Tliga's beam, which could severely injure Diablo in one fell swoop, actually had no effect at all.

"Let go of Triga!!"

Zeta shouted angrily and switched to Delta Sky Claw form.

A Zestim beam shot out.

The Ten Emperors left their original position in an instant.

Appeared behind Triga.

Grabbed his neck and pulled him to the position of the beam.

The Zestim beam arrived as expected, hitting Triga's body, causing him to shout and burst into light particles!

Then he spit out flames from his mouth again and attacked Zeta.

Zeta's pupils shrank.

He quickly put up a barrier.

"Did you forget that I'm still here?"

(cgbi) I don't know if it's an illusion.

Zeta seemed to see a wicked smile on the corner of the Ten Emperors' mouth!

It was as if he was saying: I didn't forget!

His figure turned into a residual shadow, and appeared behind Luffa faster than Obito using Kamui.

He held him tightly with both hands.

A terrifying dark energy condensed in his mouth!

"Master Lufa!!"

Zeta shouted.

Lufa curled his lips.


Five Ultra Guillotines extended from his back!

They immediately cut the skin of the Ten Emperors, and the blood of the beginning of the year immediately covered Lufa's back.

Looking at the Ultra Guillotines rotating on Lufa's back like his spine!

Zeta's mouth began to twitch wildly!

This Guillotine can actually extend from his back?

"Dark Domain·Compound Eye Ray!"

Lufa shouted coldly.

The surrounding space was immediately covered by the dark domain.

"This is Grimd's dark domain!" Zeta recognized it at a glance and said in surprise.


Several huge evil gods appeared behind Lufa!

"Go, Master Lufa!" Zeta shouted excitedly.

Like a fanatical little fan.


Master Lufa did something that even Torrekia couldn't do!

The power of the evil god is used just like playing!

How can he not be excited?

Just when he was looking forward to seeing Lufa use this compound eye ray to solve the ten emperors.

Lufa suddenly shook his head: "After all, there are so many monsters fused together, and these few eyes can't solve you."

What does it mean?

Zeta and Snake Cang Xiangtai in the armory were stunned.

Does this mean to change skills?

No, absolutely impossible!

Snake Cang Xiangtai immediately denied this idea.

Every time he naively thought that Lufa would use skills normally, what was the result?

Which time didn't Lufa make him collapse?

This time must be no simple matter!

Then he saw this scene-

Lufa condensed a Saiga light wheel with his right hand!

Grab an eyeball from the Ten Emperors and chop it down directly!

Then he followed the same method and quickly cut off several eyeballs!

But it seemed that he felt that this was not enough!

Lufa took back the light wheel.

As his eyes shone, Reijido's mental power burst out.

Under the painful howling of the Ten Emperors.

Hundreds of eyeballs on their bodies were torn off alive by Ultraman's telekinesis!

Floating behind Lufa.

It looked extremely weird.

The sacredness of Ultraman disappeared at this moment.

As if he was an evil god returning from hell, Lufa smiled fiercely.

"Compound eye ray!"

? Hundreds of eyeballs plucked from the Ten Emperors behind him, together with several large eyeballs in the dark area, suddenly shot out golden lasers!

In an instant!

The whole audience couldn't hold it anymore!


Pulling out other people's eyes to release compound eye rays? !

This is too cruel! .

Chapter 148 Diablo Arrives!


Zeta and the others' mentality completely exploded!

Although they have asked countless times in their hearts!

They have also said the same thing countless times!

But at this moment, they still want to-ask!

What kind of weird fighting method is Lufa using? ! !

It was outrageous enough to forcefully take off the timer of a person and then release the timer ray before!

Now he actually dug out the eyeballs of a person alive and then released the ray.

What kind of brain can come up with this fighting method? !

That's the compound eye ray of the evil god!

But even Grimd, who is called the evil god, Zeta and the others think that Lufa is not as brutal as he is!

Even the title of evil god.

They all think Lufa is more suitable!

Whether in terms of strength or fighting style...

The ray hit the Ten Emperors, who were covered in blood and had a lot of holes all over their bodies because of the dug out eyeballs!

With a bang, they were immediately sent to the west!

[Your fighting method is brutal, and you get blessings: energy purity +266, speed +255, strength +278, mental strength +299! 】

【Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! 】

【You suddenly realized all the skills of Scarugomora, Pedanim Zedon, Strong Gomorarant, King Galatron, and Chimaera Boros! 】

[You have obtained the Chimera Boros Monster Capsule. Because of the blessing of Mother Earth, you can directly summon it, and its strength is the same as the original! ]

[You have obtained a random summon card! ]

Listening to the voice in his mind, Lufa smiled with satisfaction.

Under the setting sun.

He glanced at Zeta and Triga who were half-kneeling on the ground.

Gradually turned into white light particles and disappeared.

Everyone watching this scene.

Their eyes were unconsciously obsessed.

It was like seeing some god.


To be precise.

In their eyes.

He was no different from a god!

"Let's go back too!"

Zeta just finished speaking.

"Humph, the monsters created by Reberts and others are really rubbish!"

"It's up to me to do it!"

"Ultraman Lufa, get out and die!"

A voice that made Zeta and Triga feel refreshed sounded.

Diablo! ?

They looked up in surprise.

A Nalak suddenly unfolded in the sky.

Diablo's figure fell from it.

The moment he landed on the ground, flying sand and rocks surged and boiled like a tsunami, and the earth shook wildly, as if it was trembling!


"Why is it this guy again?"

Zeta raised his eyebrows.

His tone was full of indifference.

That's right.

It was indifference!

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