Chapter 257 Mebius: Brother and the others are here!

"Ultra Warrior!" When the guys saw Seven X, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

They thought that the guy summoned by Ultraman Lufa this time would be a monster, but they didn't expect it to be another Ultra Warrior, and an Ultra Warrior they had never seen before.

But thinking of the previous Ultra Warriors summoned by Ultraman Lufa, they were very powerful.

They were not worried at all that the guys summoned by Ultraman Lufa could not deal with the monsters.

Mebius also saw Seven X, and said to Lufa beside him with a gleam in his eyes: "Brother Seven, no, it's Seven, but not Brother Seven."

Mebius said, looking at Lufa beside him and asking.

690  "Senior, this Ultra Warrior is!!"

"Ultraman Seven X is the perfect image of Ultraman Seven." Lufa did not hesitate to explain Seven X to Mebius directly.

"Brother Seven's perfect image, if you put it that way, it does look perfect, whether it's his body shape, temperament, or the aura of strength he seems to exude." Mebius nodded, looking at Seven X with a hint of yearning in his tone.

However, when everyone on the scene and the guys were shocked, the Ultra Brothers installed in various parts of the world sensed the aura of Seven X at this time.

Almost for a moment, they were all stunned.

"Seven's aura, but isn't Seven by our side?" Go Hideki looked at Zhu Xingtuan beside him a little confused and said.

Hayata Susumu said: "Could it be that Ultraman Rufa summoned another Seven?"

Zhu Xingtuan heard this and said with interest: "If so, it's not impossible. If Ultraman Rufa summoned another me, then I'm a little interested in taking a look."

Hokuto Seiji nodded: "Another Seven? Let's go and take a look."

Zhu Xingtuan, Hayata Susumu, and Go Hideki nodded.

Then, all four Ultra Brothers transformed into Ultra Warriors and flew in the direction where Seven X exuded aura.

The Ultra Brothers were traveling very fast. It took only a dozen seconds for them to reach the direction of Seven X and the centipede monster Mkadanda.

At the same time.

They also saw Seven X, who was emitting the breath of Seven, and Mebius who fell to the ground.

Lufa and the others also saw it.

However, the eyes of the four Ultra Brothers fell on Seven X at the first time.

Seven X's appearance similar to Seven shocked the first generation, Jack, Ace, and Seven.

"It's really Seven!" The first generation looked at Seven X with shining eyes and said in shock.

"No, it can be said to be Seven, but it's not Seven at all." Ace nodded, and then denied the first generation's words.

Jack on the side said: "This breath, this look, is it the posture of Seven after you evolve?"

After Jack finished speaking, the first generation and Ace looked at Seven on the side.

Seven's eyes flickered when he heard this, and then he shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I can be sure that the guy's strength is much stronger than mine!!"

Just when the four Ultra Brothers were shocked by the appearance of Seven X.

Mebius also sensed the breath of the Ultra Brothers, and he said to Lufa, "My brother is here."

"I know."

Lufa folded his hands, looked at the place where the four Ultra Brothers appeared and nodded.

Chapter 258 The Change of Seven X!

What's so strange about this? After all, when Seven X appeared, his breath would definitely attract the attention of the Ultra Brothers immediately.

But this is just right, after all, Lufa wanted to let everyone see how powerful Seven X is.

"Seven X, do it." Lufa gave an order to Seven X.

But the next second, Lufa was slightly surprised.

Because Seven X did not obey his order, but in his slightly surprised eyes, a black light suddenly appeared on his body, and the next moment a black light instantly rushed into the sky.


The black beam of light shook the earth.

In the sky, the guys looked at Seven X, who suddenly burst into black light, and they were all confused.

"What's going on? What does this Ultra Warrior want to do?" Mu Zhimei looked at Seven X and said in a surprised tone on the radio.

"The black light, isn't it going to be blackened?" Marina frowned and said with a bad feeling.

"Hey, don't say such things."

Aihara Ryu's face changed when he heard this, and he immediately wanted to refute Marina's words.

After all, often at this time, the more you don't want something to happen, the more it will happen.

This kind of flag-raising thing is a taboo.

When Shingo Sakamizumi and Miki Yuki saw the black beam of light, they also felt bad in their hearts.

Generally speaking.

