
It's probably impossible for humans to like this kind of food.

Next Zheping put 929 into the container given by the Fanton people, and their mission was completed.

However, at this moment, a woman wearing a white coat suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"It's that guy!" Hibino Mirai looked at Bogaru and said solemnly.

Teppei, Mu Zhimei, and Jinna on the side had already taken out their beam guns and pointed them at Bogaru.

Sadra suddenly appeared in Yunwu Mountain. After analysis by the guys, they discovered Bogaru who appeared in Yunwu Mountain, which is the middle-aged woman they see now.

When Bogaru saw the guys pointing guns at him, he didn't show any fear. Instead, he smiled evilly, and then his eyes shone red.


The 929 loading device next to Zheping, Mu Zhimei and Marina suddenly exploded.

The sudden scene startled Hibino Mirai and the others.


In their surprised eyes, 929 began to increase.

"No, leave quickly!" Hibino Mirai saw this scene and hurriedly reminded Zheping and the others.

The guys immediately ran outside the factory.

next moment.

With a huge roar, the entire factory was instantly burst by 929.


There was a huge roar and explosion, and 929 was like a monster, growing bigger and more ferocious.

Zheping and the others were dumbfounded.

The small 929 suddenly became so big.

"What's going on? Why did it become so big all of a sudden!" Zheping hurriedly contacted the Fanton people! !

Later, Zheping received a surprising news.

That is, 929 absorbs carbon dioxide from the human atmosphere and grows faster!

That is to say.

If 929 were on Earth, it would be infinitely larger.

"Hey, hey, this kind of thing is no joke!" Zheping said quickly to the Fanton star.

However, the Vanton star's explanation is still the same as before. If you want to prevent 929 from getting bigger, the only way is to activate the Vanton star spacecraft or re-compress 929.

Chapter 218 Bogaru appears again, target: 929!

And no matter which two they are, they all need Vanton spacecraft.

However, it was because of the applause that the Fanton spacecraft docked at Earth.

At this time, deputy commander Guys Toriyama stepped forward and recommended the use of transcendent technology to help the Vantons repair the spacecraft.


929 is getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this, Bogaru could no longer hold back his appetite, and then directly revealed his true form.

Seeing this scene, Hibino Mirai's eyes moved, and then he said to Teppei and the others: "The monster has appeared. I'm going to evacuate the crowd. Everyone, please move quickly."

Zheping and the others nodded without hesitation and began to evacuate the crowd.

Hibino Mirai, on the other hand, found a deserted place and directly transformed into Mebius!

"Build it!" Membius fell from the air and stopped directly in front of Bogaru.

929 is an important food for the Vandun people. If it is swallowed by Bogaru, then the Vandun people will be completely finished in the universe.

"Ho ho" Bogaru couldn't help roaring when he saw Mumbius blocking his eyes, telling Mumbius to get out of here.

"Build it!"

Membius ignored it, and then directly attacked Bogaru!

Membius snorted coldly, rushed in front of Bogaru, and punched out.


There was a soft roar.

Membius punched Bogaru, and there was a roar immediately, but this had no effect on Bogaru, and it was even said to be neither painful nor itchy.

What's more, Bogaru didn't move at all.

"What!" Membius was surprised when he saw that his fist attack was not directed at Bogaru!

The next second, Membius was directly kicked out by Bogaru.


Mebius fell heavily to the ground.

Bogaru roared and continued walking towards 929!

Now he is not in the mood to deal with Membius, he just wants to eat 929.

But Bogaru didn't take two steps before he was continued to be entangled by Mumbius.

In desperation, Bogaru could only fight with Membius.

Because of his previous fighting experience, Mebius is much stronger than he was at the beginning.

Facing Bogaru's attack, he was able to withstand it for a moment.

··········Ask for flowers·········

However, after persisting for a while, Mumbius was beaten violently by Bogaru.

"Build it!"

Mebius was repeatedly kicked away, hit hard, and even thrown away.

But in the end, Mebius stood up strong.

