After following Master Lufa for so long, it would have been in vain if he was still the same fool as before!

Now he has learned one and a half tricks from Master Lufa!

There is no need to be afraid of Diavolo!

Even everyone in the armory is the same.

"How many times has this guy been here?"

"Is this the third time already?"

"How do I feel about the second time?"

"Whatever, the end this time will definitely be the same as last time~~~!!"

Shouta Snakura and others were discussing.

If only Diavolo could hear it.

That one will be furious.

at this time.

"What's going on?! This shouldn't be the case!"

Yuhua said in surprise.

Everyone's eyes followed her!

He came close to her and looked at the monitoring panel in her hand.

His expression immediately matched that of Yuehua!

Nothing else.

The energy value displayed on the panel has far exceeded the limit!

Even the instrument started to become extremely unstable!

This means.

They couldn't detect Diavolo's energy at this time at all!

If it were done before, they would still feel normal.

Because the Absolut particles in their bodies are inherently huge and cannot be detected by human technology.

But today is different.

Their instruments have been greatly improved by the Shengzhang people on this earth, Hikari.

Even Tartarus can detect specific energy values!

But now Diablo's energy is no longer detected on the monitoring panel! ?

There is only one possibility.

That means Diavolo has become stronger again!

"You can't even detect it with the current panel. How strong is he now?" Shota Snakekura said with a solemn look on his face.

"To deal with you, Master Lufa doesn't need to take action!"

Zeta pointed at Diavolo.

Transform into gamma future form.

As soon as he snapped his fingers, the illusions of the three heroes of Heisei appeared at the same time.

··········Ask for flowers·········

And they all converted to powerful, strong and supreme types!

At the same time, he rushed towards Diavolo.

Punch him from three directions at the same time!

The visible ripples of air waves that hit his body washed away.

Seemingly not affected at all, he allowed Diga's fist to fall on his chest, while Diavolo blocked the fists on both sides with his arms.

Zeta and Triga's expressions suddenly became unbelievable!

A proud smile appeared on Diavolo's lips.

"Don't you understand yet?"

"The me now."

"I'm not on the same level as you brats!"


Golden energy burst out from the whole body.

The three illusions were shattered into light particles at the same time!

... .. ....

Diavolo stepped forward, and the golden figure rushed towards Zeta like a cannonball, and was in front of him in an instant.

Grabbing Zeta's neck.


Trigga transforms into Shining Eternal Form.

A spiral-shaped shock wave blasted out with a shining explosion.

It just sparked some sparks in Diavolo's body.

He looked at Teliga with a sneer.

The blow that could seriously injure Diavolo in the original novel had no effect at this moment!

Diavolo turned his head calmly.

"go to hell!"

Golden energy burst out from the whole body, sending Zeta and Triga flying away at the same time.

Then he fired a powerful bull-breaking punch.

The momentum is more powerful than before, as if it is going to smash the air!

Zeta's pupils shrank.

When they were hesitating about what skills they should use to resist.

"Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!"

Six colors of brilliant light burst out from behind them.

This is the way to go back again and again!

The Phantom Beast Overlord Fist easily shattered the Gangli Pi Niu Fist!

The impact hit Diablo's body.

Just when everyone was excitedly looking forward to seeing Diavolo transform into Absolute's heart~!

A scene that they couldn't believe happened.

Veins popped out on Diavolo's forehead.

The whole body burst out with majestic golden energy.

The emblem of the Gangli Poniu Fist on the chest flashes red.

Who is he blasted with both fists.

The six-color fantasy beast Overlord Fist was directly shattered into light particles.

Dissipated in the air.


In an instant, everyone looked in disbelief.

Chapter 149: Lufa’s eternal core form? ! Full power and strong force to break the bull fist! ?

Zeta, Teliga and even everyone in the armory looked at this scene blankly.

"Master Lufa's Phantom Beast Overlord Fist... was blocked!?"

How can this be? !

Although I don’t want to admit it.

But the facts are right in front of them!

Diavolo really blocked Lufa's attack! ! !

Even Diablo himself was a little surprised.

But the next second.

He became that arrogant and arrogant person.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

"I've already told you, right~~?"

"I am not as powerful as the Ultraman you are today in the same dimension!"

"In my eyes, there is no difference between you and human bugs!"

Diablo's fists fired dozens of powerful bull-breaking punches in a few seconds. These cosmic buffalo emblems were like waves hitting Lufa one after another.

But Lufa blocked them all with his fists.

Then he condensed two guillotines in his hands!

"Six, two, seven"

The blades rubbed against each other, and sparks flew out.

It seemed to become sharper.

Then he rushed towards Diablo.

Both knives fell at the same time.


The sound of metal colliding with metal sounded.

Then with a king's sound, Lufa's two guillotines broke apart!

"Even Lufa's guillotine doesn't work???"

"What happened to Diablo?!"

Group^7[6!3+4}*8+\u00260%}_1)]5 # }7\u0026 Group!{}850_2_9_\u0026'6-+5+_0. # ]1 Zeta and Triga couldn't hide their shock in their eyes.

Especially Zeta.

He knew what level Lufa's guillotine had reached!

Even if ten Ace brothers came, they couldn't match it!

Especially the guillotine held by Master Lufa.

The lethality has increased qualitatively!

"Don't think that only you Ultramen can become stronger for no reason!"

"We Absoluts are far superior to you Ultramen!"

Diablo roared.

He rushed towards Lufa again.

At this moment.

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