches it to the Ultra Chainsaw according to the photon sorting of Ace's guillotine and makes it move.

This is how the cutting power of the Ultra Chainsaw is formed.

Lufa's series of explanations directly made Hibino Mirai stay in place, with her eyes wide open, her head empty, and her brain buzzing.

Listening to Lufa's long talk, Hibino Mirai finally felt that her brain was not enough.

Energy intensity, energy quality, and photons have to be sorted, and photons have to move.

What is this? ? ?

Seeing that Hibino Mirai was dumbfounded, Lufa said with a smile: "Let me teach you when I have time. You can also contact yourself according to the method I told you. Maybe you will be able to do it in a while." "

"Uh, okay."

Hibino Mirai finally nodded blankly.

"I'm going to cook." Seeing this, Lufa smiled, turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Hibino Mirai looked at Lufa's back as he walked into the kitchen, then scratched his head and complained, "Is this the difference between geniuses and me? But from Lufa's perspective, he is indeed a genius."

While Lufa and Hibino Mirai were discussing outside.

Inside the box.

At this time, the guys were discussing the attitude of Jinna and Mu Zhimei towards Lufa just now, especially Mu Zhimei. When they walked in front of Lufa just now, they wished they could hang on Lufa.

This scene.

But let Shingo Aishui, Ryu Aihara, George, and Teppei see clearly.

"The food made by Lufa is so delicious, but it's a pity that you can only eat it when you come to this place." Aihara Ryu helplessly covered his stomach, and then said to everyone.

"Lufa went to our guys base last time, and he didn't say he wanted to join." Zheping said with a smile: "¨ˇ Actually, in addition to Lufa joining actively, we can also let Lufa join passively."

"Passive joining?"

What Teppei said made Shingo Gakamizu, George, Ryu Aihara, and Kizumi and Marina stunned.

Shingo Masui asked Zheping curiously: "Team Zheping, do you have any good ideas?"

"Passive joining? How to let Lufa passively join? If Lufa (Zhao's) can join our guys and we can eat Lufa's food every meal, I can fully support it." Aihara Ryu said curiously and made a promise road.

Facing the curious gazes of everyone, Zheping raised the corner of his mouth, then looked at Mariina, and Kizumi smiled and said: "Actually, it's very simple, just use the beauty trap on Lufa. In fact, we can all see that, the members of Marina and Mu The members of Zhimei are actually interested in Lufa, right!”

Chapter 277 Mu Zhimei is shy~~

Marina and Kinomi were stunned for a moment when they heard what team member Teppei said. Then the two women looked at each other, their cheeks gradually turning red.


They showed it so obviously.


What does honey trap mean?

Ryuu Aihara on the side heard this and immediately looked at Mariina with evil intentions. Kizumi smiled and said: "Hey, if you put it this way, the idea proposed by Teppei is indeed a good choice."

As the captain, Shingo Gakamizu even shouted after hearing this: "I feel good about this plan. After all, you really like Lufa. No matter who succeeds in the end, as long as he brings Lufa into our gu700ys and improves the food, This can be regarded as a contribution to our guys and can greatly improve the welfare benefits. ”

After hearing Shingo Gakamizu's words, Kizumi and Mariina wanted to dig a hole and bury themselves in it.

It's really shameful.

How could you say this?

Hibino Mirai immediately laughed when he heard what Teppei said, but when he thought about Lufa's appearance, it seemed that from the beginning, Marina and Kinoumi, the two female teammates, had a good impression of Lufa from the first time they saw him.

Plus a series of previous operations.

They like Lufa, which doesn't seem to be a surprise.


If the two girls knew that Lufa was the Ultra warrior they longed for and admired, their favorability would probably have reached the max. Needless to say, they would have taken the initiative to pursue Lufa.

Being watched by everyone in the guys, Jinna was the first to be unable to resist. She was already relatively thin-skinned.

Jinna subconsciously said: "This, this kind of thing, we should let the members of Mu Zhimei try it first. After all, Lufa was a hero who saved the beauty of member Mu Zhimei before. From that time on, the members of Mu Zhimei should be on Lufa. I secretly like it, I think if the members of the Mizumi team go there, they have a high chance of success.”

After Zhenna said these words, she immediately regretted it.

Because if Mu Zhimei really goes to Lufa to confess, and then Lufa agrees, then Jinna feels that there is no such a good man in the world as Lufa.

Having seen such an outstanding man as Lufa, Jina felt that besides Lufa, it would be difficult for him to like anyone else in the future.

However, the guys didn't know what Jinna was thinking, but they were very excited when they heard Jinna tell her about Mu Zumi's feelings about Lufa.

"Oh, if you put it this way, it seems that the members of Mu Zhimei were very sad for Lufa before. When they came several times, they were the first to go up and say hello. They even wanted to stick up and get into Lufa's arms." Aihara Ryuu said with a smile, staring at Mu Zumi.

"Hahaha, member Mu Zhimei, if you like Lufa, take action as soon as possible while Lufa is single. Otherwise, if Lufa dates another woman, you will regret it later."

George also spoke.

Seeing this, Zheping stared directly at the member Mu Zhimei and said: "Member Mu Zhimei, I suggest you confess your love now, just in time Lufa is here."


Mu Zhimei, who was originally shy, couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this.

When she saw Lufa looking at her with a surprised expression outside the door, her cheeks suddenly turned crimson, like the sunset that was about to set.

Lufa when! !

Oh My God! ! .

Chapter 278 The hero saves the beauty

Mu Zhimei's heart was beating rapidly, and she felt like she would suffocate in the next second.

She never expected that her thoughts would be expressed at this moment.

Seeing this, Ryuu Aihara burst into laughter and said, "That's right, Team Member Kizumi, hurry up and confess your love to Lufa."

At this time, Hibino Mirai also smiled and said to Kizumi: "Member Kizumi, if you like Lufa-senpai, I think now is a good opportunity."

"Confession, confession, confession!!"

Seeing this, Zheping was the first to clap his hands.

Seeing Ryu Aihara and George on the side, they also clapped their hands and shouted to Kizumi.

In the end even Hibino Mirai participated.

Upon seeing this, Shingo Gushui drank his drink with a smile and watched this scene happily.

"I..." Mu Zhimei kept circling the index fingers of her two little hands. Her cheeks were already red, even her ears were so red. Her face was flushed and she looked shy.

He didn't even dare to think about looking at Lu Fa.

He was afraid to see what Lufa's expression looked like now.

"Team Mu Zhimei, do you like me?" Lufa looked at Mu Zhimei and asked curiously.


In full view of everyone, Mu Zhimei couldn't resist the pressure and stood up from her seat. She took a deep breath and said shyly: "You guys are messing around, what are you talking about? Eat. Once you finish eating, we will go back to the base." !”

After Mu Zhimei said that, she quickly ran out of the box.

Guys everyone laughed when they saw this, and then followed Mu Zhimei out of the box.

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