Did something happen?

And it was related to Assistant Officer Toriyama.

When Assistant Officer Toriyama heard what Lufa said, his first reaction was to refuse.

But the next second, Lufa approached Assistant Officer Toriyama and whispered in his ear: "I heard everything you said to yourself outside the door just now."

When Assistant Officer Toriyama heard the voice in his ear, his eyes widened, and then he looked at Lufa in shock.

Good guy!

Assistant Officer Toriyama never expected that Lufa heard what he said just now.

1.8  Seeing this, Assistant Officer Toriyama quickly pulled Lufa aside and said: "Okay, okay, I can let you go with me, but don't tell what you heard!"

"No problem."

Lufa smiled and chuckled.

The guys around him were already curious about what Lufa said to Assistant Officer Toriyama.

It seems that Assistant Officer Toriyama agreed to take Lufa with him.

Chapter 235 Searching for cells!

As expected, Assistant Officer Toriyama agreed to take Lufa with him.

This made Shingo Sakumui and the others unable to hold back.

After all, Assistant Officer Toriyama was willing to take Lufa, an outsider, to perform a secret mission, but did not let them participate. It was too much!

But in the end, at the request of Assistant Officer Toriyama, Shingo Sakumui and the others could only watch Assistant Officer Toriyama take Hibino Mirai and Lufa and the others leave the command room.

Assistant Officer Toriyama drove Hibino Mirai and the others to the location where the Grotess cells were lost.

On the way.

Hibino Mirai asked Lufa, who was sitting next to him, and whispered: "Senior, do you know what the assistant brought us to do?"

"I do know." Lufa nodded.

"Then!" Hibino Mirai's eyes lit up.

To be honest, if you can know what you are going to do in advance, then you can make other preparations.

But the next second, Lufa made Hibino Mirai's mouth twitch, and Lufa said: "You will know in a while."

After driving for more than ten minutes.

Everyone finally arrived at the location where Assistant Officer Toriyama lost the Grotess cell.

This is an ordinary bridge.

Hibino Mirai, Kinomi, and Aihara Ryu got out of the car and looked at the surrounding environment, and they were a little confused.

"Assistant Officer, didn't you say a secret mission? Why does it seem that there is no vigilance around." Aihara Ryu asked Assistant Officer Toriyama in confusion.

"Yes, a secret mission, there is not even a guard?"

"It doesn't seem like this place is secret or dangerous."

Kinomi and Hibino Mirai also spoke.

At this time, Assistant Officer Toriyama finally revealed his cards.

Assistant Officer Toriyama said helplessly: "In fact, this is not a special secret mission, but I called you here to help me find something with you."


Hibino Mirai and the other two looked at each other, and they felt a little bad for some reason.

It seems that Assistant Officer Toriyama will go out of the base, and today he will escort four Grotess cell capsules.

Could this be lost?

If so, that would be terrible!

Obviously, the three guessed correctly, and Assistant Officer Toriyama finally showed panic and said: "In fact, when I was escorting the Grotess cells, I accidentally lost one."


Hibino Mirai and the other two were shocked.

"I thought it was okay, but after hearing the information that Team Member Teppei said, I felt that if I didn't find it, things might become extremely troublesome."

"Find this thing before anything goes wrong."

Assistant Officer Toriyama solemnly asked Hibino Mirai and the other two to speak.

"This..." Hibino Mirai's eyes flashed, and then he said: "Assistant Officer 680, I think it's best to report this matter to the captain immediately!!"

"No, no!" Assistant Officer Toriyama stopped him.

"In fact, the situation is not that serious. If that thing falls directly into the river, according to the explanation I saw from Teppei before, as long as the gas does not enter the hollow object, it will not cause any trouble." At this time, Aihara Ryu thought of some key information and said to Assistant Officer Toriyama.


Assistant Officer Toriyama was surprised.

Aihara Ryu continued: "But just in case, let's look for it. It is safest to find the thing back.".

Chapter 236 Kodaige appears!

Ki Nomi and Hibino Mirai also nodded when they saw this.

"Okay." Assistant Officer Toriyama nodded.

"I will help too." Lufa came up at this time, folded his arms and said to everyone with a smile.


Assistant Officer Toriyama nodded repeatedly when he heard this.

Now it is the power of one more person, and the chance of finding it is a little greater.

Then everyone began to look for it.

