Luffa saw this scene and shook his head helplessly: "Sure enough, even if the energy is restored, the gap in strength is still too big, even if Mebius has become stronger."

Mebius was also a little bit unbelievable.

His strength has become stronger, but he was still crushed by Dark Seven x!

Mebius was buried heavily in the ruins, but the attack of Dark Seven x had not stopped. He directly put his hands together and placed them on the green gem on his forehead.


Aimelim cut the light!

The green light cut through the void and directly hit Mebius under the ruins.

Mebius had just climbed up from the ruins, and the oncoming Aimelim cutting light hit him hard again, exploding a large ball of sparks.

Mebius flew out again.

Every attack was just right, and every attack hit perfectly.

This is the strength of Dark Seven x!

The scene of Mebius being beaten up at the scene looked more impactful than the scene of Mkadanda being solved and the Ultra Warriors being beaten up.

Chapter 266 The nervous crowd!

After all, in the eyes of humans, the Ultra Warriors are the guardians of the earth and should not fail.

However, Mebius has been defeated many times. In the eyes of the guys, Lufa should be the invincible one.


Mebius was kicked away by Sevenx again.

Dark Sevenx seemed to have understood the strength of Mebius. The next moment, his hands began to gather energy and were about to release a beam of light.

Mebius saw this scene and quickly released his Mebius ray.

The two rays of light collided fiercely under the gaze of the guys and the Ultra Brothers.


The void appeared like a small sun.

Lufa looked at this scene and shook his head: "Defeated."

The moment Lufa's voice fell, the concentrated light released by Dark Seven X directly crushed Mebius's Mebius Ray at a high speed, and then hit Mebius who was in the release posture.


Sparks exploded from Mebius.

Mebius was blown away again and fell to the ground. The blue energy core began to flash red again.

In the sky, the Loader and the Wing looked at the fallen Mebius, Marina, Aihara Ryu, and George and clenched their fists.

"Damn it."

"Mebius is no longer good."

"Sure enough, it has to be Lufa, but this Ultra Warrior was summoned by Ultraman Lufa! ! "

The Ultra Brothers also shook their heads slightly when they saw this scene.


They also saw Mebius, so that was the end of it.

After Dark Sevenx blew up Mebius, he looked at Mebius who stood up unsteadily, and just like he did with Mkadanda before, he slowly took off the head dart on his head.

When Mebius saw this scene, his chest rose and fell rapidly, his eyes flashed, and he stared at Sevenx with great anger and a hint of helplessness.

According to the situation, he is likely to do it next!!

Dark Sevenx seemed to enjoy the current atmosphere, and admired Mebius's posture for several seconds. The next moment, his body slowly sank, and then he exerted force on his feet and instantly sprinted towards Mebius.

"Buzz! "

Of course, Mebius couldn't just sit there and wait for death. Looking at the Dark Seven x that was charging at him, he used the Mebius lightsaber with his right hand and chopped down the Dark Seven x that was rushing towards him.


The strong light made everyone at the scene squint their eyes.

When their vision was restored again, they saw that Mebius and Dark Seven x had separated from each other, and Seven x appeared behind Mebius.

"Who won!" Seeing this scene, Shingo Sakamizu couldn't help but guess with his eyes wide open.

"It must be Mebius! "Mei Qixue said expectantly.

However, in fact, he did not believe that Mebius, who was beaten by Dark Sevenx just now, would win under this circumstance.

Loading, on the Wing.

Aihara Ryu, George, and Marina were also holding their breath at this moment, looking at Mebius and Sevenx below.

In the sound of Mebius's energy core ding ding ding.

The next moment Mebius screamed, his whole body softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

Dark Sevenx grabbed the head dart, turned around and looked down at the kneeling Mebius, his red eyes flashing, and the next moment he moved his body, wanting to use his ultimate cutting skill on Mebius (Wang Nuohao) directly!

"¨ˇ No, Mebius! "The guys exclaimed when they saw this scene.

But suddenly, the familiar white light suddenly crossed the void.


The void exploded.

Then, the guys saw Dark Seven X, who was rushing towards Mebius, falling from the void as if he was knocked away by something, and his body moved sideways several steps beside the king.

This posture is the first time since he appeared!.

Chapter 267 Lufa descends like a god!

Seeing the repelled Dark Seven X, whether it is the guys or the Ultra Brothers in the sky, they all immediately looked at the figure emitting white light.

