Chapter 194 Mebius contributes to global warming

Finally, in a round of Gilvalis's shooting, Galatron MK2 was able to catch his breath and slowly stand up again.

However, Galatron MK2 had just stood up, and Gilvalis, who had been waiting for a long time, had already accumulated energy and was waiting for him to stand up.

The moment Galatron MK2 stood up.

Gilvalis's gun muzzles all over his body suddenly fired a volley, and the sky was full of light streams, particles, and light bullets, as if they were free, covering Galatron MK2.

"Barris Distortion·Broken Electromagnetic Beam"

Gilvalis used all the beam gun barrels on his body to launch emerald-colored irradiation electromagnetic beams to attack the opponent.


Gilvalis fired at full firepower while switching the firing.

"Barris Shooting·Broken Electromagnetic Light Bullet"

Shoot several missiles with semi-tracking performance from his own gun barrel to attack the opponent.

"Barris Annihilation Cannon"

Use all the gun barrels on the body and the red core in the chest to fire at the same time, and launch light bullets, missiles, light beams and lasers at the same time.

The terrible firepower coverage directly turned the scene into a terrifying sea of ​​fire.

In the distance, the guys stared at the scene in front of them in amazement, which seemed like the end of the world.

Originally, they had guessed that Gilbaris was terrible.

But now seeing the picture of Gilbaris firing at full power, they were still shocked.

Fortunately, fortunately, this monster was controlled by Ultraman Lufa.

If it was controlled by aliens or invading beings, then on Earth, in addition to Lufa, I am afraid that even Mebius would be killed directly.

They, the guys, and the power of mankind, are even more vulnerable and not worth mentioning in front of this terrifying mechanical monster.

Citizens in the distance.

They looked at Gilbaris and were also scared pale.

"What a terrifying, terrifying mechanical monster!"

"Oh my God, it's just like the end of the world."

"It's so scary, it's full of destructive weapons, like a god of destruction."

Amid the people's exclamations, Gilbaris had already fired terrifying firepower step by step, suppressing Galatron MK2 without any chance to fight back.

Until the end.

The whole city was quiet...

And the gun barrel on Gilbaris's body was also emitting a faint smoke.

In front of Gilbaris, Galatron MK2 was already charred all over, and there was a trace of electric current permeating his body.

Now Galatron MK2, where is the majestic and domineering look before.

"Roar" Gilbaris walked in front of Galatron MK2, and then, under the wide eyes of the people, a gun barrel was stuffed into his dinosaur mouth.

Galatron MK2's body twitched slightly, and he still wanted to resist.

"Roar" Gilbaris roared, and then the gun barrel in his hand began to release a terrifying energy glow.

The next moment.


A ball of fire bloomed from the Galatron MK2 that Gilvalis kicked 1.8 times.

The entire Galatron MK2 was blown to pieces, and turned into countless fragments that flew to every corner of the city.

When Mebius saw this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air in his heart.

Even as strong as Galatron MK2 was crushed without any resistance.

If he fought against this monster himself.

I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to last even one round!! .

Chapter 195 Blessings for Critical Hit! The Girls Who Eat and Drink for Free

Not only Mebius was surprised, but even the guys and the surrounding citizens were shocked when they saw Gilvalis directly solve the Galatron MK2.

"Good, so strong!" Mu Zhimei looked at Gilvalis and said in shock.

"It should be summoned by Ultraman Rufa, so his strength is so strong, right?"

"It's possible!"

"But to be honest, these few times, Ultraman Rufa didn't do it himself, but solved all the troubles. His strength is really terrible."

The guys exclaimed.

The citizens on the side exclaimed when they saw Ultraman Rufa summoning Gilbaris 26 and killing Galatron MK2.

"That mechanical monster and that white monster are completely superior!"

"That's right, one-sided crushing!"

"That white monster is still very strong. After all, it defeated the monster and crushed Mebius. It's a pity that it is still not as strong as the mechanical monster summoned by Ultraman Rufa."

Some people said.

"Besides these, have you noticed that the fighting style of that mechanical monster is exactly the same as that of Ultraman Lufa?"

"Now that you mention it, it seems to be true!"

"Yeah, they are both so brutal, it's so touching."

Ignoring the exclamations around him, Lufa solved Galatron MK2 and cancelled the summoning of Gilbaris.

"Senior!" Mebius saw this scene and shouted softly.

