"Since you want to play, I'll play with you."

Ultraman Rufa said, and stretched out his hands.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

The next moment.

Under the attention of the whole audience, light energy gathered.

Looking at this familiar posture and scene, the guys' mouths twitched. Could it be that Ultraman Rufa wanted to make trouble again?

Mebius' eyes also flashed, and his heart twitched.

Sure enough.

In the light condensation.

... ...... ....

A superman-like chainsaw made entirely of light energy appeared in the hands of Ultraman Rufa.

"Buzz!" The chainsaw started to work, and the terrifying roar seemed unstoppable.

"Ultraman Chainsaw!" Ultraman Rufa casually gave his creation a good name.

"Ultraman Chainsaw!!!!!!"

Mebius, as well as the Ultra brothers in the sky, were directly messed up in the wind after hearing this.

Damn it.

The Ultra Chainsaw is ready! ! ! ! !

Ultraman Rufa doesn't care about Mebius or what the Ultra Brothers think. After condensing the Ultra Chainsaw, Rufa rushed directly to Dark Seven x, who was also a little confused...

Chapter 269 Ultra Chainsaw Confused the Four


Amid a series of roars, Rufa Ultraman has already rushed in front of Seven x, and at the same time, the chainsaw in his hand, with terrible cutting power and roars, chopped towards Dark Seven x.

Dark Seven x saw this and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.

The next second.

"Zizizizi." A series of sparks came out from Dark Seven x's hand. The severe pain made Dark Seven x scream "six nine seven" in pain, and his hand subconsciously let go, and Rufa's Ultra Chainsaw fell directly on Dark Seven x.


Sparks flew everywhere.

Dark Seven X was directly chopped and flew out by Ultraman Rufa's chainsaw.


Dark Seven X fell to the ground, covered his hand in pain and screamed twice, his red eyes looked at Ultraman Rufa, the light flashed violently, it looked a bit incredible.

Probably he didn't expect that the Ultra Chainsaw in Ultraman Rufa's hand could cause such terrible damage.

The guys in the distance, plus Mebius, the Ultra Brothers in the sky, saw this scene, and their hearts twitched again.

When Rufa took out this Ultra Chainsaw, they could almost imagine what kind of damage Ultraman Rufa could cause to Seven X.

But I don't know why seeing this scene, the sense of abstraction is still too strong.

It's obviously an extremely handsome Ultra Warrior, but he is waving a chainsaw, a chainsaw, this picture.

The corners of Marina's mouth twitched, and her speechless voice appeared on the radio: "I don't know why, seeing Ultraman Rufa like this, I want to laugh, but I'm also a little speechless. I know that he can definitely solve the monster when he appears, but..."

"Uh..." Aihara Ryu's mouth twitched: "I hope Ultraman Rufa can directly solve this dark Ultraman Warrior. If he does something else, I'm afraid I won't be able to change the feeling of Ultraman in my heart in the future."

George nodded, but he was more open-minded: "No matter what, as long as Ultraman Rufa solves this dark Ultraman Warrior, there will be no problem."

Group # 7!|6,3,4}\u0026'8$ {0"*,1+5!7(%"集团\u0026[8+"5}.*0^{|2".+9_6]|} 5\u00260*,$1Below.

Miki Yuki, Sasui Shingo, and Ki no Mi.

They looked at Ultraman Lufa against Dark Seven X, and began to suppress him as soon as he attacked. However, no matter how Lufa fought, as long as he won, it would be fine...

Therefore, the three of them cheered for Ultraman Lufa directly.

"Come on, Ultraman Lufa!"

"That's right, kill that guy directly."

"As long as Ultraman Lufa appears, I believe that no monster or guy can be your opponent."

No matter what the guys reacted to, Lufa actually didn't care too much.

Now he just wanted to make his fighting style more violent, and then maybe he could get blessed critical hits twice in a row like last time and get two system rewards.

This is cool things.


Dark Seven x got up from the ground and looked at the light electric saw in Lufa's hand warily.

From the attack just now, Dark Seven x could feel the strength of Ultraman Lufa. Even without that strange weapon, Ultraman Lufa's strength was very strong.

Therefore, Dark Seven x was serious.

Grabbing the head dart in his hand, Dark Seven x stared at Ultraman Lufa solemnly.

Seeing this, Ultraman Lufa grabbed the Ultra Chainsaw with one hand, hooked his hand to Dark Seven x and smiled: "Come on.".

Chapter 270 Crazy crush of Dark Seven x!

"Humph." Dark Seven x saw Ultraman Lufa provoking him, snorted coldly, and rushed directly to Ultraman Lufa.

The two sides came into contact instantly, and the chainsaw in Ultraman Lufa's hand chopped at Dark Seven x.

