They thought Sevenx was powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so strong. Facing Mkadanda's fire attack, they didn't even feel a little bit afraid, and even faced it head-on without being hurt.

Aihara Ryu exclaimed: "Oh my God, this Ultra Warrior is so strong!"

"Yes, when faced with this monster's flame attack, I didn't even have the slightest thought of defense. I just stood there and was unscathed." Mariina also said in surprise.

Shingo Shimizu clenched his fist hard, and then nodded: "Such a powerful Ultra warrior must have been summoned by Lufa."

In the sky.

The Ultra Brothers 26 were also slightly surprised when they saw Severn x's performance.

"Sure enough, the strength is very strong." Severn nodded, looking at Severn x and said a little surprised.

"It shouldn't take long for him to deal with this monster."

"Yes, with such a strong strength, I'm afraid even if the four of us come together, we can only barely contend."

Ace and Jack also spoke.

Mkadanda, who attacked Sevenx, was a little surprised when he found that his invincible fire attack was actually defended by Sevenx.

After all, this is a super-high-temperature flame. Even Mkadanda, the centipede monster that shoots the flame itself, has to dodge if it faces his own attack.

This guy actually resisted.

Mkadanda understood that the guy in front of him was not at the same level as the Membius just now.


Mkadanda stopped spraying flames.

Upon seeing this, Sevenx patted his chest and signaled to Mqadanda that this is it?

Seeing this, Mkadanda roared angrily, "If breathing fire doesn't work, then use a whip."


There was a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, and he drew towards Seven.

However, in the next second, Severn reached out and grabbed the whip that Mkadanda had drawn in his hand.

Sevenx looked at the whip in his hand, his eyes flashing, and then he grabbed the whip with his other hand. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he started to exert force on both sides.



Accompanied by a burst of sparks.

In front of everyone's surprised gazes, Sevenx abruptly broke Mkadanda's whip.

"Roar" Mkadanda let out a shocking roar of pain.

"Hiss!" Aihara Ryuu widened his eyes when he saw this scene: "Oh my god, what a powerful force!"

"Well done."

George nodded vigorously.

In the sky.

The Ultra brothers were slightly surprised when they saw this scene.

It seems that Severn X's defense is not only terrifying, but his strength is also mind-numbing.

You know, the toughest part of Mkadanda's body is the whip in his right hand, otherwise he would not attack with the whip.

But such a tough whip was torn off by Sevenx.

Mkadanda retreated in pain!

Seeing this 690 scene, Severn X didn't waste any more time, just threw away the whip in his hand, and the next moment he took it to his head with his right hand.


With a soft sound, there was a head dart in Sevenx's hand.

In the sky, Seven's eyes flashed when he saw this scene, and he secretly said in his heart: "I must kill him!"

Sure enough, the moment the idea appeared in Seven's mind, Seven's body sank slightly, and before anyone could react, his body instantly cut through the void.


It was like a blade cutting through a piece of tofu.

Sevenx held the head dart and was already standing behind Mkadanda.

As for Mkadanda, his whole body froze in place for a second, and then immediately broke into two halves and fell to both sides, making a roar.

Chapter 261 A head dart like a halo!

The scene where Savin

In addition to Ultraman Seven who knew from the beginning what Seven was going to do when he took the head dart, and Lufa who knew Seven's strength.

Everyone else stared blankly at Sevenx with the black and silver body lines!

Guys, Loading, George on the Wing, Ryu Aihara, and Marina, they looked at Sevenx standing quietly holding a head dart, their eyes widened! !


Centipede Monster Mkadanda! sudden!

The explosion of flames depicts the current dark Sevenx, like an undefeated god of war.

"Oh my God, this monster... is so strong!!" Mariina sat behind Aihara Ryu, looking at Severnx below, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ryu Aihara nodded vigorously: "Yes, he actually killed the monster with one sword. His performance can be compared to Ultraman Lufa."

"It's simply too strong."! "

George piloted the Flying Wing and spoke to Aihara Ryuu, Marina and the others on the radio with great excitement and joy.

Below, Shingo Shui, Mei Qixue, and Mu Zhimei looked at Severn, their eyes widened, and they exclaimed.

"Strong, powerful Ultra Warrior!"

