"You mean Assistant Toriyama?"

"The acting director just called him over and said he had a task for him to solve."

"Oh?" Lufa thought thoughtfully after hearing this. Assistant Toriyama has much higher authority than the ordinary guys, that is, Hibino Mirai. The tasks that Assistant Toriyama can do seem to be at the beginning. Among these plots, there is only the green capsule incident and the Shoubi God incident, right?

Oh haha!

Lufa thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was the only possibility.

It seems that he came just in time. Assistant Toriyama and the guys will encounter this problem.

It was exactly what Lufa thought.

At this time, Assistant Toriyama was communicating with Acting Director Mei Qixue. Mei Qixue came to Assistant Toriyama. The main reason was that the object this time was too precious, so it needed to be escorted by a certain important person.

"¨ˇ What's inside here is the incomplete experimental product of Transcendence Technology, the capsule of the Grotesque cell. Assistant Officer Toriyama, I hope you can escort this thing and return it to the director in person." Meiqixue said to Yu seriously.

"Don't worry, you're hugging me." Assistant Toriyama nodded seriously. (Wang Zhaozhao) Speaking of which, he had never met the real director before, so this time was a good opportunity.

Next, Assistant Officer Toriyama returned to the command room with the suitcase containing the Grotesque cells.

When Assistant Officer Toriyama saw Lufa in the command room, he immediately said happily: "You are finally here, Mr. Store Manager, you have to take a good tour of our base. Originally, I wanted to take you to visit, but I temporarily accepted it. An important mission to deliver something.”

Chapter 232: Clumsy Assistant Toriyama

Assistant Toriyama said, raising the suitcase in his hand.

Shingo Hakamizu, Kizumi, Marina, and Teppei, especially Teppei, became even more interested when they saw the word "Transcendence Technology" printed on the suitcase.


Among the guys, Zheping serves as the technical director and is the most interested in studying this kind of thing.

Zheping couldn't wait to ask: "Assistant officer, what is this thing you are escorting?"

"It's a very valuable thing," Assistant Toriyama said seriously.

"How valuable is it?" George walked to Assistant Toriyama, squatted down, and stared at the suitcase he was carrying.

"It's very valuable anyway. I can only escort this thing myself."

Assistant Toriyama put the suitcase on the table and said with a serious face.

Shingo Gakamizu said, "Don't you really need us to accompany you?"

On the side, Hibino Mirai, Marina, and Kizumi also stood up one after another.

They were also very interested in the valuables in the suitcase, so they all asked to follow Assistant Officer Toriyama to escort the valuables in the suitcase.

Lufa had been watching quietly. When he saw Assistant Toriyama (cgbi) holding a suitcase that was exactly the same as the one in the original book, Lufa knew that his previous guess was correct.

This is the plot in which Shoubi God is about to appear.

Assistant Toriyama was a little impatient because of the noisy noises from the guys. But at this moment, Teppei took advantage of him not paying attention and opened the suitcase.

Immediately, four bottles of green liquid appeared in the guys' sight.

"This is..." Shingo Masui and the others looked at the green liquid in the box strangely, a little confused.

Is this the valuable item the acting director calls it?

Assistant Toriyama saw Teppei opening his suitcase and immediately closed it. Then he said to Teppei: "Team Teppei, don't open valuable things casually. Don't you know?"

"Also, I can just deliver the things by myself!"

"You don't need to help!"

Upon hearing this, Shingo Shizui quickly said: "Assistant officer, you still have to send a few guards to protect you, right?"


“And we have to dispatch a special car.”

Shingo Shimizu added again.

Shingo Gakamizu was right. Just in case, he really couldn't be the only one to escort.

Afterwards, Adjutant-General Toriyama agreed.

Just like the original.

Assistant Officer Toriyama took a car to the location of Director Guys, but he almost vomited in the car because he forgot to take motion sickness medicine on the way.

With no choice but to get out of the car and take motion sickness medicine.

And it was during this process that Auxiliary Officer Toriyama opened the suitcase out of curiosity to see what the green liquid capsule that Teppei was looking at when he opened it just now was.

However, due to motion sickness, Assistant Toriyama became top-heavy and swayed all of a sudden.

"Oh my god, this driver needs to be replaced immediately, otherwise I will never be able to cure my car sickness in my life!"

By chance.

The bottle of Grotex cell gas capsule held by Assistant Toriyama fell directly into the water.

Seeing this scene, Assistant Toriyama was stunned.

Assistant Toriyama's mouth twitched, and he said with a look of horror: "It's... terrible!!".

Chapter 233: Assistant Toriyama panicked

Auxiliary Officer Toriyama looked at the Grotesque cells drifting with the tide, a trace of panic appeared on his face, and then he quickly comforted himself and said to himself: "It should be okay if one is missing, right?"


Assistant Toriyama picked up the suitcase containing the other three Grotesque cells, then walked towards the car and said, "One missing cell should not be a big problem!"

