Chapter 263 Guys team attacks! !

"Senior, if you say so, then I can fight unscrupulously." Mebius's eyes flickered, staring at Severn, and said to Lufa beside him.

next moment.

"Build it!"

Membius moved his body, and amidst the exclamations of everyone in the guys, he actually took the initiative to attack Severnx.

Severn X didn't seem to pay much attention to Membius' attack. After Membius rushed in front of him and punched him, he didn't care at all and had no intention of defending.


There was a soft roar.

Seven's strong body, in the eyes of everyone in the guys' eyes widened, was knocked back several steps by Membius's punch.

You know, even the flames of the centipede monster Mkadanda had no impact on Dark Sevenx. Now, Mebius defeated Sevenx with just one punch?

This is incredible.

Becoming stronger!

Mebius has really become a lot stronger.

Mumbius looked at the Dark Savinx who was able to crush the martial arts monster Mkadanda, but was knocked back by his own punch. He also raised his fist in disbelief and took a look.

"Is this really my power?" Mebius stared at his fist and murmured in disbelief.

However, when Membius was shocked that his strength had become stronger, he didn't know that Sevenx had now shown a slight interest in the prey in front of him.

Dark Seven patted his acquaintance's chest contentedly, and the next moment he walked towards Membius.


Sevenx walked around, and the earth made a heavy roar.

Membius heard the footsteps and reacted immediately, then looked in front of him.

At this time, Sevenx was already standing in front of Membius, and grabbed Membius's face with a huge palm.


Accompanied by a soft sound.

Membius only felt that his head was clamped by a terrible pliers, and the pain made him start to struggle involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards.

Mebius was directly lifted up by Severn x's hand and hung in the air!

Mebius' limbs were struggling in the void.

All around.

Aihara Ryu, Marina, and George on the Loader, Wing, and George were all dumbfounded at this time. The same was true for Shingo Gakamizu, Mikiyuki, and Kizumi below.

··········Ask for flowers·········

"Oh my God!" Aihara Ryuu's eyes widened. This scene was even more terrifying than when Severnx killed Mkadanda.

"Why are you still shocked?!" Mariina reacted and immediately said to Aihara Ryu: "Hurry up and help Mumbius, if this continues, he won't be able to hold on anymore!!"

... ... ... ...

"Yes, quickly, attack this dark Ultra warrior."

George yelled hard and was obviously very shocked. Mebius was actually lifted up by Seven's hand.

The words of the three people immediately received responses from Shingo Osui and Mei Qixue.


The two fighter planes immediately attacked the Dark Seven who was holding Mebius's head and lifting him up.

Two orange rays, containing ultra-high temperature and destructive power, which can even make monsters feel extremely painful, life-threatening rays, hit Sevenx's body! !


Two sparks exploded.

The flames of the explosion temporarily drowned the figures of Sevenx and Mebius.

The guys immediately stared at Severnx who was being attacked! Son.

Chapter 264: Mebius is resurrected with full health!

However, the next second, everyone's eyes widened and their bodies trembled slightly as they looked in the direction of Dark Seven x Ultraman.

I saw that Sevenx was not attacked by them at all, was not injured at all, and was still holding Membius with one hand.

"Ding ding ding." The energy core in Menbius' chest was flashing faster and faster, and he was about to lose energy.

"What kind of power is this? Damn it!"

Mombius kept struggling. Even if he wanted to use "Six Nine Three" to exert force, his body was lifted up in the air, and Mombius had no way to exert force.

Dark Seven looked indifferently at the Loader and Wings in the sky, and then turned his eyes to look at Mebius in his hand.

Immediately afterwards.


Membius was thrown to the ground by Severnx.

Immediately afterwards, Sevenx walked directly to Membius, who was hit on the ground by him, and raised his big foot.

"Bang bang bang"

A series of stampedes echoed throughout the city.

When everyone saw this scene, they gasped.

It’s over! !

Mebius never expected that he had been trampled by Mkadanda before, and now he was trampled by Severnx again. It was incredible!

besides! !

