On the Phoenix, George and Marina looked at Subi God, a little confused.

"This is... Subi God?" Marina said blankly.

"Is Subi God alive?" George was also slightly surprised.

But at this time, Teppei in the guys base gave everyone an explanation.

"No, this looks a bit like the situation of Grotes cells attached to the sculpture." Teppei knew the situation as soon as he saw Subi God appear.

"Grotes cells, this was not left outside by the assistant..."

"Maybe it was left outside when the Grotes aliens were eliminated before?" Teppei also spoke with some doubts.

But in fact, everyone knew that there was a problem with Assistant Officer Toriyama.

After all, just now (cgbi), Hibino Mirai and others had contacted the base, and they were still near the appearance of Subi God, which was very telling.

"Start the attack!" No matter what the situation was, Subi God had already appeared, so Sakami Shingo immediately asked George, Marina and others to start attacking Subi God.


"Light launch!"

George and Marina nodded, and then directly began to attack Subi God.

The Phoenix launched a light to attack Subi God, and the orange light was very conspicuous in the air.

From the missile at the beginning, the guys' weapons have been fully upgraded, the power has increased greatly, and it has become a light.

Ordinary monsters can also cause effective attacks when facing light attacks.

But the next second.

Under the gaze of everyone, the light hit Subi God and was directly bounced off.

Subi God was unharmed!

"It didn't work!" George said a little surprised on the fighter.

"How is it possible!"

Marina was also slightly surprised.

"Hahaha" Kodaige theother, Subi God seemed to be laughing, and the next moment the carp that was originally clamped in his arm suddenly flashed red eyes, and a carp cannon was fired from the carp in Subi God's hand.

Chapter 238 Oh, Mu Zhimei blushed?


Not good!

The attack of the carp cannon was very sudden. Seeing this, George and Marina immediately began to separate the Phoenix.

The Wing and the Loader~ flew separately.

The two fighters flew in the air and attacked Kodaige theother again, but it was useless.

Every time the beams of the two fighters hit Kodaige theother, they did not cause effective attacks.

"Damn it!" Shingo Sakami was in the base, and when he saw that the Phoenix did not cause effective attacks on Kodaige theother, he snorted a little angrily.


Kodaige theother laughed, but there was nothing he could do about the Loader, Wing, and Kodaige theother flying like flies in the sky, so he looked at the ground and the guys who were evacuating Hibino Mirai.

Almost when Kodaige theother's eyes fell on Hibino Mirai and the others, Hibino Mirai and the others found that Shoubi God wanted to attack them.

"No, run!" Hibino Mirai exclaimed to everyone.

Assistant Officer Toriyama, Aihara Ryu, and Kinomi immediately started to run away from a distance!

But how could humans run faster than monsters!


I don’t know if Kodaige theother can sense the strength, he chased after Mu Zhimei directly, and caught up with Mu Zhimei in two or three steps.

The carp cannon in his hand directly attacked Mu Zhimei.


Accompanied by a burst of flames, Mu Zhimei screamed and was blown away.

And! She was thrown very high, and because of the destruction of Shoubi God, the surrounding area was full of concrete mixed with steel bars. If she fell on these...

The situation was very critical.

When Mu Zhimei saw that she was falling towards a concrete block mixed with steel bars and pointed at her, she was almost desperate.

"Mu Zhimei teammate!" Hibino Mirai saw this scene, her eyes widened directly, and she didn't even have time to transform.

Assistant Officer Toriyama and Aihara Ryu, they also screamed.

However, just when everyone thought that Mu Zhimei was going to die, a phantom rushed over at a terrifying speed.

Mu Zhimei's eyes blurred, and the next moment she felt that she fell into someone's arms.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

"This..." Mu Zhimei felt rescued, and was stunned for a moment, and then looked at who saved her.

When she saw Lufa's handsome face, she was stunned.

It was Lufa!!

Falling from the sky, Mu Zhimei stared at Lufa's handsome face, and her heart couldn't help but beat quickly.

"Are you okay?" Lufa landed, looked down at Mu Zhimei who was in his arms, staring at him blankly, and asked with a smile.

... ..... 0

When Lufa spoke, Mu Zhimei suddenly came back to her senses.

She found that she had been staring at Lufa, and she couldn't help but lower her head in panic, and then whispered: "I... I'm fine, thank you, thank you Lufa!!"

"I'm fine!!"

Lufa nodded, and then asked Mu Zhimei: "Can you stand firm?"

