Mkadanda was blown away again, and Membius also took advantage of this time to directly fight Mkadanda in close combat.


Mkadanda has fire and whip attacks, and Membius needs a little time to use other light skills, so he is not advantageous.

And the words "690" for close combat.

Mebius will have development opportunities.

However, it was good for Mombius to think so, but this time when he got close to the centipede monster Mkadanda, Mkadanda also began to abandon other attack methods and concentrate on fighting him at close range.

In this way, Mumbius and Mkadanda were in a stalemate.

far away.

Guys Ryu Aihara, George and Kizumi, when they saw this scene, they couldn't help clenching their fists and paying close attention to the battlefield nervously.

"Membius, this time he can fight this monster head-on." Aihara Ryuu said in surprise.

"That's right, if this continues, maybe we can deal with the monsters by ourselves without Ultraman Lufa." George also nodded vigorously.

As for Mu Zhimei and Mariina, they looked at Mebius and cheered for them in their hearts.

Lufa watched the attacks of Mebius and the centipede monster Mkadanda from a distance, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "Yes, fighting this monster like this has made a lot of progress."


"Didn't that guy Membius notice that his attack power was weakening?"

"Obviously, that guy knows that he can't be defeated for the time being, and may even be killed if he gets angry, so he has always shown that he can handle it."

"Once Mebius' power weakens, then..."

Lufa murmured to himself, and his eyes reflected the figures of the centipede monster Mkadanda and Mkadanda fighting. From the middle, Mkadanda and Mkadanda seemed to be evenly matched, Lufa had already guessed it. .


Next, Membius continued to fight Mkadanda hand to hand.

As for the guys, seeing Membius gradually gaining the upper hand and even beginning to suppress Mkadanda, they began to smile and get excited.

Mebius, like Lufa, has begun to find that no matter how much force he uses, Mkadanda seems to be able to withstand it.

Membius also wants to quickly deal with Mkadanda, and now he has used a lot of power.


Membius punched Mkadanda on the body, but the imagined situation of Mkadanda retreating did not appear. Instead, Mkadanda remained motionless...

Sensing this situation, Membius was shocked, and then looked at Mkadanda in front of him in disbelief.

At this time, Mkadanda finally showed his fangs.

"Roar" an excited roar roared out of Mkadanda's mouth.

next moment.

I saw the whip in his right hand, swinging towards Mebius with terrifying speed and power.

If it were before, Mebius would definitely be able to dodge this whip attack.

However, now that Membius has consumed too much power, even though he can clearly see the attack trajectory of the whip, he can only watch the whip fall on him.



A ball of sparks exploded!

Membius screamed in agony, and was thrown away while everyone in the guys looked at him in shock.


Membius fell to the ground and exploded into a large piece of dirt.

And Mebius fell to the ground, and the energy core in his chest could no longer maintain its full blue color, but turned red, and was still making ding-dong, ding-dong sounds.

The situation is critical! ! .

Chapter 255: Mebius was actually knocked away? ? ?

"How is that possible!" Mu Zhimei looked at Mebius who was whipped away by Mkadanda, and exclaimed in disbelief.

Mariina also widened her eyes and said in surprise: "Membius was knocked away unexpectedly. How could it be possible? The monster was clearly killed just now."

"That's right!"

Aihara Ryu nodded, looked at Mkadanda, and then looked at Mumbius in disbelief.

George's eyes flickered, looking at Mkadanda who was roaring proudly, frowning and said: "Did that guy must have been consuming Mumbius's physical strength before?"

"What! How is it possible? He is a monster. How could he have such a battle plan?" Zheping 26 heard what George said on the radio and immediately retorted in disbelief.

"Although I don't believe it either, this is the fact!" George shook his head helplessly, but he still felt that he was right.

At this time, Shingo said: "No matter what the situation is, hurry up and help Mebius. We are also guys, a member of the people who protect the earth. We can't just watch the Ultra Warriors being knocked down and just wait to die."


In fact, even if Shingo Kasui didn't say anything, the guys would also think of ways to help Mebius when they saw this scene.

It's just that if they want help, it depends on the situation.

George piloted the Flying Wing and looked for attack opportunities in the sky, while Ryu Aihara and Marina on the Loader also watched nervously.

At this time.

Seeing Mumbius being blown away by him, Mkadanda roared proudly, then took steps and walked to Mumbius with a loud bang.

next moment.

"Boom boom boom boom"

I saw Mkadanda landing on Mumbius.

