
Just as Sadra was about to get up, guys' attack made him fall to the ground again.

When Membius saw this, he would certainly not let this opportunity pass him by.

"Membius Light Bomb"

Mebius stretched his body forward again, and then fired a light bomb.

"Stab it!" Sadra's body exploded with sparks again.

Even Sadra couldn't bear the continuous attacks from Guys and Membius.

Not to mention light bombs and light attacks...

Sadra fell to the ground again, and this time Sadra had difficulty getting up.

Seeing this, Mumbius nodded slightly, and then prepared to release Mumbius' ray.

"Build it~~ah!"

The energy began to shrink, and Membius raised his hands. The aura of the wireless characters began to emerge in his hands, just as Membius was about to take action and release it.

"Ho ho"

A roar that surprised Membius, the Sky Guys, and Shingo Hakimizu in the command room suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Mebius was knocked away by a body.


The second head, Sadra, knocked Mambius away hard.

Membius fell to the ground and exploded into a piece of dirt. Then he looked at Sadra who had knocked him away, and was a little shocked for a moment.

The other end, Sad 1.8, took the opportunity to stand up at this moment.

"Roar" "Roar"

The two Sadras stood in front of Mebius and roared.

Inside the guyz loading ship in the sky, Ryu Aihara, Teppei and the others were shocked when they saw this scene.

"There is actually a second Sadra. Are there two monsters hidden in Yunwu Mountain?" Mu Zhimei said as she looked at the two monsters below in surprise.

Chapter 200 Blue light falling from the sky!

"No wonder Yunwu Mountain has always been so foggy. It turns out it's because there are two Sadras."

"It may have something to do with this."

Ryu Aihara, Teppei, and Shingo Osamizu from the base said so.

But other than that, the situation at the scene made them a little worried.

On the loader, Ryu Aihara piloted a fighter plane, looked at Sadra in front of Mebius, and said worriedly: "It seems that Membius can barely handle one, but now he is fighting two, is there really no problem?"

"There should be no problem, we have to believe in Mebius."

"Yes, Membius must be fine, and maybe Ultraman Lufa 26 is watching secretly."

"Even if Mebius fails, Ultraman Rufa will definitely come out in the end, right?"

I have to say, guys really guessed it right.

Lufa was indeed in the dark, watching everything that happened at the scene.

It's just a matter of taking action or not.

Wait for a while and make plans if the hunter knight comes out.

If the Hunter Knight didn't come out, Lufa wouldn't bother to show up and just let Gilbalis come in to deal with Sadra, and he would be happy and free.

If the hunter knight comes out, then Lufa will be interested in transforming and coming to fight with that guy.

"Build it." Mebius stood up again and assumed a fighting stance towards the two monsters. However, when he glanced left and right, Membius was immediately confused.

Which one should I fight first?

But Mebius didn't make a choice, and the two Sadras took the lead.

I saw a Sadra, who suddenly lowered his head, and then directly picked up a huge stone under Membius' doubtful gaze.



The boulder was thrown towards Mebius.

When Membius saw Sadra, he actually threw a stone at him, and he immediately dodged in disbelief.

This monster is kind of smart.

However, just as Mumbius avoided the stone and looked at Sadra again, Sadra's retracted pliers clamped directly on Mumbius before he could react.


Mebius felt like he was being choked, and he knew immediately that something was going to be bad.

Sure enough, one Sadra choked Mumbius, and the other rushed over, and then slapped Mumbius hard with its claws.


"Build it!!" Mebius screamed in pain.

In the sky, guys and everyone did not expect that facing the two monsters, Mebius would be taken care of immediately.

"Loader, start attacking." Seeing this, Aihara Ryuu hurriedly launched a light attack.

George and Mu Zhimei on the side immediately began to control the fighter plane to lock on, and then fired lasers to help Mebius.


The pliers that choked Membius were hit 660 by the laser, and he let go of Membius in pain.

But at this time, Membius felt a sense of weakness in his body because he spent too much time in this process, and then the energy and core in his chest began to flicker.

"Damn it, don't you have time?" Membius looked down at his chest, and then looked at the two Sadras again.

With the current state of Mebius, it is very troublesome to deal with the two Sadras.

However, just when Mebius was struggling with how to deal with the two Sadras in front of him.


A blue-white light suddenly cut through the void and hit a Sadra in front of him.

Chapter 201 Lufa takes action


A huge spark exploded from Sadra who was hit by the light.

