Luffa said.

He had already stepped out of the Chinese restaurant.

"How could I be missing from this kind of thing?"

"This is the first time the Hunter Knight appears. This is a memorable day."

"The most important thing is to see how strong the Hunter Knight is."

"How many of my attacks can he take?".

Chapter 197 Sadla in the Cloud Mountain!

Cloud Mountain.

The origin of the name of Cloud Mountain is that this mountain is often shrouded in clouds and mist, and it looks like it is hidden in the mist all year round, so it has the name Cloud Mountain.

Now, Cloud Mountain and the appearance of Sadla have led to an increase in fog.

So when the guys drove the Phoenix into Cloud Mountain, their sight was shrouded in thick fog in the blink of an eye.

In everyone's sight, there was nothing else except clouds and fog.

"Such a thick fog, it feels like I can't see anything. It seems that there is nothing in front of me except a vast expanse of white." On the Phoenix loading, Marina looked at the information around her and couldn't help but said a little nervously.

On the plane, the most fearful thing is to encounter such a thing, because you can't see anything.

"Yes, but since the abnormality has been discovered, the matter must be very complicated." Aihara Ryu nodded, and also drove the fighter plane, vigilantly checking the surroundings.

Hibino Mirai drove the Wing, but because it was combined with the Loader, he didn't need to operate it.

"I feel that the matter is not simple, as if there is something in the fog." Hibino Mirai squinted and looked at the fog in front of him.


Suddenly in the hazy fog, Hibino Mirai saw a huge clamp, which seemed to be extending towards the fighter.

"Wait." Hibino Mirai reminded Aihara Ryu who was driving the fighter plane, George and others said: "It seems that something is coming."

Hibino Mirai's words startled the guys!

Then, they hurriedly looked at the fog in front of the Phoenix!

Sure enough.

At the moment when everyone looked forward with concentration, a huge clamp directly broke through the heavy fog and hit the Phoenix.

Seeing this, Aihara Ryu immediately took action and said to Hibino Mirai: "Phoenix separates!"


In the sky.

The Phoenix, which was originally flying together, separated into the Loader and the Wing in the blink of an eye.

Because the separation was successful, the fighter planes moved faster, and everyone also avoided the pincer attack just now.

Until now, everyone saw clearly what had just attacked the fighter plane.

"Pliers!?" Mu Zhimei stared at the pincers that were slowly shrinking back in amazement.

"Is it really a monster? Only monsters have such huge pincers." George stared and said solemnly.


At this time, a deafening roar came from the fog.

The next moment.

In the thick fog, a huge monster slowly walked out.

He had huge horns like a cow, a brown body, and a huge body, looking like a huge dinosaur from ancient times.

Zheping was in the command room and did not move with the Phoenix.

Seeing the appearance of this monster, Teppei was immediately surprised and said: "It is the rock monster Sadra, so that's it. If it is this guy, then it can explain why the fog in Yunwu Mountain has suddenly become so thick."

Sakomi Shingo, who was standing by, looked at Teppei curiously.

Teppei immediately explained: "The rock monster Sadra can secrete a special liquid from its skin. This liquid can produce magnetic fog, making the visibility of the surrounding environment extremely low. According to records, even Ultraman cannot find Sadra hidden in the fog in the magic world.".

Chapter 198 Sadra appears, guys fight!

"In that case, everything before was caused by this guy." Sakomi Shingo nodded, and then immediately said to the separated Loader and Wing: "Guys start attacking!"


Hearing Sakomi Shingo's order, the voices of Aihara Ryu and Hibino Mirai eradicating Kinomi and Marina appeared on the radio.


The loading number and the flying wing immediately began to attack Sadla.

Light, missiles!

One by one, the advanced attack weapons hit Sadla, and pieces of soil were constantly blown up.


Sadla felt the pain in his body and couldn't help roaring.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Aihara Ryu and others in the loading number were very happy, and Hibino Mirai nodded slightly when he saw this.

