On the Phoenix, two attack beams streaked through the air and directly hit Mkadanda, who was about to destroy a building.


Accompanied by the burst of sparks, Mkadanda roared in pain.

"Roar" Mkadanda was attacked and immediately looked up at the sky.

When he saw the Phoenix attacking him, he roared angrily at the Phoenix in the sky.

"Haha, this monster looks a bit stupid." George, on the Phoenix's extension, the Flying Wing, looked at Mkadanda from the cockpit and laughed out loud.

"Be careful, don't be careless, those monsters that couldn't fly before can easily shoot us down." . "Marina reminded George.

Aihara Ryu nodded: "That's right, we can't crash again this time. If we crash, there will be no way to stop the monster. The monster destroyed the manager's restaurant, and we won't be able to eat such delicious food in the future. "

George and Marina nodded repeatedly upon hearing this.


This is a big taboo regarding eating.

However, just when Aihara Ryu, George, and Marina were planning to properly control the Phoenix and find an opportunity to deal with the monster, they did not have time to continue the second attack.

Mkadanda, who had been roaring at the Phoenix, suddenly roared again. The next moment, in the wide eyes of Aihara Ryu, Marina, and George, a terrifying flame suddenly tore through the void and attacked their Phoenix.

"Not good!" Aihara Ryu screamed and immediately said to Marina and George: "Quick, Phoenix detach!"

As Aihara Ryu said, the Phoenix, which was originally flying in the sky, immediately began the separation mode.

Loader and Wing began to speed in the sky.


Misaki Yuki looked at the separated Phoenix and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Almost, what are those guys doing? Such an obvious attack just now was almost attacked. "

And Shingo Sakumimi, Hibino Mirai, and Kimino Miku, who were evacuating the crowd, saw that the Phoenix was not attacked, and their hearts were relieved.

"¨ˇ Roar" Mkadanda saw that his attack did not hit the Phoenix, and he roared even more angrily.

The next moment.

Mkadanda began to wave his right hand, and a long whip suddenly spun like a windmill.

The violent wind directly caused the Loader and the Wing in the sky to shake violently, and they were unstable and looked like they were about to crash.

Ryu Aihara, Mari (Wang Qian Zhao) Nai, and George, who had just escaped a disaster and had no time to be happy, sensed the uncontrolled fighter plane and their faces suddenly changed.

Oh my god!

When Hibino Mirai saw this scene, there was a trace of surprise on her face, and then her eyes focused and she raised her left hand directly.

"Buzz! "

The aura of Mebius appeared on Hibino Mirai's left hand.

As Hibino Mirai slid the aura of Mebius, a halo of characters representing infinite meaning appeared from the sky.


Chapter 252 Are monsters so smart now???

Mebius made a flying kick in the air and directly kicked down the centipede monster Mkadanda, who was swinging the whip and creating a whirlwind.


Mkadanda was kicked hard to the ground by Mebius, and a roar exploded directly, blowing up a large piece of soil.

"Roar" Mkadanda roared in pain.

Without the whirlwind created by Mkadanda, the shaky loading number and the flying wing were out of control and soared in the sky.

On the flying wing, George looked at Mebius and said in surprise: "Sure enough, it was Mebius who saved us again."

"Yes! "

Aihara Ryu nodded happily.

Marina smiled and said, "Every time we are in danger, Mebius will come to save us. The next step is to fight against monsters. It's a pity that every time we fight against monsters, Mebius can't win. In the end, Ultraman Rufa has to show up and take action."

Aihara Ryu, George was helpless when he heard this.

"There's nothing we can do. Mebius can check and balance monsters, but it can't defeat them."

"That's right, if Mebius also has the strength to defeat monsters, then Ultraman Rufa probably won't have to work so hard and have to suppress the situation every time. "

Mebius didn't know what Aihara Ryu, George and Marina said at this moment. If (cgbi) knew, I wonder if he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

What do you mean Mebius doesn't have the strength to defeat monsters!

It's just that these monsters will become stronger every time. If it is the monsters that appeared at the beginning, Mebius can guarantee that he can definitely defeat the opponent this time.

But unfortunately, Mebius didn't know.

After seeing the Loader and the Wing fly away safely, Mebius nodded slightly, and then looked at the fallen Mkadanda.

