"As expected of Ultraman Rufa, he still fights in such a violent way." Marina looked at Ultraman Rufa with admiration.

Assistant Officer Toriyama, Ryu Aihara, and George beside him looked at Ultraman Rufa's heroic figure and couldn't help but speak in shock.

"Ultraman Rufa's strength is simply unfathomable."

"Yeah, you know, it was very easy for that guy just now to defeat Mebius."

"Mebius was directly crushed, but this guy was directly hung up and beaten by Ultraman Rufa after facing Ultraman Rufa."

The guys were shocked.

Mebius was also shocked and surprised: "Senior Rufa!!"

The limbs of Shoubi God had been cut off. Just when everyone thought that Ultraman Rufa would directly deal with Shoubi God like this.

The scene that happened in the next moment made them unforgettable for life.

Because in their sight, Ultraman Rufa suddenly opened a ferocious big mouth.

You know, Ultraman Rufa originally had an extremely perfect and powerful appearance, but at this moment, he opened his ferocious big mouth. This sense of disobedience made everyone's head buzz.

Mebius was also dumbfounded.

Can Ultra Warrior open such a big mouth?

The full sense of disobedience made it a little difficult for the guys and Mebius to accept.

But the next second, they threw away this idea.

Because Ultraman Rufa launched an unexpected attack on Shoubi Shen.


A terrifying roar, like the roar of an animal, suddenly resounded throughout the sky.

Blaze's open mouth roar!!! .

Chapter 246 Rubber Fruit? ? Seven X Summoning Card?


In an instant.

All the car windows nearby exploded instantly, and so did the glass of the house.

The terrible sound wave even formed a transparent air wave visible to the naked eye, which began to spread in all directions.

"Blaze Ultrasonic Wave"

The Ultraman Blaze Ultraman sonic wave skill that Ultraman Rufa had obtained before.

When he obtained this skill, Ultraman Rufa wanted to try it out, and now this Shoubi God is just right.


The extremely powerful sonic wave spread in circles.

The guys in the distance, as well as Mebius, all opened their mouths wide, and then covered their mouths with horror.

My God!

Everyone's scalp was numb.

Mebius was also unbelievable. He probably didn't expect that Ultraman Rufa would actually release the sonic wave skill. They just thought that Ultraman Rufa was going to swallow Shoubi God.

The result was that they thought too much.

At the same time, they never expected it.

The visible sonic wave fell directly on Shoubi God.

The moment Shoubi God was hit by the sonic wave, his body began to melt like snow encountering fire.

"Bang Bang." Bang"

A little spark began to explode from the body of Shoubi God.

Then, under the gaze of guys and Mebius, the powerful Shoubi God was directly blasted into a pile of pieces by Ultraman Rufa's sound wave skill.

That's right.

It was a pile of pieces!

The guys stared at Shoubi God who had been solved by Rufa with wide eyes and took a breath of cold air.

"He blasted this monster into this state, my God."

"He is really worthy of being Ultraman Rufa. This time he refreshed the way to solve the monster."

"Yes, it's really powerful. He solved such a powerful monster with his roar."

When Mebius saw this scene, his eyes also flashed: "Senior Rufa! !"

"Done. ”

Closing his open mouth, Ultraman Rufa clapped his hands, then looked at the Subi God fragments in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

The people around him couldn't help but twitch in their hearts when they saw this.

It was done.

But this way of doing it really gave them a roller coaster feeling.

Every time, Ultraman Rufa solved the monster, it seemed to be in a novel way that would make them stunned.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: energy purity +232, speed +115, strength +20, and mental strength +60!]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +9 99! 】

[You have obtained the Rubber Fruit (pure Rubber Fruit, not Luffy's Human-Human Fruit) + Seven X Summoning Card (Luffa can control it at will after summoning it)! 】

Destroyed the God of Shoubi.

To Luffa's surprise, he had already triggered a blessing critical strike before, and now it happened again.

In short, after solving the God of Shoubi, he actually got two rewards!


This surprised Luffa Ultraman.

Originally, he thought that after solving the God of Shoubi (King Qianhao), he might only get the previous ex Red King Ultra Armament.

Now there is a critical strike reward, not only all-round enhancement, but also the reward is also to get two neighbors.

Rubber Fruit and Seven X Summoning Card!

"¨ˇ Rubber Fruit! This is a good thing!"

"And Seven X Summoning Card!"

"Seven X, this is a more awesome Seven evolution than Seven, but it's a pity that because of the unpopularity, it is not often seen in the Ultra World!!".