After that, Assistant Toriyama got in the car and headed to where Director Guys was.

When Assistant Toriyama comforted himself that there was one missing Grotus cell, there should be no problem.

At this time, the Grotesque cell dropped by Assistant Toriyama was following the current, and was caught by an old fishing man just like in the original work.

"What is this……"

The old fisherman looked at the Grotesque cell capsule on the bait with confusion. After studying it, he didn't understand it and planned to take it back to take a look at it.

When Assistant Toriyama lost the Grotesque cells, in the guys command room, Teppei had successfully figured out what the valuables that Assistant Toriyama mentioned in his suitcase were based on the information he had seen before. .

"It turns out it's this thing!!" Zheping looked at the information on the picture and said with a smile: "I thought it was something. It turns out that the thing brought by Assistant Toriyama is ancient Rotes cells."


After hearing what Teppei said, Shingo Kasui, Kizumi, Marina, and Ryu Aihara all came closer.

Hibino Mirai stood next to Teppei, looking at a pile of incomprehensible information on the computer in front of him, and curiously asked him: "What are Grotesque cells!"

"Ah, it's what was left after the ancient Rothes aliens who appeared from the universe turned the statues of the generals in the village's shrine into monsters."

"Beyond the technical department, I should want to study this and use it to easily create huge combat machines!"

Zheping talked eloquently and explained to everyone.

"It turns out it's such a good thing. No wonder the headquarters values ​​it so much." Shingo Masui crossed his arms and nodded thoughtfully.

If you know what happened, you can understand why Assistant Toriyama was so nervous before.


Zheping shook his head, and then played the message on the big screen for everyone to check: "The transcendence test should have failed. There is no way to control the guy created using the Grotesque cells, so it should be sent now." Store it and see if it has any other uses in the future.”

··········Ask for flowers·········

"Then what is the specific function of this thing?"

"To be honest, I didn't understand it when I saw the Ancient Lotus people resurrecting the idols and turning them into monsters."

... .... ....

"Grotesian cells can resurrect hollowed-out sculptures or statues, giving them vitality."

"In short, if this thing is leaked, it will cause a big problem, and it may create a lot of trouble."

Following Zheping's explanation, everyone gradually understood the general function of the Grotesque cells.

At this time.

Outside the command room door, Auxiliary Officer Toriyama, who had just returned, listened to everything Teppei and Shingo said.

Along the way, Assistant Toriyama comforted himself, saying that missing one was not a big problem.

But now when I heard what team member Zheping said, I suddenly became panicked! Son.

Chapter 234: Take Lufa with you?

Never imagined.

That little capsule could have such terrible consequences.

Lufa stood quietly and listened to what they said.


According to the situation, Auxiliary Officer Toriyama may have had an accident by now.

Because Lufa had already seen Assistant Toriyama hiding outside the command room door, looking panicked.


The door to the command room opened.

When Shingo Kasui and the other "680" members saw Auxiliary Officer Toriyama coming back, they asked with a smile.

"Assistant officer, you are back. There should be nothing wrong with your things, right?"

"Yeah, that thing I just heard from Zheping is a very scary thing. If it is leaked, it will cause big trouble."

Upon hearing this, Assistant Toriyama quickly pretended to be calm and said, "It's okay. What can happen? I sent them all to the designated location safely."

After Assistant Toriyama finished speaking, he looked at Hibino Mirai, Kinoomi, and Aihara Ryu!

"You, you, you, you three, can you come with me?"

"I have a secret mission for you."

On the side were Shingo Osami, George, and Jinna, who were stunned when they heard this.

Hibino Mirai and the other three were confused.

"Is there a secret mission for us?" Hibino Mirai and the three looked at each other in confusion.

But since it was a secret mission, there was no reason for them to refuse.

Upon seeing this, Shingo Shimizu and the others said quickly: "Assistant officer, what's the secret mission? Can we help?"

"Yeah, we can help too!"

Zhenna and George also spoke.

Assistant Toriyama waved his hands when he heard this. If the whole guys knew about him leaking the Grotesque cells, they would probably accuse Mei Qixue.

Then he'll be in trouble.

So let Hibino Mirai and some of them help find the most suitable one.

Auxiliary Officer Toriyama called Hibino Miku and the others to go out. He was not even in the mood to pay attention to Lufa, who was standing quietly beside him.

But at this time, Lufa suddenly stopped Assistant Toriyama and said with a smile: "Guys' secret mission, can you let me see that? I promise not to reveal anything."

If there are no surprises, Assistant Toriyama will definitely ask Hibino Mirai and others to help find Grotesque cells.

If he doesn't follow now, he won't be able to get the reward when Shoubi God appears.

After all, in the guys base, under the watchful eyes of everyone, it would be hard for him to find other excuses to leave... ...

"Huh?" Hibino Mirai was stunned when he heard this and looked at Lufa.

Lufa was not the kind of person who would follow because he was curious about some secret mission.

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