The guys were talking, their eyes were all fixed on Ultraman Rufa who appeared.

Ultraman Rufa glanced at Mebius next to him, and then pulled Mebius up from the side with a whip of light: "Tsk, if I come a little later, you will be gone."


Mebius shouted embarrassedly.

"Let me see how troublesome this guy with the ability to be invisible is." Ultraman Rufa chuckled, not caring about Mebius's embarrassment, but looking at the two-tailed monster.

"Roar!" The two-tailed monster seemed to sense Rufa's powerful strength, and roared twice in anxiety.

Chapter 226 Rufa Ultraman summoned a meteorite?


The next moment, two light wheels flew out of Rufa's hands.

Eight-point light wheel!

The two-tailed monster saw that the light wheel that easily cut his whip just now attacked him again, and chose to be invisible without hesitation.

The twin-tailed monster could feel that if he was accidentally touched or cut by these light wheels, he would definitely be finished on the spot! !

The eight-point light wheel flew over the place where the twin-tailed monster disappeared just now, but there was no real feeling of cutting.

Seeing this, Mebius reminded Lufa and said, "Senior, be careful. After this monster becomes invisible, it is difficult for us to detect its trace."


Ultraman Lufa chuckled, and then the skills in his hand fell to the surroundings without cost.

Vertical guillotine, horizontal guillotine, Spacium ray, various light abilities of the Orb Holy Sword were used in turn. Lufa nodded slightly under Mebius's confused gaze: "Well, it is indeed difficult to detect his trace."

Mebius: "..." ..."

"In that case, let's play with something bigger. "

"Directly cover the attack. "

Lufa snapped his fingers and directly used the dark disaster skill he had acquired before.

The skill of the Anperla star that only exists in the setting can first seal the enemy in a dark space, and then release a huge meteorite to smash him to death.

"Covering attack?" Mebius was stunned again.

What the hell is this thing, can it cover the attack?

But soon Mebius knew what Lufa meant!


The void on the seabed around him suddenly seemed to be blocked by some terrifying energy. The seabed that originally had a trace of light was now completely devoid of light.

Darkness and silence!

This oppressive atmosphere seemed to be brewing some great terror.

Mebius looked around in surprise: "Senior...what do you want to do! ! "

"You will see it in a while. "Ultraman Rufa smiled, and the next moment, under Mebius's nervous gaze, he looked up towards the sea.

Mebius subconsciously looked in the direction Rufa was looking at.



The sea began to surge.

Then, under Mebius's shocked gaze, a huge meteorite slowly broke through the sea water, carrying a blazing black flame, and fell from the void.

Seeing this scene, Mebius couldn't help but flashing his eyes violently.

Ryu Aihara and Marina in the Speedy opened their eyes wide and were stunned!

"¨ˇ Meteorite!!! Meteorite! My God!" Ryu Aihara shouted in shock.

"Ultraman Rufa actually summoned the meteorite. "Marina also cried out.

Not only the two of them were shocked, even Shingo Sakomizu, George, and Teppei in the guys base were terrified when they saw this scene.

"What is the limit of Ultraman Rufa? He can even summon meteorites."

"Not only that, look at the surrounding sea water, it seems to be completely sealed in another space!"

"This is simply a covering attack, it's too scary, compared with Ultraman Rufa, Mebius is not even in the same order of magnitude!"

The gap, the gap is too big.

Even the guys feel that Mebius and Ultraman Rufa are not the same kind of Ultra Warriors.

Chapter 227 Is the Twin-Tailed Monster Still Alive?

When Ultraman Rufa used the ability of Dark Disaster, the four dark kings and the four Mefilas who were observing the earth and waiting for the resurrection of the Anperla star were shocked by the sudden appearance of the terrifying dark wave.

"This power, is there any power on earth that can be compared with your majesty? "The Mefilas said in surprise, looking at the earth below.

"It's impossible, there must be something wrong with our perception."

"We can still feel the power fluctuations now, let's go and have a look."

The strategic cosmic man Disrem, the frozen star Grozam, and the alien Yabo spoke up.

The Mefilas nodded and said, "We really need to confirm and see who released this power!"

After the discussion of the four 677 dark kings, they decided to go to the deep sea where Lufa was.

When they arrived at the deep sea, they saw the huge meteorite summoned by Lufa using the dark disaster.

"Hiss!" The Mefilas was surprised when he saw the huge meteorite manifested by the dark disaster ability.

