·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Lufa's terrible aura enveloped an area of ​​several meters. Only Mebius could feel it. Neither the Four Dark Lords nor Bogaru beside him could sense it.



The sky formed by the sea surface began to surge with raging waves.

Just when the guys and the Four Dark Lords thought that Lufa had no way to deal with the two-tailed monster.

... .... ....


One, two, three, four...

Ten, eleven!!

The guys and the Four Dark Lords had no time to count how many horrible meteorites Lufa had summoned. They had already begun to fall to the bottom of the sea!

The two-tailed monster looked at the meteorites that were falling towards him from the sky and was directly scared silly!

Just now, he hid in the seabed and avoided the previous meteorite attacks, which took all his efforts.

But now these dozen meteorites falling towards him made the two-tailed monster despair!


Do you need to make such a big fuss to deal with a small monster like yourself! !

If these dozen meteorites fall on every corner of the earth, it will be enough to destroy the earth! ! Er.

Chapter 229 Lufa: You can't beat the monster because you didn't try hard

Under the shocked gaze of the guys, Bogaru, and the Four Dark Lords, Lufa used the dozen meteorites summoned by the dark disaster to fall one by one where the two-tailed monster appeared.




The continuous roar made the entire seabed seem like a terrifying volcanic eruption.

Even in the sea water, one could feel a kind of earth-shaking scene, like the end of the world.

"Six, seven, seven"

And the place where the two-tailed monster was located had been completely sunk by the meteorites, and the sea water was surging, as if it was going to turn the world upside down.

Facing the attack of more than a dozen meteorites, the two-tailed monster didn't want to die, and was also drilling into the seabed to avoid Lufa's dark disaster meteorite attack, but it was useless.

Not long after he went down to the seabed, the second meteorite hit him.

As for the invisibility ability, it was even more useless.

Under the huge coverage and attack area of ​​the meteorite, the invisibility ability could not provide any help to the two-tailed monster at all. If it insisted on being on top, it would be no different from a target.


The painful roar of the two-tailed monster appeared in everyone's ears from the rolling sea water.

Hearing the painful roar of the two-tailed monster, Bogaru's face changed, and then he looked at Ultraman Lufa fiercely, and then walked away without hesitation.

Originally, the two-tailed monster was about to succeed. As long as Ultraman Mebius was controlled, he could attack Mebius and devour him.

As a result, this time Ultraman Lufa came to mess with him again. Damn it!

But judging from the strength shown by Ultraman Lufa, Bogaru didn't want to conflict with Lufa so soon, so he could only retreat temporarily! !

"Damn you, you win this time." Bogaru looked at Ultraman Rufa and said, and then his body slowly dissipated in the sea.

Guys, inside the Speedy.

At this time, Shingo Sakami, Teppei, George, Kimi, plus Ryu Aihara and Marina, they were stunned by the boiling seabed.

"My God, Ultraman Rufa is so brutal." Kimi looked at the seabed buried by more than a dozen meteorites and couldn't help whispering.

"I've never seen such a violent way!" George also nodded vigorously.

Teppei was stunned: "Too outrageous!!"

Shingo Sakami's eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of shock...

The Speedy at the scene was even more shocked than Shingo Sakami and others who were watching the video at the base.

Marina opened her mouth in astonishment: "Is this the strength of Ultraman Lufa? Sure enough, he never let us down every time!!"

"Too scary!!"

"If Ultraman Lufa wants to, he can easily destroy our Earth!"

"His strength is beyond doubt!"

Aihara Ryu also nodded heavily.

Mebius looked at the dozen meteorites summoned by Lufa, and after killing the two-tailed monster, he looked at Lufa and asked: "Senior... we should all be Ultra Warriors, right?"

"Well? Of course."

Lufa nodded.

Mebius heard this, 1.8 eyes flashed, and his heart twitched: "But why do I feel that we are not the same at all?"

Ultraman Lufa folded his hands and smiled: "Maybe you are not working hard enough? Why don't you think about yourself for so many years?"

Mebius heard this, and the light in his eyes flashed more violently!

What a joke, he has been working very hard.

Chapter 230 Assistant Officer Toriyama: Who is the guy who made this meal?

It's just that there are accidents every time.

"Well, since that guy has been dealt with, the matter should end here." Ultraman Rufa folded his arms and let go. The next moment, before Mebius could speak, he jumped out of the seabed.

Seeing this, Mebius shook his head helplessly.