Chapter 247 The Guys Team gloating about their misfortune

Lufa thought in his mind and couldn't help but chuckle.

So will.

Next, let him let everyone see the power of Seven X.

Shoubi God has been solved, and the rewards are pretty good. This time it can be said to be a perfect ending.

Ultraman Lufa looked at Mebius. At this time, Mebius's energy core was flashing to the extreme. It seemed that time was running out.

Ultraman Lufa saw this and waved his hands directly: "Keep working hard, this time it's actually okay. If this guy hadn't absorbed too many of those Grotesque cells, you should be able to solve it."


When Menbius saw this, he just wanted to thank Lufa.

However, Ultraman Lufa 683 ignored Mebius and soared directly into the sky, disappearing from everyone's eyes in an instant.

Seeing this, Membius had no choice but to take off on the spot, and then disappeared from the eyes of the guys.

Looking at the direction where Lufa and Mebius disappeared, the guys couldn't help but look at the God Shoubi who was destroyed by Ultraman Lufa.

Shoubi God has now become a pile of scraps.

"Ultraman Lufa!!" Mu Zhimei looked at the defeated Shoubi God, her beautiful eyes blurred, and then she looked admiringly in the direction where Ultraman Lufa disappeared.

The same was true for Marina. She clasped her hands together, looked at the direction where Lufa disappeared, and murmured: "It's really too strong. I can completely believe that Ultraman Lufa is invincible."


Aihara Ryuu nodded.

George on the side also said: "Every time Ultraman Rufa appears, he can definitely defeat the monsters, so there is no need to worry."

"As long as Ultraman Lufa is here and he protects our earth, then no matter who comes, I believe he will easily solve it."

Assistant Toriyama nodded.

However, Assistant Toriyama could not be happy for long. Meiqixue's figure suddenly appeared on everyone's communicator.

However, Mikiyuki didn't speak to guys Shingo Kasui and the others, but asked Assistant Toriyama directly.

Meiqixue said calmly: "Assistant officer, should you explain this (cgbi) matter to me? I remember that the Gulotais cells should be escorted by you. This commotion... what's going on? ?”

"Ah...this, this..."

When Assistant Toriyama heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

In fact, Assistant Toriyama knew something was serious from the moment Shoubijin appeared.

Originally, as long as he grabbed the Grotesque cell capsule and prevented it from spilling, there would be absolutely no problems.

But...it's all my own fault.

Assistant Toriyama wished he could give himself a few slaps.

Really, I can’t even hold a small bottle, so it’s really useless.

I don’t know what the punishment will be this time.

When Mei Qixue saw Assistant Toriyama hesitating, her originally serious expression couldn't help but smile, and then said to Assistant Toriyama: "Well, luckily this time it didn't cause any serious disaster, and the headquarters only came to inquire. "

Upon hearing Mei Qixue's words, Assistant Toriyama breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he was not happy yet.

Meiqixue spoke again: "However, although there was no big mistake this time, it was actually your fault in escorting the items, Assistant Officer. There is no big punishment, but small punishments are indispensable."

The guys on the side immediately looked at Assistant Toriyama after hearing this, with a bit of gloating in their eyes.

Chapter 248: Let’s talk about road methods whenever there is nothing to do!

After all, at that time, they just wanted to help Auxiliary Officer Toriyama and escort the Grotus cells. As a result, Assistant Officer Toriyama did not need it and forcefully escorted the items by himself.

Don't know what the punishment will be?

Assistant Toriyama felt uneasy when he heard this, and carefully asked Mei Qixue: "Acting Director, I wonder why you want to punish me?"

"Well... this time, because of you, we have been busy for so long, so I asked you to invite us to Lufa's restaurant, let us drink and eat as much as we want."


Toriyama's assistant officer felt a twitch in his heart when he heard this.

Although Lufa Restaurant is delicious, the price is really expensive! !

If you eat and drink too much, you will go bankrupt.

Seeing Assistant Toriyama's expression, Mei Qixue's face suddenly condensed slightly when she saw this, and she said in a deep voice: "What's wrong? Is Assistant Toriyama unwilling?"

Hearing the change in Meiqixue's voice, Assistant Toriyama was excited, and then nodded repeatedly: "Yes, why don't you want to? I can treat you all to dinner, it's not too late for me to be happy."


Guys Everyone cheered when they heard Assistant Toriyama's answer.

"Then it's settled. The day after tomorrow is Saturday. Let's go to the Lufa Hotel together."

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