Aihara Ryu looked at Lufa's figure emitting white light, and couldn't help but said excitedly: "Ultraman Lufa, finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Great, Ultraman Lufa is here!"

Marina couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene.

Kinomi also cheered and said, "Yes, Ultraman Lufa is here. As long as Ultraman Lufa is here, no matter how strong that guy is, he will be solved by Ultraman Lufa."

Shingo Sasaki and Yuki Miki, when they saw Ultraman Lufa, they couldn't help but nod happily.

That's right.

As long as Ultraman 693 Lufa appears, all problems can be solved.

But this also made everyone a little confused. Judging from Lufa's situation, isn't this dark Ultraman summoned by Ultraman Lufa?

If it wasn't summoned by Ultraman Lufa, then who made this guy appear?

Although everyone was suspicious, it was obviously not the time to pay attention to this. Ultraman Lufa was the hope of the whole village.

Dark Sevenx, after seeing Lufa attacking him and making him lose face, he immediately became irritable after being blackened.

In his perception, no one could humiliate him, no one.


After stabilizing his body, Dark Sevenx directly rushed towards Ultraman Lufa with his head dart.


A silver light appeared in the air.

But then Dark Seven X was stunned, because he didn't feel that his head dart had a slashing feeling.

In the sight of the guys, Ultraman Lufa seemed to have teleported, his body flashed, and he directly avoided Seven X's attack, and then appeared next to Mebius.

Ultraman Lufa looked at Mebius at his feet, with the energy core flashing on his chest, and stretched out his hand and smiled: "You can still get up."


Mebius was so happy to see Lufa.

He thought that Lufa would not take action this time, and he had to watch him being killed by Dark Seven X.

Ultraman Lufa smiled and said: "Didn't I say it? You can't go up, if there is any problem, leave it to me to solve it."

Mebius grabbed Lufa's hand and stood up again.

And the guys were still shocked by the performance of Ultraman Lufa just now.

"My God, this way of controlling the whole scene and getting rid of this dark Ultraman warrior in an instant is so cool." Marina looked at Ultraman Rufa with admiration.

"I didn't see it clearly just now. I only saw that the dark Ultraman warrior wanted to attack Ultraman Rufa, but the next second, Ultraman Rufa dodged the attack and appeared next to Ultraman Mebius." Kinomi was also surprised.

Aihara Ryu and George on the side, as well as Shingo Sakomi and Miki Yuki on the ground, also had their eyes wide open and were stunned.

This scene was simply too shocking.

Dark Seven x on the side saw that his attack failed, and when he saw Ultraman Rufa appear next to Mebius, he knew that he was fooled.

Damn it! !

"Humph." Dark Seven x reacted for the first time. The hand holding the head dart kept shaking, and then put the head dart back on his head, and then rushed towards Ultraman Rufa and Mebius.

Chapter 268 Ultra Chainsaw Reappears in the Arena! ! !

Mebius saw Seven X rushing over from behind, and immediately reminded Lufa: "Senior, behind!!"

"I know."

Ultraman Lufa nodded gently, then turned and looked at the Dark Seven X rushing over.


Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Dark Seven X, who wanted to attack Ultraman Lufa's fist, was directly blocked by Ultraman Lufa.

The crisp muffled sound made everyone present widen their eyes.

Sure enough!

Ultraman Lufa is so powerful!

If it was Mebius, he would probably have been blown away by the punch of Dark Seven X.

Dark Seven X seemed unable to accept that his full-strength punch was easily caught by Ultraman Lufa, and he wanted to continue to exert force.

But the next second.


A transparent air force blasted out directly from the back of Dark Seven X.

Lufa kicked Dark Sevenx in the abdomen with one foot, and then with a powerful force, Dark Sevenx was thrown out.

"Boom, clatter"

Dark Sevenx, under the stunned gaze of everyone, fell to the ground and slid backwards.

This force made the guys feel scalp tingling and full of security.

Too strong!

Mebius, who was standing aside, was also very excited to see this scene.

Thinking of Dark Sevenx just now, he was so powerful when facing it, but Lufa easily suppressed it in two or three times. This sense of gap is simply amazing! !

"Swish." Dark Sevenx stood up again and looked at Ultraman Lufa angrily.

When Ultraman Lufa saw Dark Sevenx, he seemed to still be unwilling to admit defeat, his eyes flashing, and his laughter suddenly appeared in the ears of Mebius and Dark Sevenx.


"It seems like you are very unconvinced. Although I don't know why you suddenly turned evil, you don't even think about who summoned you."

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