"What a powerful force, but we seem to have sensed it wrongly just now. This power is far inferior to your majesty." said the frozen star Grozam.

"Indeed, but it is indeed comparable to us. Even we have to be careful." said Di Si Leim.

The alien Yabo sneered: "That's because you are too weak. If it were me, I would directly put him in my small bottle and turn him into a bronze statue!"

"Yabo, don't be too proud. That guy's strength is indeed worthy of our careful response, and this attack should be able to eliminate the enemy." Mefilas said as he looked at Ultraman Rufa, Mebius and the two-tailed monster below.


In the Speedy, Aihara Ryu and Marina already felt that the two-tailed monster was definitely dead.

"With such a large meteorite, the two-tailed monster must have been solved." Aihara Ryu said.

Marina also nodded: "Indeed!"

Guys base.

Sakumui Shingo clenched his fist, shocked and surprised, and said: "As expected of Ultraman Rufa, he can definitely solve the monster that can be invisible."

Teppei also nodded: "Indeed, except for the two-tailed monster being killed, I can't think of any other possibility."



Accompanied by a huge meteorite, it broke through the sea water with terrible flames and hit the bottom of the sea.

The next moment.

The whole ocean was like an earthquake.

A huge amount of bubbles floated up, and the exploding flames instantly evaporated part of the sea water.


In the water, the deafening roar made Aihara Ryu and Marina in the Speedy subconsciously open their mouths to protect their ears.


Too horrible!

The entire seabed seemed to be flattened, with rolling waves and raging flames.

"In this case, the monster will definitely die." The guys were very sure.

In the sky.

The four dark kings saw the scene on the bottom of the sea and agreed with the statement of the Mefilas star just now, that is, the monster could not survive under Lufa's attack.

Among them, only one guy had a different opinion.

That was Bogaru.

Bogaru clearly felt that the weak connection with the two-tailed monster that he gave the ability to be invisible still existed.

In other words, the two-tailed monster was still alive.

Although I don't know what method the two-tailed monster used, it is indeed still alive.

Chapter 228: Ultraman Rufa is going to destroy the earth!

"Hahaha, these guys thought they had solved the two-tailed monster, but it's not true at all!!" Bogaru sneered in his heart.

Finally, the terrifying explosion caused by the falling meteorite and the terrible waves finally slowly dissipated.

The ocean gradually returned to calm.

And Mebius, guys, everyone looked at the place where the dark disaster meteorite fell just now.

A pit of more than a thousand meters appeared in everyone's sight.

Guys saw this scene, their scalps tingled!

Fortunately, it was on the bottom of the sea, and the meteorite was summoned out of thin air. If it was outside, I'm afraid that a meteorite would fall, not only the city would be destroyed, but the shock wave might cover dozens or hundreds of kilometers!

Ultraman Rufa, too scary!

But seeing the pit formed on the seabed, after covering the blow, everyone felt that the two-tailed monster should be gone!

However, just when the Four Dark Lords, Mephilas, and the guys and Mebius all felt that the two-tailed monster was doomed,


Somewhere on the seabed, gravel and soil suddenly exploded, and the next moment the two-tailed monster emerged from the seabed.

The sudden scene made the guys and Mebius stunned.

Even the Four Dark Lords who were about to hide again in the sky were surprised.

"Monster, the two-tailed monster has not been solved yet!!" Sakamizu Shingo widened his eyes.

"How is this possible!" Teppei also looked unbelievable.

George said: "Is that guy hiding under the sea?"

In the Speedy.

Aihara Ryu and George also widened their eyes, looking unbelievable.

It's too scary that the two-tailed monster can still survive such a terrifying attack!

The Four Dark Lords!

Mephilas said with interest: "Oh? That guy hasn't been solved yet!"


Frozen Star Grozam laughed.

Desrem on the side also laughed: "What's the big scene? What matters is that we can defeat the enemy!"

"Haha, if it were me, I would have turned him into a bronze statue." The Yabo people also sneered at Lufa.

Mebius said to Ultraman Lufa on the side: "Senior... this guy."

"He's a bit of a thing." Ultraman Lufa smiled, and then said in Mebius's astonished eyes again: "But since he can drill under the seabed, then he can drill ten or dozens of meters, then hundreds or thousands of meters, can he still drill!"

Lufa said.

The terrible aura on his body surged, even Mebius beside him felt a chill.

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