And the head dart of Dark Seven x also hit the Ultra Chainsaw in Lufa's hand fiercely.


Under the gaze of the people around, Ultra Chainsaw and Dark Seven's head dart collided, and terrifying sparks burst out instantly.

And at the time of the collision, the powerful force of Ultra Chainsaw directly suppressed Dark Seven.

"Zizizizi!!" Sparks 26 continued to burst out, and Ultraman Lufa continued to exert force, pressing the Ultra Chainsaw in his hand towards Dark Seven, and laughed: "Your strength is just this? Didn't you show it was very strong just now?"


Dark Seven was provoked by Lufa continuously, and he, who had fallen into darkness, went berserk.

But this was useless.

Dark Seven tried his best, and even more, circles of terrifying energy spread in all directions.

In the shocked eyes of the guys, the city began to collapse layer by layer with circles of energy spreading like ripples, and the earth seemed to be lifted up.

"Oh my God!" Aihara Ryu looked at the place below where Ultraman Lufa and Dark Seven were deadlocked, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"This power is so terrifying!" Marina said in shock.

"This is their true strength, no wonder Mebius can't defeat him!"

George was also shocked.

On the other side, Mebius and the Ultra Brothers also had their eyes shining when they saw this scene.

Ace said: "I'm afraid their strength has far exceeded ours."

"That's right!"

Jack nodded.

Seven said: "I thought his strength was just a little stronger than ours before, and we could deal with him together, but now it seems that my idea was wrong!"

"But from the situation below, Ultraman Rufa still has an absolute advantage!"

The first generation nodded, then stared at Ultraman Rufa and expressed his feelings.

What the first generation said was right.

On the scene.

Even though it seems that Ultraman Rufa is fighting with Dark Seven x with all his strength, in fact, Ultraman Rufa is still at ease, and even the strength of his whole body has not been exerted much.

"Is this all?" Ultraman Rufa, holding the Ultra Chainsaw, suddenly spoke while looking at Dark Sevenx.

"What!" The cold Dark Sevenx suddenly heard Rufa's relaxed tone and looked at Rufa Ultraman in disbelief!

The next moment.

697 In the unbelievable eyes of Dark Sevenx, suddenly a tidal force came from the chainsaw on the head dart.

Before Dark Sevenx could react, the head dart in his hand was blown away by this force.

Swish! Boom!

The head dart fell to the ground and exploded into a piece of soil.

Dark Sevenx stepped back several steps, and then looked at Ultraman Rufa in disbelief.

It was already like that, but Rufa was still at ease, how could it be possible! !

However, without a weapon to counter the Ultra Chainsaw, Dark Sevenx directly made two fingers into a sword and placed it next to the emerald gem between his eyebrows.

Aimelim cut the light!

Boom! .

Chapter 271 Why didn't Lufa solve Seven X? Everyone was puzzled!

The terrible emerald green ray attacked Lufa directly.

However, facing the attack of Emerim's cutting ray, Lufa Ultraman laughed and then raised the Ultra Chainsaw.

Zizizizi! ~

The green ray hit the Ultra Chainsaw in Lufa Ultraman's hand and was directly split into two sides, and countless light particles spread to both sides.

Among the spreading particles, Lufa Ultraman rushed to Dark Seven X with Ultra Chainsaw in hand.



A spark appeared directly on Dark Seven X in the shocked sight of Guys, Mebius, and the Ultra Brothers.

Sparks burst, and there was a painful roar of Dark Seven X.

Lufa Ultraman's chainsaw fell directly on him, exploding a spark line.

The chainsaw in Ultraman Rufa began to swing like a whirlwind, and lines of sparks visible to the naked eye, accompanied by the burst of sparks, continued to appear on Dark Seven x's body.

Even if Dark Seven wanted to block it, the chainsaw in Ultraman Rufa's hand would directly interrupt his actions the moment it touched him.

The guys' eyes widened, and Mebius' eyes were shining.

"Such a powerful Ultraman was completely suppressed by Ultraman Rufa." . "Aihara Ryu took a breath.

"Yes, and it seems that the Dark Ultraman just now should be completely serious, right? But when confronting Rufa head-on, he was no match at all. "Marina also exclaimed.


Sakumi Shingo, Miki Yuki and Kinomi were shocked when they saw Lufa begin to suppress Dark Seven X.

There was no way.

The performance of Dark Seven X just now was too strong. Even though he was suppressed by Lufa just now, he still performed just as well. But now in a head-on confrontation, Lufa suppressed him in one encounter.

Sure enough!

It's just as they thought.

No matter which guy it is, if only Ultraman Lufa appears, then he will definitely not be the opponent of Ultraman Lufa.



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