Even Snakekura Shota and others couldn't help but worry about Lufa!

Just compare with them.

Inside the office.

The expressions of Carmila and the other girls remained calm.

"Giggle~Fafa, he seems to be having a lot of fun, right?"

"After all, I haven't seen such a durable punching bag for a long time~except for me!"

"Sister Camilla is dirty!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, please be quiet and take a good look at Lufa's performance!"

Diavolo was extremely fast and was in front of Lufa almost instantly.

"Strength-breaking Ox Fist!"

The fierce bull emblem suddenly burst out.

Then Diavolo, as if the energy of the cosmic beast was free of charge, fired more than a dozen powerful bull-breaking punches in the blink of an eye!

Countless flames suddenly shot up into the sky to form a majestic wall of fire, and ripples of heat rushed around like invisible waves!

"Master Lufa/Senior!!"

Zeta and Triga shouted loudly.


Diavolo admired the frightened looks on their faces as if he had seen something funny!

"Yes, yes, you should have this expression when facing me!"

"Tartarus actually said that he just wanted to collect Lufa's battle data."

"But now it seems!"

"I can take his head directly back to the Kingdom of Absolut!"

"Master Lufa's combat data?! What are you planning to do?" Zeta asked quickly.

"Oh, it seems I accidentally said it!"

Diavolo covered his mouth in an exaggerated manner.

Then he smiled and put down his arm.

A scoff.

"Well, it doesn't matter!"

The implication.

It doesn’t matter if Zeta and the others know their plans!

Because in his opinion.

Whether it is Lufa or Zeta, they will all be their undead!

Just when he was about to launch another powerful bull-breaking punch.

A golden light rose into the sky!

The whole sky was dyed golden!

The powerful energy fluctuations cannot be compared to even the Cascade light in Diavolo's body, which is a level higher than the light of Defareta in the Kingdom of Light!

It seems to be more noble, in layman's terms, it's like standing on a higher food chain!

"The energy in my body...is trembling?!"

"What the hell is that?"

The dust and smoke dispersed.

At this time, Lufa's figure came into view!

The red stripes all over the body are inlaid with golden lines!

The outside of the colorful timer is also inlaid with gold, just like Reggio's timer!

Although the overall change is not as dramatic as the Shining Eternal Teliga and the composite type.

But the energy fluctuations actually increased several times!

The body is like a burning golden flame bursting out in substance!

Affecting the surrounding void!

"This form can be called... the eternal shining type, right?"

Lufa looked at his palm.


The other hand flicked casually.

A golden, hundred-meter-long guillotine suddenly shot out of the sky, causing the space to tremble wherever it went!

There was a squeak.

There was a flash of golden light.

Diavolo stared blankly at the arms flying in the air in front of him.

The next second.

Golden light particles spurted out from the severed part of its left arm like a fountain!

He suddenly screamed in pain!

"That's...the power of the eternal core?!"

Trigga was surprised...

How did Master Lufa get it?

Ji Ming clearly told him before that even Yousha Lei didn’t know where the Eternal Core was now!

His eyes couldn't help but burst out with admiration!

As expected of Senior Lufa.

It has always been so mysterious.

Is the power of the eternal core within easy reach for him?

And it’s so many times stronger than mine!

It is obviously the power of the eternal core.

None of his special moves could cause any harm to Diavolo.

And Senior Lufa just waved a guillotine and turned Diavolo into Yang Guo!

It’s just that a big eagle is missing!

"Sure enough, only a strong person like Fafa can perfectly utilize the power of the eternal core~~~!!"

Carmila held her face in excitement, with two abnormal blushes appearing on her pretty cheeks.

She now.

My mind is full of ways.

Completely filled with a color called Lufa.

Even the Eternal Core is now in front of her.

Maybe not as attractive as one of Lufa's hair~

"Although, we have also benefited from the light~"

Carmila held her belly and said with a lustful look on her face.

Do not misunderstand.

She wasn't pregnant with some little Ultraman.

It’s just that during this period, Lufa was nurtured day and night.

They all have huge eternal core power in their bodies~!

Rapid progress is no longer enough to describe their explosive growth in strength!

"You bastard, how dare you attack like this?!"

Diavolo glared at Lu 1.8 Law angrily.

Then he forced himself to calm down.

"Hehe, hehe..."

A truly strong person should remain calm at all times.

Especially someone of his level.

You can’t argue with a fool who can only attack by surprise!

Diablo imitated Tartarus.

Flying into the air.

“You asked for it!”

Appeared in the universe in an instant.

Pushing the vast energy all over his body.

The golden energy seemed to dye the dark universe into gold!

The red cosmic buffalo emblem on his chest made a deafening mooing sound!

As Diablo suddenly opened his arms.

“Full power mode!”

“Strong force breaking bull fist!!!!”

The next second.

A ten thousand meter red bull emblem suddenly appeared in this universe, motionless as a mountain, giving Zeta and others a great sense of oppression!

Triga’s forehead was covered with cold sweat.

“What is this…?!”.

Chapter 150 The mysterious four summons, the whole audience was shocked!!!

Staring at the red bull emblem with a diameter of ten thousand meters above.

Zeta Triga and even the people in the armory were stunned on the spot.

What on earth is this? ! !

This is totally different from the strong bull-breaking punch they had in mind!

The sense of oppression and crisis it brought them was no less than when Tartarus used full power to absolutely destroy!

Looking at the deep shock and dumbfounded look on their faces.

Diablo laughed out loud!


"Didn't I say it?"

"Now you should have realized that I am not as powerful as you are now!"

"Look, I will blast you and Ultraman Lufa into slag~!!!"

Diablo became more and more excited.

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