"Sure enough, there was no fight." Lufa sat in the rocking chair, put down the newspaper in his hand, stretched, stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Feeling a little hungry, Lufa was ready to eat something.

Lufa originally thought that Mumbius, Bogaru, and the Hunter Knight were fighting again.

Just right.

This time he went to get some mission rewards, but obviously the plot did not show any difference from the original work up to this point.

If nothing unexpected happens next.

Just go to Bogaru and go to the bottom of the sea, and then activate the two-tailed monster to lure Membius there, and then prepare to devour Membius, right?

A few days have passed.

Here at Lufa's restaurant, the guys come here to eat every day, but the news they talked about made Lufa 26 a little surprised.

Not discussing himself, nor what happened after he transformed into Ultraman, but discussing Mebius.

"Membius's performance two days ago was really good." Aihara Ryuu said with a smile.

"Yes, after all, we successfully prevented the monster from devouring 929 and helped the Fanton people." George also nodded and said.

"That's good. It would be even better if we could defeat that monster."

"It can be seen that the monster is very powerful. Mebius has done a good job."

The beauty of wood, Mariina discussed.

Hibino Mirai on the side raised the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard the guys discussing him.

However, when he saw Lufa, the smile on Hibino Mirai's face disappeared and turned into humility.

After all, his record is still far behind Lufa.

"You've grown up, Mebius!" Lufa's voice using Ultra Telekinesis appeared in Hibino Mirai's ears.

When Hibino heard this in the future, he couldn't help but look at Lufa.

It's just that at this time, Lufa's eyes no longer fell on him, but were communicating with Shingo Osui, Mu Zhimei, and Marina! !

In peaceful daily life, there will always be disturbing things happening.

It's like life is full of surprises.

Just as the guys were enjoying a wonderful lunch, their communicator suddenly rang.

Meiqixue's figure appeared in their communicator.

Meiqixue said: "On the west coast, there are abnormal and unknown energy fluctuations. Guys, please come back to discuss the battle plan."


After hearing this, Shingo Gakamizu and Hibino Mirai nodded, and then stood up.

But at this time, Meiqixue's voice suddenly came from the communicator.

"Oh, by the way, remember to pack a few meals and come back. You can't eat alone!" Mei Qixue reminded Shingo Shimizu and the others.

It has to be said that one time, Shingo and others sneaked out to eat and were caught by Mei Qixue.

Later, when he saw how delicious everyone was eating, he asked Shingo Masui to pack a portion and take it home.

673 After eating.

Meiqixue completely fell under the delicious food and became a prisoner.

So she turned a blind eye to the guys coming to Lufa's place to eat. Anyway, as long as it didn't affect the fight against monsters and the evacuation and rescue work.


Shingo Gakamizu smiled and nodded.

When Hibino Mirai was leaving, he looked at Lufa, nodded to Lufa, and then followed in the footsteps of Shingo and others.

Lufa looked at Hibino Mirai, Shingo Ozuzu and the others who were leaving, his eyes flashed: "It seems that the plot I mentioned earlier is coming. Bogaru started to create twin-tailed monsters to attract Mebius."

Chapter 221 Bogaru’s conspiracy: Jie Jie Jie!

Lufa knew that it was Bogaru who was acting, but the guys didn't know.

I saw Bogaru, who was already at the bottom of the sea, laughing and firing out balls of energy, which then merged into the egg of the two-tailed monster.

As for the guys, after discussion, Shingo Suzui prepared to match Ryu Aihara and Marina, who has special hearing. They drove the Rapid to the sea area where the two-tailed monster was.

After a period of sailing and a large screen connected to the command room, everyone finally saw what caused the abnormal energy fluctuations.

When they saw the huge pebbles formed by the two-tailed monster, Shingo Osui and the others in the guys' command room couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"Apparently, this should be a monster's egg." Shingo Osami looked at the huge stone egg in the screen and said.

"It would be better to use an ultrasound scan." Zheping on the side suggested.

Shingo Shimizu nodded. It is true that ultrasonic scanning can better analyze the situation.

Aihara Ryuu and Mu Zhimei, who were inside the Rapid, laughed when they heard this.

"Okay, in that case, let's scan it with ultrasound." "Ryuu Aihara said, looking at Mariina behind him.


Marina turned on the ultrasonic scanner and quickly obtained the scan.

The scanned image appeared in front of everyone.

The first time they saw this picture, everyone knew it was definitely a monster, and Zheping immediately recognized what kind of monster it was! !

"Two-tailed monster!"

"A kind of ancient biological monster that belongs to the earth. I didn't expect to see it."

Zheping's words made the guys a little surprised. They probably didn't expect that the earth could breed its own monsters.

"What are we going to do next?" Now that we know it's a monster, we have to solve it, Kizumi on the side asked Shingo Gakamizu.

