
Before Assistant Officer Toriyama could answer, the guys had already answered.

When Assistant Officer Toriyama saw this, he could not help but silently feel sorry for his wallet.


Saturday was coming in the blink of an eye.

Lufa Cheng was lying in the rocking chair comfortably, thinking about how to deal with the monster violently next time it appeared, and get two rewards in a row like he did with Shoubi God before.

But what Lufa did not expect was that he did not wait for the monster, but waited for a group of guys members on Saturday.


Almost the entire guys team came.

Acting Director Miki Yuki, Assistant Officer Toriyama, plus guys captain Sakomi Shingo, guys members Hibino Mirai, Kinomi, Marina, etc.

For guys members to eat here at Lufa, some regular customers are no longer surprised.

Not only guys.

Now there are even high-ranking officials who come here for the reputation, and then they are captured by Lufa's food and become regular customers.

"Guys, welcome to the store." Lufa took the initiative to greet the guys, looked at Hibino Mirai and nodded slightly, then greeted them.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

When Miki Xue saw Lufa's handsome face, her eyes lit up, and then she smiled and said, "I've heard that you, the store manager, are handsome, young and rich. It seems that Marina and Kinomi are not wrong."


Hearing this, Lufa looked at Marina and Kinomi on the side.

When the two girls saw Lufa's eyes fall on them, they couldn't help blushing and feeling a little shy.

... ..... ....

The two girls felt a little indignant.

The acting director is too much.

How can you say these words directly in front of others?

Especially Kinomi. Since Lufa rescued Shoubi Shen that time, Kinomi almost had Lufa's figure in her mind from time to time.

Mu Zhimei knew that she liked Lufa.


Now she looked at Lufa shyly, curious about how Lufa would react after hearing what they said.

"The acting director is right, Lufa, I tell you, if you like Marina or Mu Zhimei, just pick one of them, I dare say that you are 100% guaranteed to succeed."

"When these two guys are at the base, they talk about you all the time."

Aihara Ryuu was not afraid of making trouble, and said to Lufa with a smile.

Chapter 249 What happened?

"You, you, what are you talking about? It's not true." When Marina heard what Aihara Ryuu said, she was furious. She looked at Lufa with a little shame and anger, and then looked at Aihara Ryuu, and said in a bit of a panic.

"Yes, we talked about you, manager!" Mu Zhimei didn't know why, but when she heard what Aihara Ryuu said, she didn't deny it, but looked at Lufa, and said with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Upon hearing this, Marina looked at Mu "Six Eight Seven" Nomi in astonishment: "Muscle member Mu Nomi, you!!"

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to talk about this. I have been waiting to eat the food made by Lufa."

"Where is the private room you often use?"

"This is my first time to eat at the restaurant."

Mei Qixue, who was standing by, saw that Lufa and the others seemed to have to talk for a long time, and hurriedly asked everyone to stop wasting time and eat first.

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other and then smiled.

It seems that even their guys director praised Lufa's food.


Inside the private room.

Lufa went to cook, and the guys were chatting and waiting at this time, talking about the last battle of Shoubi Shen.

"Every time it is thanks to Ultraman Lufa. If it weren't for Ultraman Lufa, I'm afraid our earth would not be able to support it until now." Aihara Ryu said with a hint of admiration.

"Yes." Sakumui Shingo nodded: "If it was only Ultraman Mebius, it really couldn't hold on until now."

On this point, Mebius himself, Hibino Mirai, agreed very much.

Because Sakumui Shingo said it was right. If it weren't for Senior Lufa helping him, it is very likely that he would have died the first time he came to Earth.

Marina and Kinomi nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I think so too. Ultraman Lufa is not only powerful, but also very handsome. If he becomes a human, I think he must look like Lufa, right?"

"I feel the same as you, Marina. If Ultraman Lufa becomes a human, he must look like Lufa."

"After all, only Lufa's handsome appearance can match the appearance of Ultraman Lufa."

Hibino Mirai, who was standing aside, twitched her mouth when she heard this.

He really wanted to say, you have guessed it, Lufa is Ultraman Lufa.

But when the two women talked about this, they all denied it...

"But Lufa is definitely not an Ultra Warrior!" Marina sighed and said.

"That's right, how could an Ultraman be the owner of a restaurant?" Kinomi agreed.

Hibino Mirai's mouth twitched again.