Somewhere in the city.

The hunter knight, the former captain of the guys, Captain Serizawa, was looking at Bogaru with a hint of ferocious murderous intent in his expression! !

... .... 0

Bhogaru! !

He is the target of the Hunter Knight's revenge.

"Bogaru!" The hunter knight looked ferocious, then raised his hand.


A blue light emerged just as the Hunter Knight transformed and appeared.

A ray of light suddenly came from the universe.

I saw the ever-increasing 929, shrouded in that light, and then slowly flying into the universe.

Apparently the guys helped the Vantons repair the spaceship.

"Ho ho!" Bogaru suddenly became anxious when he saw 929 beginning to be sucked away.


Several whips were wrapped around 929. Bogaru wanted to pull 929 down and devour him! Son.

Chapter 219: Mebius was crushed again

But Mumbius, who was watching from the sidelines, would not just watch Bogaru's conspiracy succeed.

So when Bogaru used his whip to wrap around 929, Membius directly fired a cutting light bullet, instantly cutting off Bogaru's two whips.

"Hoho!" Bogaru roared angrily when he saw that 929, which was originally coming to his mouth, was destroyed by Membius.

"Build it"

After being attacked by Bogaru continuously "six to seven times", and finally using up all his energy to fire a ray of light and slicing Bogaru's whip, Mumbius's state had reached its limit.


Mebius knelt on one knee on the ground, supporting himself with both hands, and the energy core in his chest flashed rapidly.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong."

The Phoenix on the side saw Membius lying on the ground and quickly flew a fighter plane to his vicinity.

This time Membius really tried his best and successfully prevented Bogaru from devouring 929. He did a great job.

Bogaru turned to look at Mumbius, and walked towards Mumbius in two or three steps.

Since 929 has been snatched away, let’s devour Membius!

This guy is preventing himself from eating.

In the sky, the Phoenix immediately separated, then turned into the Flying Wing, and the Loader covered Mebius.

The pilots, Ryu Aihara and George, cooperated tacitly to launch beams and missile attacks at Bogaru, but their attacks had no great effect at all.

Whether it's light or missiles.

These attacks fell on Bogaru, all of which were like tickling.

Bogaru walked up to Mumbius who was lying softly on the ground. Then the two devouring organs that looked like wings began to open towards Mumbius, and the ferocious fangs had appeared.

"Build it!" Mebius raised his hands and wanted to stand up to fight, but his body no longer allowed it!

Just as Bogaru was about to devour Mumbius, suddenly a blue light shone from behind Bogaru.

Immediately afterwards.

A beam of light fell on Bogaru, who was blasted forward a few steps.

Bogaru felt the familiar pain in his body, roared, turned around and looked at the guy behind him who was attacking him!

A masked giant with a blue body appeared in Bogaru's sight.

"Sword!" Bogaru looked at the hunter knight and said quietly.

"Hmph." The hunter knight snorted coldly and was about to continue attacking!

But Bogaru obviously had no intention of getting entangled with the hunter knight, and the next moment he flashed and disappeared from the crowd.

When the hunter knight saw Bogaru disappear, he glanced helplessly at Membius, then raised his hand and disappeared with blue light all over his body.

In the sky, the Flying Wing and the Loader looked at the disappearing Bogaru and Hunter Knight, and they seemed to understand something inexplicably.

"Is the Hunter Knight here for that guy?" Aihara Ryuu said with some confirmation.

"Maybe!" George also said.

But at this time, Shingo Osami's voice appeared on their radio.

"The monster has disappeared. 929 has been successfully recovered. Let's return."

1.8 "Understood!"

Aihara Ryu, George replied after hearing this, and controlled the fighter plane to leave.

Mebius stood up unsteadily, looked at the direction in which the hunter knight disappeared, and then jumped into the air and disappeared.

This time Mebius felt okay and successfully stopped Bogaru without being defeated.

This progress is huge at first glance.

Chapter 220 Lufa’s eyes flashed

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