However, just when they wanted to continue the attack, Sadla, who suddenly roared, disappeared directly in front of them.

To be precise!

It was hidden in the fog.

The fog suddenly became heavier, and the visibility on the fighter plane was almost zero.

"Magic Mirror Fog"


Sadla used his own skills to create fog, and used special abilities to hide his body in the fog.

This time.

The loading number and the flying wing directly lost the target of attack.

"Damn, is this monster so weird?" Aihara Ryu looked at the fog around him vigilantly.

However, hidden in the weapon, Sadra's combat power increased several times.

In the fog, he quietly looked at the Loading Number and the Flying Wing like a headless fly.

After confirming that the two fighter jets had not discovered him, Sadra directly launched a surprise attack on the Flying Wing.

"Stab!" A ball of sparks exploded from the Flying Wing.

A ball of sparks erupted from the flying wing's cab. Seeing this, Hibino Mirai hurriedly said: "I've been hit, start parachuting now!!"

Say it.

Hibino Mirai ejected directly from the Wing.

On the loading number.

Aihara Ryu George and the others couldn't help but feel angry when they heard that Hibino Mirai had been hit and had parachuted out.

This hateful monster!

Just know how to sneak attack.

Hibino Mirai looked at the thick fog around him. Vaguely, after ejecting from the fighter plane, he could see Sadra's figure hidden in the weapon with his naked eyes.

··········Ask for flowers·········

"Well, if that's the case."

"Then I should be able to fight that guy!"

Hibino Mirai said, and after controlling the parachute smoothly, he directly raised his left arm.


Red light appeared on the back of Hibino Mirai's hand.

... ..... ....

The next moment, the Membius Breath Bracelet began to bloom with a halo representing infinite possible characters.


An even brighter red light appeared.

Immediately afterwards.

The light happened to blow away the fog that shrouded the Cloud Mountain and Sadra.

Mebius slowly descended from the sky.

On the loading ship, Mu Zhimei and the others saw Mebius appear, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's Mebius," Mu Zhimei said happily.

"Is Mebius here? Now we can finally see the monster clearly." George nodded vigorously, then controlled the fighter plane and immediately raised the altitude to distance himself.

if you can.

During the battle, they will not hesitate to take action to support Ultraman Mebius if given the opportunity.

Chapter 199: There are actually two monsters in Yunwu Mountain? ? ?

The strong wind howled, and the mist on the cloudy mountains blew away in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the guys in the sky finally saw clearly what kind of monster the monster that attacked them was.

With huge horns, a ferocious mouth, a huge body that walks upright like a dinosaur, and a dark brown body all over, the whole appearance looks scary and mysterious.

That dark brown skin.

At this time, when the guys saw Sadra, they realized why "660" Sadra could easily make them lose track of him in the fog.

It's entirely because of this skin color and its own particularity.

guys base.

When Zheping saw Sadra's overall appearance, he was even more sure that he had seen it right before: "It is indeed Sadra!"

Mebius appears, but it doesn’t matter what kind of Sadra you are, not Sadra.

"Build it"

Membius shouted softly, assumed a fighting stance towards Sadra, and snorted lightly.

"Roar!" Sadra roared ferociously and shook his body, then waved his claws repeatedly, looking like he was baring his teeth.

"Swallow style flying kick"

Seeing Sadra baring his teeth and claws, Membius jumped up and launched a flying kick.


A string of sparks erupted from Sadra's head.

Mebius directly kicked Sadra down hard.

"Boom" Sadra exploded into a piece of soil, and at the same time, Sadra also roared in pain because he fell hard to the ground.

After Membius knocked down Sadra with a kick, his body rolled back repeatedly, and then he sat directly on Sadra, and his fists directly greeted Sadra.

"Bang bang bang bang"

"Build it"

Mebius punched Sadra repeatedly, one punch, two punches.

In the sky, George, Zheping and Mu Zhimei on the loader saw this scene, and while Membius was getting up, they fired their light attack at Sadra again.


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