At this time, the energy core in Mebius' chest also flashed rapidly.

Seeing this, Mebius was about to leave, but suddenly saw the Speedy still on the seabed!

Seeing this, Mebius picked up the Speedy and flew to the sea together.

Return to the restaurant.

Lufa sat back on the rocking chair and looked at himself to get the system reward.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: energy purity +21, speed +545, strength +44, and mental strength +2656! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You have obtained the supersonic roar skill [from Ultraman Blaze]! ]

Lufa looked at the information panel in front of him and his eyes lit up.

Recently, he has obtained a lot of skills from Ultraman Blaze!

Now there is another supersonic skill, which should be similar to the lion roar in the martial arts world?

To be honest, it is not bad.

In the Ultraman world, if there is any sonic skill that impressed Lufa the most, it is definitely the sonic released by Gliza.

When Griza appeared, he only released sound waves, which made the virtual Gomora and X unable to fight back. It can be seen that the sound wave skill is powerful.

Lufa felt that if he used this skill with his own strength, the power would definitely not disappoint him.

"A good skill!" Lufa raised his mouth slightly, slightly satisfied with the reward this time.



Fortunately, there was no big problem this time. Of course, in addition to that, there were more performances of Ultraman Lufa, which shocked them too much! !

After all, there were more than a dozen meteorites.

All fell to the bottom of the sea, and the explosion caused by this directly flattened the seabed. If it was summoned from the void and fell to the sea surface.

I am afraid that the disaster caused by the tsunami formed at that time, the loss would make guys feel numb.

But fortunately, nothing happened.

And this time, there was no loss to mankind to solve the trouble. Guys Toriyama assisted the commander and decided to treat everyone to a good meal.


Guys, without a doubt, naturally came directly to Lufa.

"Senior, thank you for last time." Taking advantage of the free time to eat, Hibino Mirai thanked Lufa solemnly.

Hibino Mirai knew that if it wasn't for Lufa last time, he would definitely be finished.

"It's a small matter. If you really want to thank me, just bring them to my place to spend more next time." Lufa smiled and didn't care about Hibino Mirai's thanks.

"Don't worry, I will."

Hibino Mirai nodded heavily.

Then, at the strong request of Shingo Sakamizu, Marina, and Kinomi, Lufa personally cooked a meal for them.

After eating, Assistant Officer Toriyama's eyes widened.


Assistant Officer Toriyama's eyes widened and his expression was exaggerated.

"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't recommend the assistant to come here." Shingo Sakamizu and others saw this and said to Assistant Officer Toriyama with a smile.

Assistant Officer Toriyama kept eating until his mouth was full, and then he said to Shingo Sakumui and the others vaguely: "Who is the chef who made this meal? How can we let a guy with such cooking skills go out? Of course, we should recruit him to our guys and let him be responsible for our meals. The treatment is easy!!".

Chapter 231 Invite Lufa?

"Well... we have invited him before, but he is the owner of this restaurant, how could he go to our guys?" Shingo Sakumui said helplessly.

They had thought of what Assistant Officer Toriyama thought of earlier.

But they also invited Lufa.

But Lufa refused without even thinking about it.

"Of course, there is no way for you to ask directly." Assistant Officer Toriyama smoothed his stomach, then patted his head and said: "We have to invite this store manager to visit our base first, and then talk about the salary and benefits, and he will definitely consider it."

Sakumui Shingo, Kinomi, Marina, and Hibino Mirai were stunned when they heard what Assistant Officer Toriyama said.


Why didn't they think of this method before?

As long as Lufa goes to visit and sees the differences between guys and ordinary cities, he might be interested in staying.

I have to say that Assistant Officer Toriyama is usually unreliable, but now he can come up with this good suggestion.


When the guys had finished their meal and left, Shingo Sakamizu, as the captain, took Assistant Officer Toriyama to find Lufa and took the initiative to invite Lufa to visit the guys base!

Lufa was immediately interested after hearing this. After all, he had never actually seen the guys in the original book. To be honest, he was also very curious!

Then Lufa promised the guys that he would visit the guys base on the third day!


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the expectant gaze of Hibino Mirai, Shingo Sakamizu, Kinomi, and Marina, Lufa finally entered the guys base and came to the command room to meet them.

Lufa saw that only Shingo Sakamizu and his group were there, and that Assistant Officer Toriyama from last time was missing, so he asked in confusion, "Are you the only ones there? I remember there was another officer, right?"

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