When Membius was mentioned by Seven just now, he had been expecting Lufa, the senior, to take action.

As a result, when he saw him being beaten like this, Senior Lufa didn't even try to save him!

Membius wants to say now, Senior Lufa, if you don’t take action, your lovely junior will be killed!

ah! !

"Build it!!"

Mebius kept rolling on the ground in pain.

I wanted to avoid Dark Seven's stampede, but I didn't have the strength to do so.

"Ding ding ding ding ding!" The energy core in Mebius' chest was flashing faster and faster, almost turning into a long red, which meant that Mebius's last strength was about to be exhausted.

At this moment, the voice that surprised Mebius finally appeared in his ears again.

"Tsk tsk, I asked you to fight, but you beat me like this, stand up." Lufa said to Mebius speechlessly.

"Senior!!" Mebius heard Lufa's voice and thought Lufa was going to attack.

As a result, the next second.

Mebius felt that his originally extremely weak body was gradually becoming stronger because of the recovery of strength...

"My own strength has been restored?" Mebius thought with a little daze.

In the eyes of the guys.

It was a ball of light energy that suddenly fell from the sky and directly sank into Mebius' body.


The flashing red light of Mebius turned directly blue.

Mebius's power has been restored!

However, before everyone could recover from the recovery of Mebius's power, Sevenx's trampling had already landed heavily on Mebius!

Mebius, who was originally happy, was trampled by Sevenx and was beaten back to reality.

"Ah!" Mebius covered his stomach in pain, and after complaining about Lufa in his heart, he quickly used the recovered strength to roll his body, and then 1.8 avoided the trampling of Sevenx.

Stand up again.

Mebius took a deep breath and looked at Sevenx solemnly.

Dark Sevenx, looking at Mebius who was suddenly able to stand up and seemed to have recovered his strength, his red eyes flashed.

Perhaps it was because of surprise that Mebius, who was obviously almost dying, was suddenly resurrected with full blood? .

Chapter 265 Lufa took action? !

The guys on the side, as well as the Ultra Brothers in the sky, saw that Mebius was suddenly hit by a burst of energy. They knew who helped Mebius without thinking.

The Ultra Brothers, who were ready to attack, stopped when they saw Mebius' energy recover.

"Is it Lufa who attacked?" Ace said affirmatively while looking at Mebius.

"Besides him, there are probably no other guys."

Seven nodded.

Jack and the first generation also said.

"It seems that we don't need to attack for the time being."

"Yes, now Mebius' energy has recovered, now it depends on how Mebius fights."



On the Loader and Wing, Aihara Ryu, George, and Marina saw that Mebius' energy had recovered 26, and they cheered happily.

"Mebius is getting better." Aihara Ryu said with a smile.

"Yes, in this case, even if Mebius can't beat him, he can retreat temporarily."

"As an Ultra Warrior, I feel that Mebius will not retreat."

Marina and George also spoke.

Shingo Sakamizuki, Yuki Miki, and Ki Nomi looked at Mebius who was revived with full blood, nodded vigorously, and smiled.

Mebius didn't know the reaction of the crowd, but he knew that once he stood up, everyone would be happy.

Because now only he can defeat the guy in front of him.

"My strength has increased, maybe I can defeat this guy!" Mebius' eyes flashed, looking at Dark Sevenx in a fighting posture, and rushed over with an angry roar.


Mebius rushed, and the next moment he jumped up and flew towards Sevenx.

However, Sevenx was obviously prepared. When Mebius rushed over, he directly kicked Mebius in the abdomen with a side kick.


Mebius flew out and fell heavily to the ground with a roar.

Mebius rolled on the ground and struggled to stand up immediately.

But just as he stood up, Dark Sevenx had already walked to his side. The moment Mebius stood up, he grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and the next moment Mebius felt himself flying out.


Sparks burst, and Mebius hit a building and exploded directly.

Countless reinforced concrete flew everywhere.

"Mebius!" Seeing this scene, the guys couldn't help but worry.

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