Hearing this, Shingo pondered slightly.

Working in the deep sea is very difficult even for guys.

It can be said to be even more difficult to effectively solve the problem of the two-tailed monster.



At this time, a terrifying laughter suddenly came from the screen.

Almost immediately, everyone in the guys command room was attracted by the laughter.

It turned out that it was Aihara Ryuu, Marina and the others who saw Bogaru's figure just now. They were surprised and pointed the camera directly at it, and then saw Bogaru's figure wearing a white coat.

I saw a faint white light emitting from Bogaru's body at this time. Even though she was at the bottom of the sea, she could still move freely.

And accompanied by loud laughter, she continuously shot out rays of light, flew across the sea water, and then submerged into the stone eggs of the two-tailed monster. It seemed that she was making some plans.

"¨ˇ It's the guy from before." Seeing this scene, Hibino Mirai stood up from his chair and looked at Bogaru in surprise.

"What is he doing?" Zushui Shingo said solemnly, looking at Bogaru who kept shooting balls of light at the two (Wang Zhaohao) tail monsters.

He felt that Bogaru was doing something very bad, and he felt something was wrong.

"have no idea."

Mu Zhimei and the others shook their heads and approached.

In fact, this is Bogaru enhancing the two-tailed monster. After all, although the two-tailed monster is said to be a monster, it is actually very weak if he is revived now.

There was simply no possibility of attracting Mebius to her.

Chapter 222 The two-tailed monster fuses with Nelonga? !

After all, after spending so much effort to wake up the two-tailed monster from its slumber, Bogaru didn't just want the two-tailed monster to attract Mebius.

At least it would have to cause huge trouble to Mebius, and that guy would probably show up later.

It would be better to hold off any of them if possible.

The aspect that Bogaru enhanced for the two-tailed monster was to give him the transparency ability of Nelonga. In this dim seabed, adding the transparency ability is even more powerful.

Even Mebius would probably be difficult to deal with.

"Hahaha" Bogaru once again fired the last ray of light, and the next moment the entire seabed began to shake violently.

"Not good!" Aihara Ryu couldn't help but exclaimed when he felt the shaking sound around him. 673

Mariina, who was sitting behind Ryu Aihara, felt something bad when she saw this scene: "Could it be that the monster has awakened?"

guys command room.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shingo Gakamizu immediately said to Ryuu Aihara and Mariina: "Leave quickly. If the monster comes out, the situation will be bad!"

"We are already starting to retreat with all our strength!" Aihara Ryu controlled the Rapid and rushed towards the sea.

But at this time, the two-tailed monster had broken out of its shell.

"Roar" the two-tailed monster roared, its huge body moved on the seabed, causing waves.

The Rapid was hit by sea water fluctuations, and its normally functioning engine (cgbi) began to crash. Now the Rapid has no power to move.

"Oops!!" Aihara Ryuu and Mu Zumi turned pale.

guys in the command room.

Hibino Mirai shrank his eyes when he saw this scene, then quietly walked out of the command room and directly began to transform into Mebius.

"Roar" the two-tailed monster intercepted the Rapid, and then rammed towards the Rapid.

Seeing this scene, Bogaru laughed and said, "Get rid of them!"

However, just when the two-tailed monster was about to hit the Rapid.


A character representing infinite meaning appears in the ocean, with red light, attracting everyone's attention.

in their gaze.

Mebius appeared from the light, and then stood in front of the two-tailed monster.

When Bogaru saw Mumbius appearing, he licked his mouth with his long tongue, and then an evil smile appeared on his face.

"finally come!"

When the two-tailed monster saw Mebius suddenly appearing, he was startled and stopped in a hurry.

"Hoho" the two-tailed monster roared at Mebius.

"Build it!" Mebius stopped the two-tailed monster, then glanced at the Rapid behind him and nodded.

Inside guys.

Shingo and others couldn't help but be surprised when they saw Mebius appear!

"It's Membius. He performed so well last time, and this time he even helped the Rapid." Mu Zhimei looked at Membius on the screen and said in surprise.

On the side, Shingo Masui, Teppei, and George also nodded excitedly when they saw this.

Fortunately, there is Membius.

Otherwise, the situation of Ryu Aihara and Mariina in the Rapid is likely to be very bad.

"Kill him." Bogaru saw the two-tailed monster in a daze and gave him an order directly.

"Roar." After receiving Bogaru's instructions, the two-tailed monster attacked Mebius.

Seeing this, Mebius assumed a fighting stance.

The two-tailed monster moved at a good speed in the water, but compared to the guy flying on land, Mebius felt that he could handle it.

Just when Membius was about to attack the two-tailed monster, the two-tailed monster suddenly emitted a faint light, and the next moment it disappeared from the sight of Membius and guys!

The sudden scene made Menbius and guys stunned! .

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