"As expected of the existence summoned by Ultraman Lufa, he is powerful."

"Such a powerful Ultra warrior must be so powerful only one summoned by Lufa."

In the void.

Severn looked down at the almost perfect Severn

Hearing Severn's words, Jack, the first generation, and Estus on the side nodded slightly.

Obviously he agrees with Severn's statement.

The Severn

They didn't know where Lufa summoned the Ultra warriors. They were so powerful that they had never seen them before.

The same was true for the previous Ultraman Orb.

There are also some powerful monsters, evil Ultra Warriors!

And when everyone was shocked that Savin Staring at the two fighter planes hovering in mid-air.

The Loader, Aihara Ryu, Marina and George in the Wings had no idea that danger was approaching them.

Everyone praised him.

Sevenx, who was motionless at first, suddenly started to move.

In an instant, Seven's actions attracted the attention of the audience.

Lufa crossed his arms and looked at Seven, then narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled at Membius lying next to him: "¨ˇ That guy seems to be a little out of control. After solving the monster without a target, he prepared to attack the target. Turned to guys."

When Menbius heard this (Wang Nuohao), he was startled: "What!!"

The moment Mebius reacted, Severn X grabbed the head dart without putting it back on his head. It cut through the void in an instant, and with fierce cutting power, it shot towards the Loader and Flying Wing in the sky. past.


The head dart rotates rapidly, like a black light wheel.

The sudden scene made no one of the guys, including Shingo Oshui, Mikiyuki, Marina, Ryu Aihara, and George, react.

Chapter 262 The Shock of the Ultra Brothers

Even the Ultra brothers in the sky couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

"What! Not good!" Seven couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Jack, the first generation, and Ace were also horrified when they saw this scene.

"He actually attacked humans."

"Isn't this the dark Ultra warrior summoned by Ultraman Lufa?"

"Impossible, why would you attack humans?"

The Ultra brothers immediately wanted to help, but the strength of Dark Seven was too strong, and coupled with the sudden attack, even they, as Ultra brothers, were unable to catch up.

After receiving Lufa's tip, Membius had already taken the lead in knowing that Severn Shengsheng stood up on his knees and fired a luminous bomb.


The Mebius light bomb hit the black light wheel shot by Sevenx, and a violent explosion occurred in mid-air.

This scene also made Ryuu Aihara, George, and Mariina, who thought they were finished, couldn't help but look in the direction of Mumbius. The Ultra brothers in the sky also looked at Mumbius in surprise.

"Membius!" Mariina exclaimed.

"It was Mebius who saved us!"

"Sure enough (cgbi) only Mebius is the real savior!"

Aihara Ryu, George also exclaimed.


Shingo Kasui, Mikiyuki, Marina, and Teppei in the base all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

They looked at Mebius and nodded in gratitude.

"Fortunately, there is Mebius."

"That's right!!"

Sevenx saw that he was planning to destroy the Loader and the Flying Wing's head dart, but after being shot down by Membius, he directly summoned the head dart and put it back on his head, and then looked at Membius.

Membius held on to his body, the energy core in his chest flashed rapidly, and he looked at Dark Seven stubbornly and said: "I will never let you hurt everyone at will. If you want to destroy the city and hurt human beings, you must get through me first. ”

Mebius gasped heavily, and then slowly stood upright.

this moment.

The quality of Mebius was recognized by the entire audience.

He is now a true Ultra Warrior, a qualified and mature Ultra Warrior.

In the sky, when the Ultra brothers saw this scene, they couldn't help but nod their heads, looking at Mebius with great excitement.

Mebius finally grew up.

However, Dark Seven doesn't care whether you truly become an Ultra Warrior or not.

The blackened Sevenx has only one thought in his head now, which is to destroy all enemies and everything that seems to threaten his existence.

And Mebius obviously meets these two conditions, so Sevenx directly targeted Mebius!

Lufa looked at Membius, not afraid of life and death, facing Severn's face, and nodded. His voice appeared in Membius's ear and said: "Don't worry and fight, I will take care of everything."

Lufa's voice made Mebius's body tremble.

Mebius, who was still a little worried, immediately let go.

From the moment he stood up, Mebius felt that his power was continuously pouring out of his body.

Even though the red light was flashing, Membius still felt that he still had the strength to fight.

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