"Roar" The centipede monster Mkadanda roared, and the next moment he stood up again from the ground.

Seeing this, Mebius immediately took a fighting stance.

"Get it! "Mebius' eyes flickered, and he looked at Mkadanda vigilantly.

When Mebius saw that Mkadanda did not attack, he prepared to attack.

The next second.

"Boom, sizzle" Mkadanda suddenly opened before Mebius could react, and a spark sprayed out.

Mebius' body shook, and he was about to cast the Ultra Barrier to resist the flames sprayed by Mkadanda.

But the next second.


A whip hit Mebius unexpectedly.

Mebius staggered, and when he wanted to defend against Mkadanda's flames, it was too late.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of the guys, Mkadanda's flames hit Mebius' chest.


A huge ball of sparks exploded.

Mebius was blown away by the impact of the explosion.

"Boom boom" Mebius knocked down a building, and concrete, steel and rubble flew all over the sky.


Shingo Sakomizu, Miki Yuki and Kinomi below, George, Aihara Ryu and Marina on the loading ship and the flying wing in the sky widened their eyes when they saw this scene.

Mkadanda's attack just now was so flexible that he knew to attack and interfere when Mebius was preparing to defend.

This caused Mebius to be unable to defend and was blown away.

Are the monsters now so smart? .

Chapter 253 Mebius looking for a chance to counterattack!!

Mebius stood up from the collapsed building. He looked at Mkadanda who had just launched a series of attacks on him. His eyes flashed and he couldn't believe it.

He didn't expect that this monster was so smart. When attacking him, it would attack from the side, causing him to be hit directly.

However, although the fire attack just now hit Mebius, Mebius is in good condition now and will not be seriously injured.

"Ah!" Mebius stood up again, looked at the centipede monster Mkadanda, and took a fighting posture again with vigilance. It seems that his previous view of monsters has to change again.


The centipede monster Mkadanda roared when he saw Mebius taking a fighting posture towards him. He seemed to be very disdainful of Mebius.

In the sky.

The guys saw that Mebius could still stand up and was not defeated by Mkadanda's attack. They were relieved and cheered for Mebius.

"Come on, Mebius. This time, you don't need to rely on Ultraman Rufa. You have to deal with the monster by yourself."

"That's right. If you always rely on others, if that person is gone one day, you can only rely on yourself."

"Mebius is also working hard to become stronger. This time, I believe he can defeat the monster."

Marina, Kinomi, Aihara Ryu, and Sasui Shingo all looked at Mebius expectantly.

"Go ahead."

Mebius shouted again, and then shot a palm light bullet directly at Mkadanda.


In the void, a light bullet flew through the void, and then under Mkadanda's gaze, it hit him directly.


Sparks burst.

The explosion directly made Mkadanda retreat several steps in a row.

Mebius took advantage of this gap and did a somersault and landed in front of Mkadanda.

And then.

Mebius clenched his fist and punched Mkadanda directly.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Mkadanda roared in pain, and his body, which was already retreating, was hit back again by Mebius.

However, Mkadanda did not just bear the attack. When Mebius knocked him away, Mkadanda swung out the whip in his right hand.

Seeing this, Mebius turned sideways and avoided the whip from Mkadanda.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Mkadanda's whip hit the place where Mebius had just stood, and immediately exploded a piece of soil, forming a big pit.

The guys gasped when they saw this scene.

Sure enough, the power of the monster is terrifying.

If this whip hit them, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have the chance to react, and would directly become minced meat on the ground.

... ..... ....

Or maybe there wouldn't be a single intact part of their body.

Mebius also saw the destructive power of Mkadanda's whip, but Mebius had already tried the power of Mkadanda's whip just now.

"Roar." Seeing that his whip didn't hit, Mkadanda sprayed flames at Mebius again.


A flame streaked across the void and attacked Mebius.

However, Mebius saw this and easily rolled over again to avoid Mkadanda's flame attack.

Mkadanda saw that the flame attack didn't hit, and sprayed again.

"Roar, roar"

Flames continued to explode one second earlier, where Mebius was.

Mebius hurriedly dodged, and at the same time, he kept looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Chapter 254 Mebius, Danger!!!


After dodging Mkadanda's flames, Mebius once again shot out a palm light bullet.


Sparks exploded.

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