"Keep working hard, Mebius, you are still far from it now." Lufa chuckled, and the next moment his body flew up into the sky and disappeared.

Mebius: "..."

Looking at the direction where Lufa disappeared, Mebius clenched his fist and nodded softly.


There is still a bit of a gap in his strength, but Membius believes that he will soon be able to catch up with Lufa.

Because after fighting Galatron mk2 and monsters, Mebius clearly felt that his strength was improving rapidly.

Back at the villa, Lufa was looking at the system prompts in front of him with a happy expression.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +54, speed +36, strength +87, and spiritual power +89! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have obtained: Knight Beam Blade, Membim Lightsaber! 】

This time, after solving Cherubim and Galatron mk2, I received two rewards.


What surprised Lufa was that he even had the skill of Mumbius, Mumbius lightsaber.

Lufa thought, if in the future when he fights Mebius, Mebius uses Membius lightsaber, and then he uses Membius lightsaber, what will Membius 657 react?

I guess you don’t need to think about it, it will definitely be very exciting, right?

And on top of that, there's also a Knight Beam Blade.

If Lufa remembers correctly, this should be the skill of the hunter knight?

If you say so.

According to the progress of the plot, it should be almost time for the Hunter Knight to appear.

I don’t know, how does that guy’s strength compare to mine?

But Lufa feels that he should be able to take a few punches from him, right?

A few days passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

Lufa has been staying in the Chinese restaurant these days. Occasionally he can see the guys sneaking out of Mu Zhimei and Jinna coming to eat and drink.

Chapter 196 The Hunter Knight Sword appears!


Although most of them came here to taste Lufa's craftsmanship, they were more greedy for Lufa's body.


While Mu Zhimei and Jinna were enjoying getting along with Lufa, in the universe, a Dinozoru was summoned to the earth by Bogaru again.

"Come on, come on." Bogaru licked the corner of his mouth, sensing that Dinozolu was gradually approaching the earth in the universe, he couldn't help laughing happily.

But at this time.


A silvery-white ray instantly hit Dinozoru, who was about to come to Earth.


A huge flame exploded in the universe.

I saw a giant with blue light all over his body, standing quietly under the starry sky.

Bogaru seemed to know this blue giant. When he saw that the Dinozolu he had summoned was actually killed by him, he couldn't help but growl angrily, and then left invisibly unwillingly.

As if he felt something, Lufa was chatting with Mu Zhimei and Jinna for a while, then turned to look at the sky outside, his eyes shining.

The corners of Lufa's mouth raised slightly: "Are you here? Hunter Knight..."! "

"Hey, Lufa, what are you doing looking outside? Don't you think you can't get enough of us two beauties sitting next to you?" Mu Zhimei said dissatisfiedly when she saw Lufa looking out the window.

"That's right, we two beauties are sitting in front of you." Jinna clenched her fists, and then reminded Lufa: "If you ask me, Lufa, you should take the initiative and take us down."

When Lufa heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "I'll take you and come to my place to eat and drink for free?"

Mu Zhimei, Jinna couldn't help but blush when she heard Lufa's explicit words!

Eating and drinking.

They are also paid, okay?

And why do you say it’s you? Rather than one of them?

Does Lufa have thoughts about both of them?

When Kizumi and Mariina were thinking wildly, suddenly a contact signal appeared on their communicators.

Mu Zhimei, Jinna quickly connected.

The image of Shingo Gakami appears in the communicators of Kizumi and Mariina.

Shingo Kasui looked helplessly at the two women and said, "You ran away from Lufa's place to eat secretly again. Hurry to the nearby airport. Something happened. There is an unknown thick fog in Yunwu Mountain. It's probably caused by monsters." , I have already sent the Phoenix to pick you up."

The beauty of wood, Jinna nodded heavily after hearing this!


After finishing the report with Shingo Zakisui, the two women said to Lufa: "Then let's go and work on Lufa first. See you again next time."

After saying hello to Lufa.

Mu Zhimei and Jinna left in a hurry.

Looking at the two women leaving, Lufa nodded slightly, and then looked in the direction of Yunwu Mountain: "If I remember correctly, after the hunter knight eliminated Dino Zorru, Bo (Wang Li Zhao) Garu also found two heads on the earth. Sadra, and the movement in Yunwu Mountain is Sadra’s fault.”

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