"Yes... yes." Mu Zhimei stammered. Then Lufa put Mu Zhimei on the ground. However, because her body was still immersed in the state of despair just now, as soon as Mu Zhimei's feet landed and Lufa let go of her hand, she couldn't help but lean towards Lufa!


Mu Zhimei fell into Lufa's arms, smelling the faint scent of Lufa's soap, and her cheeks suddenly flushed.

Chapter 239 Mu Zhimei's heart was conquered?

An inexplicable feeling appeared in Mu Zhimei's heart.

Originally, Mu Zhimei was full of good feelings for Lufa, and now this time of heroism and beauty directly made this good feeling sprout! !

Not far away, Hibino Mirai didn't know the situation of Lufa and Mu Zhimei. When he saw Lufa rescue Mu Zhimei, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After that.

Hibino Mirai saw the people around him again, and their eyes were all in the direction of Lufa and Mu Zhimei, and she ran to the side decisively and quietly.

Prepare to find a place where no one is to transform.

In the sky.

The Loader and the Wing are almost reaching their limit. Facing the attack of Shoubi Shen, they are almost unable to hold on and will be hit by the carp cannon at any time.

But just when the carp cannon is about to hit the Loader.


A halo representing infinite meaning suddenly appears in the sky.

With a cold snort, Shoubi Shen fired the carp cannon that was about to hit the Loader, but it was directly intercepted by Mebius.


A huge body emerged from the light.

In the sky, George and Marina on the Loader and the Wing saw that it was Mebius, and they were surprised and said: "Mebius!"


Assistant Officer Toriyama, as well as Aihara Ryu, Kinomi, and Luffa also saw Mebius.

Kinomi saw Mebius and said in surprise: "It's Mebius."

"Yeah!" Luffa nodded slightly, then looked at Mebius and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shoubi God absorbed many Grotesk cells. In the original work, Mebius was no match for Shoubi God. Now, after his training, I wonder how he will fare against Shoubi God.

Can Mebius defeat Shoubi God without him?

In the guys base.

Sakumimi Shingo, Teppei and others, who saw the Loader and the Wing teetering, nodded in surprise when they saw Mebius appear.

"Great, it's Mebius!" Sakumimi Shingo said happily with a fist.

"This time, we finally didn't crash!" Teppei also nodded happily. After all, every time the guys crashed, the repairs cost a lot of money, so everyone was trying to survive and try not to crash.

If Daiko and Shinjo knew, they would definitely give guys a thumbs up.

"Ah!" Mebius looked at Shoubi God, shouted softly and took a fighting stance...

Mebius felt that Shoubi God was just a monster formed by absorbing some Grotesk cells, and he should be able to deal with it.

"Hahaha." When Shoubishi saw Mebius appear, he didn't show any panic or fear, but still laughed loudly.

Seeing this, Mebius was not polite and directly flipped in front of Shoubishi.


Mebius shouted coldly and punched Shoubishi.

However, the next moment, Mebius was surprised to find that his fist was like hitting steel. Shoubishi didn't seem to be hurt, but he felt a little pain in his fist.

"This guy!" Mebius was a little surprised.

But Mebius didn't know why Shoubishi didn't fight back when facing his attack.

Seeing this, Mebius continued to attack Shoubishi.

"Crack, crack, crack!" Mebius shouted coldly, and his fists were like a whirlwind, constantly attacking Shoubishi.

It seems that Mebius suppressed Shoubishi.

At this time, in the sky...

Chapter 240 Mebius Rays!

"Well done, Mebius, that's it!"

"Just get rid of this guy."

"That's right, keep going, get rid of him like this!"

The guys exclaimed when they saw Mebius so brave.

Kinomi was next to Lufa, watching Mebius' attack on Shoubi Shen, and felt that this time Mebius might be able to get rid of Shoubi Shen directly.

However, Lufa saw that Mebius was wasting his energy by doing this. Shoubi Shen, who had absorbed a huge amount of Gurotes cells, was absolutely maxed out in terms of physical strength and ability to withstand 26 hits.

"Build it!"

Accompanied by Mebius's cold shout, his fist hit Shoubi Shen hard again.

However, facing Mebius's attack, Shoubi Shen still held the sculpture carp and laughed so hard that it made people's scalps numb.

Mebius slowly raised his head, wanting to see what damage his attack had caused to Shoubi Shen.

But the next second.


A foot kicked directly at Mebius.

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