Chapter 223 The two-tailed monster is invisible? !

"What happened to that two-tailed monster? It suddenly disappeared." Shingo Zakizu asked Zheping in a surprised tone as he looked at the two-tailed monster that suddenly disappeared in the screen.

"It shouldn't be. How could the two-tailed monster have such a skill? His skills are very ordinary." Zheping also had a look of disbelief.

But I guess the guys wouldn't have thought that Bogaru had given Nelonga's invisibility skill to the two-tailed monster.

As a result, the two-tailed monster is no longer an ordinary two-tailed monster.

When Membius saw the two-tailed monster that was attacking him suddenly disappear, he couldn't help but look around cautiously.

"Why did it suddenly disappear? It's a bit troublesome." Mumbius thought to himself, looking around carefully. At the same time, Mumbius was also thinking about what he would do if Lufa was here.

However, the reality is that neither the two-tailed monster nor Bogaru gave Mebius that much time to think.


There was a sudden surge in the calm sea water. Before Mombius could react, the two-tailed monster suddenly appeared behind Mombius and knocked him away.


Membius's huge body fell onto the sea, making a roar, and the mud on the bottom of the sea began to fly.

"When!" Mebius lay on the ground and immediately turned around to look behind him.

Sure enough, the two-tailed monster was waving its whip and shouting at Mebius with a mocking meaning.

At this time, the guys and Mebius realized that the two-tailed monster did not disappear, but became invisible.

"The ability to be invisible." Zheping exclaimed when he saw the performance of the two-tailed monster attacking Mebius in the picture.

"Invisible? Can this monster become invisible?"

Shingo said in surprise.

On the side of Mu Zhimei, George also looked at Zheping in surprise.

"This is definitely invisible, and it is exactly the same as a monster I know. Look at this, Nelonga has the ability to be invisible!" Zheping showed the video of Nelonga's invisibility to Shingo Gakamizu, Mizumi, and George.

in the screen.

Nelonga appeared in people's sight, disappeared with a roar the next moment, and then appeared slowly again.

As for Nelonga's posture, Zheping directly compared the image of the two-tailed monster he just recorded and found that it was exactly the same.

··········Ask for flowers·········

That is to say.

Team member Zheping is right, the two-tailed monster really has the invisibility ability of Nelonga.

"Is it really invisibility? Is it the guy just now who gave Nelonga's invisibility ability to the two-tailed monster?" Mu Zhimei said in surprise, and then thought of what Bogaru did to the two-tailed monster, and couldn't help but Guess the sound again.

... .... ...

When Mu Zhimei said this, Shingo Shui, George and Zheping were immediately shocked!


Except for the two-tailed monster who comes into contact with that guy, no one can find the two-tailed monster in the deep sea.

"No, we have to find a way to tell this information to Mombius." Shingo Osaki said seriously.

While they were looking for information about the sudden disappearance and reappearance of the two-tailed monster, Membius was already completely helpless under the attack of the two-tailed monster.

If faced with an ordinary two-tailed monster, Mebius was confident that he could fight the two-tailed monster even at the bottom of the sea.

After all, the two-tailed monster is an indigenous monster of the earth, and it is completely different from the powerful alien monster.

Chapter 224 Rampant Bogaru

However, now this two-tailed monster can become invisible, and Mebius has no combat experience in this area.


The two-tailed monster became invisible, and when it reappeared, it was already standing next to Membius. The two whips directly whipped Membius away, and two balls of sparks exploded on him.

"Build it!" Mebius screamed and fell heavily to the ground again.

"Hahaha, it turns out you are not that guy. Although they are both Ultra Warriors, the gap between "6, 7, 3" is too big." Bogaru looked at Membius from the side, sneered and gave the order to the two-tailed monster. : "Two-tailed monster, quickly restrain him, I want to eat it."

"Ho ho"

The two-tailed monster roared and became invisible again.

When Membius heard Bogaru's ridicule, he stood up from the ground unsteadily, and then said to her: "Senior is very strong, but I also work very hard. If you want to defeat me easily, don't even think about it."

Mebius's eyes sparkled.

At this time, the two-tailed monster whipped towards Mebius again.

At this time, Membius had focused his attention to the peak moment. At the next moment, he reached out and grabbed the whip that the two-tailed monster had hit.

"Roar?" The two-tailed monster was startled.

"Grab your whip, now you can't run away even if you're invisible!"

"Build it!"

Membius shouted softly, grabbed the whip with all his strength, and pulled the two-tailed monster over!