Suddenly there was a huge roar on the ground, and at the same time the whole city seemed to be exploding, as if a magnitude seven or eight earthquake had occurred.

"Quick, take advantage of this moment to help Membius." Shingo Shisui saw that Mkadanda's attention was all on Membius, and then immediately ordered the Flying Wing and the Loader to attack Mkadanda. attack.


Aihara Ryu, George, and Marina heard the words, responded, and immediately controlled the fighter planes to attack the centipede monster Mkadanda.

The laser passed through the air before hitting Mkadanda.

Sparks exploded on Mkadanda.

"Roar" Mkadanda was caught off guard by the attacks of Guys Loader and Flying Wing.

Staggering in his steps, Mkadanda was directly knocked down by the laser.


Mkadanda landed on Membius and exploded into a cloud of dirt.

Seeing this, Membius wanted to struggle, but after enduring a series of tramples from Mkadanda, and coupled with severe physical exhaustion, he had almost reached his limit.

He wanted to stand up, but he didn't have the strength!

690 in the sky.

Ryu Aihara and Marina on the Loader, as well as George on the Wing, saw themselves knocking down Mkadanda. They were celebrating excitedly and at the same time looking to see if Mumbius stood up.

But when they looked at Mumbius, Mumbius was still lying on the ground without moving.

This puzzled them.

"Mumbius, why, why doesn't he stand up yet!" Ryuu Aihara looked at Mumbius, a little nervous, and said hurriedly.

After all, they just knocked down the monster and bought Mebius some time.

Jinna shook her head: "I don't know, has Mumbius's power been exhausted?".

Chapter 256 Summon Seven X!

"how come!"

George's eyes widened, he looked at Membius and said, "Hurry up, Membius."


Mu Zhimei and Meiqixue also became nervous when they looked at Mebius who fell to the ground.

However, even if Mkadanda stood up again, Mumbius still could not stand up from the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed.


But just when guys thought things were going to be bad, Lufa stood in the ear of Mebius.

Looking at Membius' figure, Lufa smiled and said: "You have to observe more carefully next time in the battle."


Mebius lay on the ground, looking at Lufa who appeared next to him, his tone could not help but be surprised.

"You have to rely on me every time. When I leave this world, what will you do on your own!" Lufa shook his head funny!

"I have worked hard to become stronger. This time... I have to trouble senior again." "When Membius heard this, his tone was broken and he spoke weakly and helplessly.

Lufa shrugged and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to take action anyway!"

Hearing this, Membius breathed a sigh of relief.

next moment.


A ball of green light suddenly fell from the sky.

When they saw this ball of light, guys, Mkadanda, and the entire audience were immediately attracted to it.


The green light fell on the ground, and a huge cloud of dust suddenly exploded.

With such a majestic and domineering appearance, the eyes of Mu Zhimei, Meiqixue, and Shingo Oshui in the sky and on the ground couldn't help but widen slightly.

Mei Qixue said: "Is it Ultraman Lufa?"

"Ultraman Lufa is a white light, and this is a green light. Is it the same as before, is it a powerful monster summoned by Ultraman Lufa, or an Ultra Warrior?" Shingo Osui shook his head, and then answered Meiqixue's question.

"That's right, it shouldn't be Ultraman Lufa." Mu Zhimei nodded vigorously, looking in the direction of the dust blown up by the green light, her eyes flashing.

In the sky.

Aihara Ryu, Marina and George from the Loading and Wings were also guessing.

Their situation was the same as Shingo's, they all felt that this green light was not Ultraman Rufa.

Because Ultraman Rufa is white light.

Membius also slowly started from the ground at this moment, and then looked at the place where the green light fell, his eyes flickering, and asked Lufa beside him: "¨ˇ Senior Lufa, you... don't you fight on your own? ? What you summoned this time is..."

"A guy who could be said to be your brother."

Lufa crossed his arms, looked in the direction that was still emitting green light, and said with a smile.

Mebius: "?"

Finally, under the spotlight, a strong body gradually appeared in their sights.

He has the same appearance as Ultraman Seven, but (Wang Nuo's) entire appearance has three or four circles, and the muscles on his body are clearly defined, making him look full of strength.

Different from Severn's somewhat peaceful aura, the figure that appeared was many times more violent than Severn.

He looks like a warrior born for battle!

Seven X Ultraman!

The super powerful Ultra Warrior who appears in Ultraman Seven The Movie!

TV has never been defeated, and it almost always crushes monsters unilaterally! ! .

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