Hibino Mirai was with Lufa, and he followed Lufa and asked him, "Senior, did you know that this would happen and where the thing containing the Grotesque cells was?"

"I'm not a god!"

Lufa was speechless: "I found Assistant Officer Toriyama above me outside the command room door. I followed my guess and got a rough guess, but I didn't expect it to be true. As for where that thing is, under normal circumstances, Unexpected things usually happen.”

"Huh?" Hibino Mirai was stunned, not knowing what Lu Fa meant by his words.

Does this mean that the dropped Grotesque cell capsule will be picked up by someone and activate a hollow sculpture or porcelain statue by coincidence?

Hibino Mirai really guessed it right.

Just when Hibino Mirai inexplicably thought of some key points, Lufa suddenly said to Hibino Mirai: "Let's go, I have found where that thing is." "


Hibino Mirai's eyes widened slightly and asked Lufa: "How come, senior, you are not always by my side?"

"Don't you know how to use ultra-psychic power to search?" Lufa asked with a slight smile.

"Ultra telekinesis..." Hibino Mirai twitched the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Lufa strangely: "Senior, you are the only one who can use ultra telekinesis in a human body, right?"

"No, your other brothers can do it, but maybe you can't."

Hibino Mirai: "..."

But if you find it, that's a good thing.

Next, Lufa took the excited Assistant Toriyama to the house of the old man who caught the Grotesque cells while fishing in the original book.

as expected.

Everyone noticed what was beginning to look like Fu Sangshen was possessing the sculpture.

The whole room looked like everything was moving.

"Sure enough, it's here!!" Assistant Toriyama said in surprise when he saw this, his eyes widened.

Hibino Mirai and the others were also a little surprised by the scene in front of them.

After all, the movement of dead objects is a bit shocking in itself.

"Where is that thing!" Assistant Toriyama quickly looked around.

The old fishing man and his granddaughter were dumbfounded at this time.

I have no idea who Assistant Toriyama and the others are?

Immediately afterwards.

Hibino Mirai and others are also helping to search.

"¨ˇWhat do you want to do!!" The old fishing man asked nervously, trying to stop Assistant Toriyama and the others.

"They are guys. You must have noticed something unusual, right? What are you talking about?" Lufa folded his hands and leaned against the door frame. Then he looked at Assistant Toriyama who was looking for Grotus cells and explained to the old fishing man with a smile. road.


The old fishing man was shocked.

At this time, Auxiliary Officer Toriyama's surprised voice came: "I've found (the money I'm looking for), and it's this thing!!"

Assistant Toriyama raised the Grotesque cell capsule in his hand.

But the next second.


The sound of breaking glass echoed through the valley.

Under the wide-eyed gazes of Assistant Toriyama, Hibino Mirai, and others, the Grotesque Cell Capsule accidentally fell from Assistant Toriyama's hand, and then hit a statue of the God of Shouhi.

Seeing this scene, Assistant Toriyama's expression changed instantly, as did Hibino Mirai and the others.

Oops! ! .

Chapter 237 God Ebisu is alive! Team guys are stunned!

"Quick, run!!" Hibino Mirai was the first to react and immediately shouted to everyone.


Assistant Toriyama exclaimed, then picked up the capsule and ran outside.

Upon seeing this, Ryu Aihara and Mizumi quickly called to the old fishing man and his granddaughter and ran outside.

Hibino Mirai followed closely behind.

Lufa followed the crowd leisurely!

As for the statue of God Shoubi, after it was contaminated with the cells of Grotus, the originally wooden eyes suddenly glowed with red light, and the next moment green mist began to float out of his body.


I saw that the house where Shoubi God was originally was exploded by a huge body in an instant.

In the violent explosion, Shoubijin began to expand continuously, and then directly transformed into a monster, turning into a terrifying monster!

The old fishing man was stunned when he saw that his 680 Shoubi God had become so big: "My Shoubi God!"

Kaudaig theother!

This is the name of Shoubi God, but it is better to simply call him Shoubi God.

"Quick, evacuate the surrounding people quickly." Hibino Mirai was still relatively calm and immediately gave orders to Aihara Ryuu and Kizumi.

Assistant Toriyama on the side also said quickly: "That's right, hurry up and evacuate the crowd first!"

And here at the guys base.

When Shoubi God appeared, guys immediately sent fighter planes into action.

The Phoenix flew through the void and arrived near Shoubi God in the blink of an eye.

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