Black represents ominous and villains.

However, thinking that this Ultra Warrior was summoned by Ultraman Lufa, everyone could only suppress their doubts in their hearts.

In fact.

They didn't know that Seven X was summoned by Lufa.

Because the previous two times, Ultraman Lufa summoned Ultraman or monsters, so they subconsciously thought it was Ultraman Lufa who summoned them.

In the sky.

The first generation, Jack, Ace, and Seven, all four pairs of eyes flickered when they saw Sever X suddenly erupting into a black beam of light.

"The breath of darkness!!" Severn said solemnly.

"What's going on!" Ace also said solemnly, "Why did it turn into darkness all of a sudden?"

"Did something else happen before we came?"

Jack, the first generation also guessed.

But while everyone was speculating, Severn X's dark energy had already been released.

··········Ask for flowers·········

I saw that his body color, which was originally the same as Severn, had completely turned into black skin, white lines, and scarlet eyes. Compared to the strong and sharp one just now, he had more evil and cold murderous intent.

If the previous Severn X was invincible and powerful!

So now this Severn X is the representative word of fear, evil, and darkness.


"Ho ho ho!" Mkadanda had always felt the huge threat coming from Severn X. Now that Severn .


Seven X also made a sound similar to a beast's roar.

The huge sound wave directly made Mkadanda, who was roaring continuously, take several steps back in fear.

Membius looked at the blackened Seven X, looked at Lufa and said, "Senior, why did you make this Ultra Warrior black?"

"I said I didn't know either. Do you believe me?"

Lufa looked at Severn X, frowned slightly, and then explained to Mebius beside him.

"What!" Mebius was stunned. Sevenn X was summoned by you, Senior Lufa, and you didn't even know about it? Son.

Chapter 259 The terrifying power of Seven X!

"Senior, you're not kidding me, are you?"

Membius was lying on the ground and had not yet stood up, so his huge lantern eyes looked at Lufa, and a confused voice appeared in his mind.

"Just telling the truth." Lufa shrugged, with a look of helplessness on his face, but finally he looked at Seven X and said: "But since that guy was summoned by me, if there is any problem later, I will solve it of."


"All right."

Hearing this, Membius had no choice but to nod his head helplessly.

In Lufa, when the Ultra brothers were shocked that Severn

Aihara Ryu looked at Mariina and said speechlessly: "I asked you not to say anything about the flag. It's fine now!!"

"That Ultra Warrior has really turned dark."

Mu Zhimei looked at Seven X with wide eyes, and said with a bit of discomfort and fear.

Unlike other Ultra warriors, the now blackened Seven X has an aura that gives people an unparalleled sense of evil, as if he can easily overturn the entire world.

Shingo Shimizu looked solemn: "Be careful, if anything happens, we will leave immediately!"


George, everyone nodded after hearing this.


In his own world, Severn X has killed countless weak monsters like this.

How dare this guy scream at him.

Looking for death!

"Roar" Seven X roared, and then walked towards the centipede monster Mkadanda step by step.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately paid attention.

Although Severn

Now it's time to deal with the monsters.

I don’t know how Severn X will deal with the monsters and how long it will take to destroy them.

In front of everyone's attention, Mkadanda saw Saiwenx walking towards him, and he also roared and rushed towards Saiwenx.

The bodies of Severnx and Mkadanda collided together, and there was a roar...

However, at the moment when the body collided, Mkadanda clearly knew how terrifying Sevenx's strong body was.


Mkadanda was knocked back by Severnx, but Severnx didn't even stagger.

"Roar?" Mkadanda roared in surprise. The next moment, at close range, he breathed fire directly at Severnx.


The terrifying flames, carrying the temperature enough to burn everything, enveloped Severnx.

If Membius were to withstand this fire attack, he would be directly injured.

However, the next moment, in the surprised eyes of the guys, Membius, and the Ultra brothers, Sevenx actually faced the attack of 1.8 Mkadanda, without any intention of avoiding it.

In this way, under their gaze, he endured Mkadanda's flame spray.


Sparks exploded from Sevenx.

There were still no marks on Severn's strong chest, and the flames fell on his skin as if blown by the wind.

Seeing this scene, all the guys' eyes widened.

Chapter 260: Dismemberment! ! !

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