"Ho ho ho!"

Seeing himself crashing into Membius, the two-tailed monster quickly tried to break free from the whip held by Membius, but it was of no use! !

next moment.


With a muffled sound coming from the sea water, the two-tailed monster screamed in pain after being punched by Membius.

Next, under the astonished gazes of everyone on Guys Rapid and Guys, Mebius directly punched the two-tailed monster repeatedly.

A few punches down.

The two-tailed monster seemed to be about to be killed.

This made Ryuu Aihara and Mariina on the Rapids stunned for a moment, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought that Mebius was going to be defeated by the two-tailed monster. It seems that there is no need to worry now." Aihara Ryu breathed out.

"Yes!" Mariina also nodded. They just saw Mebius being suppressed by the two-tailed monster, and they were watching from the sidelines unable to do anything, but they were very anxious!

guys base.

Shingo Shizui saw that Mebius had already started to suppress the two-tailed monster, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that we don't have to think about telling Mebius that information. Now Mebius can deal with the monster..." ..."

"That's not bad."

George nodded.

However, they seem to have forgotten one thing.

When Bogaru saw that the two-tailed monster he had given the ability to become invisible couldn't even deal with Mebius, he immediately said angrily: "There is no trash, even this guy can't be dealt with, and I have to take action."

Bogaru snorted in his heart, and at the next moment he directly raised his hand and attacked Membius who was beating the two-tailed monster wildly.


The ball of light hits Mebius.

As a ball of sparks exploded from behind Mebius, Mebius 1.8 screamed in pain and rolled to the side.

The two-tailed monster escaped from the violent beating of Membius. After sensing that Membius had disappeared, it immediately used its invisibility ability! !


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Hahaha!" Bogaru couldn't help but smile wildly when he saw the two-tailed monster turning invisible again: "Let's see how you deal with it this time.

Chapter 225 Lufa appears again

"Oops!" Menbius sensed that he was suddenly attacked, and knew that he had just been so immersed in the pleasure of beating the two-tailed monster that he forgot that there was a more terrifying guy next to him.

Sure enough, when Membius turned around and looked at where the two-tailed monster was just now.

At this time, the two-tailed monster has disappeared.


A roar exploded in Membius's ears.

Immediately afterwards, Membius felt himself being knocked away hard.

Even if it is in the water, it can be protected from the impact of falling, but the impact of the impact will cause 26% damage, which is a real deal.

"Build it!" Mebius flew out again.

The two-tailed monster learned a lesson this time and knocked Membius away, making Membius unable to use his power, and then attacked with his own whip.


Mebius was hit by the whip again, and a huge spark exploded.

Then Membius fell heavily to the bottom of the sea.

Immediately afterwards.

Before Membius could react, the two-tailed monster's two whips came up again and tied him up heavily!

Mebius was immediately restrained in place, unable to use any strength even if he struggled.

"Ding ding ding."

The energy core in Membius's chest began to flash.

When everyone saw this scene, they knew that something was wrong since Membius was knocked away by a sudden attack.

Now seeing Mebius being entangled in the whip of the two-tailed monster, the situation is even worse than before.

"Is there any way I can help Mebius!!" Shingo Gakamizu said anxiously.

George shook his head at the beauty of Zheping and Mu.

Mu Zhimei said: "At this time, if Ultraman Lufa is here, it should be able to solve it!"

Speaking of Ultraman Rufa, Shingo Oshui and the others couldn't help but their eyes lit up.


Ultraman Lufa would appear before, but now that Mebius is in danger, Ultraman Lufa...

Guys Everyone was thinking about Ultraman Lufa appearing when a white light wheel suddenly cut out of the deep sea.


As the bubbles rose, the whip of the two-tailed monster exploded into a ball of sparks, which was directly cut off by the white light wheel.


The white light reflected on the entire seabed, illuminating all darkness.

I saw an extremely handsome figure appearing in the sight of the two-tailed monster, Membius, Bogaru, and guys.

Inside the Rapid.

Seeing this white figure, Mariina was surprised and said: "It's Ultraman Lufa, Ultraman Lufa is finally here!"

Aihara Ryu also nodded excitedly: "If there is Ultraman Lufa, then everything will not be a problem!"

guys base.

Shingo and the others were also very happy.

"Great, Ultraman Rufa is here."

"Ultraman Lufa's strength can easily defeat monsters."

673 "Okay, this time it's the monster's turn and the spaceman's turn to panic."

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