Good fellow.

Marina and Kinomi, this is considered to be full of buffs, right?

At this time, Lufa had already served the dishes.

But just when the guys were preparing to eat big pieces of dough.


Suddenly the whole restaurant shook, and it looked like a magnitude 7 or 8 earthquake had occurred.

"What's going on!" Miki Xue sensed the unusual vibration and her face changed slightly. Then she looked at everyone and asked.

Sakumui Shingo and the guys also found that something was wrong.

Earthquakes don't look like this at all.

This violent shaking is more like when a monster appears.

Because every time a monster appears before, it will be accompanied by a huge vibration and roar.

"I don't know, but contact Team Teppei immediately. He should know what's going on." Sakumui Shingo was thinking about contacting Teppei and asking him to see what happened.

Chapter 250 The centipede monster appears!

This time the guys came out.

Teppei stayed in the command room. After all, he was a big guy. It was impossible for all the guys to leave. One person had to be on duty.

Otherwise, what if a monster appears?

Kinomi, Marina and the others nodded immediately.

But before they could ask Teppei at the guys base, a sound like thunder suddenly appeared in the city.

Accompanied by a huge roar.


The terrifying roar of the monster made the whole city in chaos.

The piercing air defense alarm began to echo everywhere.

When they heard the roar of this monster, whether it was Miki Yuki, Shingo Sakamizu, Marina, Kinomi, Hibino Mirai, they all changed their expressions, and then walked to the window of the box and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a huge centipede that seemed to be walking upright, standing in the center of the city.


This monster centipede has begun to destroy the city.

Centipede Monster: Mkadanda!

Mkadanda? Every kick and movement instantly caused a building to collapse, and then it turned into countless fragments and exploded.

"Monster!" Shingo Sakamizu's pupils shrank.

Marina, Kinomi, Hibino Mirai also reacted, and then immediately looked at Shingo Sakamizu, waiting for Shingo Sakamizu's order.

When Mikiyuki saw Mkadanda appear, she immediately contacted Teppei in the base and said, "Teppei, dispatch the Phoenix to the place where the monster appeared."

"Acting Director." Teppei was surprised when he received the message from Mikiyuki.

When he found out that the monster appeared, he was about to report to Mikiyuki and the others, but he forgot.

The city where the monster appeared was exactly where Lufa and the guys were having dinner.

Teppei nodded immediately and said, "Understood."

When Mikiyuki asked Teppei to dispatch fighter planes, Shingo Sakami had already ordered Aihara Ryu, George, Kinomi, Marina, and Hibino Mirai to evacuate the crowd.

"We must save this restaurant!" Mikiyuki saw this and added to everyone.

Hearing this, whether it was Hibino Mirai, Kinomi, Marina, Aihara Ryu, or George, they all nodded.

Just kidding.

Lufa's restaurant must not be destroyed by monsters.

Otherwise, if Lufa goes bankrupt, where can they eat such good food in the future!

Hibino Mirai saw the determined expressions of Kinomi, Marina, and Aihara Ryu, and her mouth twitched.

Hey, hey!

You are obviously protecting the earth, don't work so hard for a restaurant, okay.

Lufa couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

Good guy.

Lufa never expected that the food he made would put such a great pressure on the guys.

Then the guys started to move, and Lufa also began to evacuate.

Of course.

Lufa pretended to evacuate, and after finding a deserted place, he returned to the vicinity of the centipede monster Mkadanda.

Looking at Mkadanda's centipede-like body, Lufa folded his hands and said with interest: "I have wanted to use the things I got last time, and now this monster appears just in time."

As Lufa's voice fell, the roar of a fighter suddenly sounded in the sky.

I saw the Phoenix flying over Lufa's head.

Seeing this, Lufa shrugged and said, "It's just right. Let's see how Guys and Mebius perform first. But I guess it will be similar to the last time.".

Chapter 251: We can't let the monsters destroy the hotel!!!

As soon as Lufa finished speaking, Ryu Aihara, George, and Marina, who were driving the Phoenix in the sky, had already started to operate the fighter planes and launched an attack on Mkadanda.

"Light, attack!"

Ryu Aihara shouted softly and directly pressed the laser attack button.

Marina was the auxiliary standard.

The Wing was operated by George, and he also launched the attack with Ryu Aihara's attack order.

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