Judging from the picture, this light attack caused a lot of damage to Sadra. You must know that Membius in the original book originally thought that he was solved after hitting Sadra with the Membius ray. It turned out to be a fake corpse.

Instead, the Hunter Knight's two rays of light directly eliminated both Sadras.

Which one is stronger or weaker can actually be seen at a glance.

"Roar" Sadra screamed in pain, and then slowly fell down under the surprised eyes of Mebius and the guys, and then turned into a huge spark and exploded.

Seeing this scene, Mebius's eyes flashed violently.

"This attack!!" Mebius was shocked, and then quickly looked in the direction of the attack.

Membius thought it was Lufa, but what came into his sight was not the perfect, tall body he imagined, but a guy he had never seen before.

With a mask and a blue body, he looks very much like an Ultra Warrior.

"Who are you!." ? "Membius asked in surprise when he saw the hunter knight.

I didn’t expect that besides myself and Lufa, there were other Ultra warriors in this world?

In other words, this guy is not an Ultra Warrior.

In the sky, on the guys loading ship, Ryu Aihara, George and Marina were also quite surprised when they saw the sudden appearance of the hunter knight.

"A new Ultra Warrior?" Jinna asked doubtfully.

"It's possible, but this guy who suddenly appeared was very powerful. He actually killed one of Sadra in one go." George nodded, then looked at the hunter knight and said slightly surprised.

"It is indeed very strong. Mebius can't compare to it at all. If it is a new powerful Ultra Warrior, this will be a good thing for us." Aihara Ryuu said with a smile.

Hearing this, both Zhenna and George nodded slightly.

If you say so, it is true that there is already a powerful helper like Ultraman Lufa, and Mebius is taking the lead. If there is another powerful Ultra Warrior.

Then the earth can sit back and relax when facing monsters.

Lufa was in the distance, watching the hunter knight appear on the stage, killing Sadra instantly with one move and nodded: "Yes, I do have some strength, but if it is only to this level, it is still far away."

When Lufa said this, the hunter knight did not make any expression when faced with Membius's inquiry.

"¨ˇ Roar" Sadra saw her companion being killed by the hunter knight, and she couldn't help but roared angrily at the hunter knight.

But the next second.


A ray of silver-white light cut through the void again, and then hit Sadra.

With a flash of sparks, Sadra, who was roaring at the hunter knight, suddenly stiffened, and then slowly fell back under the gaze of Membius.


A mushroom cloud rose from the second explosion.

The two-headed Sadra, which can withstand the rays of Monbius and Monbeam, cannot stand a single move in the hands of the Hunter Knight.

All were solved by a ray of light.

"What a strong strength!" Membius couldn't help but be secretly shocked when he saw this scene.

After dealing with Sadra, the Hunter Knight looked at Mebius again, then raised his right hand, with blue light emitting from his hand and preparing to disappear.

"Are you ready to leave now? It's going to end like this, how boring!!" Shen.

Chapter 202 The battle is about to break out, Lufa vs. Hunter Knight Sword? !

A voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Mebius and the Hunter Knight.

The hunter knight, who was about to leave, heard the voice in his ear, and his raised hand paused slightly, and then slowly lowered it.


A white ray of light instantly cut through the void and appeared on the scene.

In the bright white light, a tall giant with body lines very similar to Diga appeared in everyone's sight.

On the guys loading number, Marina, George and Ryu Aihara couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this figure.

"It's Lufa, Ultraman Lufa is here." Mariina exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see Ultraman Lufa 660, but why did Ultraman Lufa show up at this time? The monsters have already been dealt with!" Ryuu Aihara also nodded, and then said a little doubtfully.

"Isn't it because of the giant who killed the two monsters?" George found that after Ultraman Rufa appeared, his eyes had been focused on the Hunter Knight, and he couldn't help but wonder.

When George said this, Mariina and Ryu Aihara were stunned, and then discovered that after Ultraman Lufa appeared, both Ultraman Lufa and Hunter Knight were looking directly at each other in the air.

(cgbi) Ultraman Rufa didn’t really appear because of that blue giant.

However, guys Mariina and the others really guessed it right, Lufa came for the Hunter Knight.

The hunter knight's eyes have been locked on Lufa. From the moment Lufa appeared, the hunter knight could feel the powerful power contained in Lufa's body.

Even the hunter knight couldn't help but be shocked by that power.

The Hunter Knight did not expect that on this earth, besides the Ultra warrior Mebius, there would be an Ultra warrior as powerful as Lufa.

"You are very strong!" The hunter knight's faint voice appeared in the ears of Lufa and Membius.

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