Dark Zaki didn't even bother to use any defensive skills.

He raised his chest and took the initiative to receive the light, letting it impact on his body.

He roared suddenly.

Use your hands to smash this light into pieces!

The figure flashed.

The next second.

The black and red figure of Dark Zaki appeared behind Dark Lopusero.

Hold his head in your hands.


As Zaki lets out his signature roar.

Bah! ! !

And accompanied by the explosion of electric sparks.

A liquid similar to engine oil splashed out, and Dark Lopusero's head was pulled off. There were various parts and circuits underneath, which looked extremely scary.

The faces of Anna and others were distorted unconsciously.

Zero's mouth twitched wildly.

Although that's not him.

But Dark Lopusero has the same face as him!

Who can feel better about this?

Mechanical Ace holds the eight-point light wheel from behind.

He slashed hard at Dark Zaki's body.

But it didn't have any effect, it just exploded a tiny spark!

Dark Zaki turned his head slightly.

Two blood-red eyes stared fixedly at Mechanical Ace.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Anna and Zero seemed to feel that Mechanical Ace was shaking?

Dark Zaki's whole body bursts into purple flames!

Then the figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

Appears next second.

It's behind Mecha Ace.

As for Mechanical Ace, his body was smashed into pieces!

How to use super high speed movement? ? ?

Cerro and Gauss's eyes were twitching wildly.

Especially Gaussian.

He always thought that his unreasonable mentality was cruel enough, but he didn't expect that he could be even more cruel! !


Dark Zaki snapped his fingers.

A portal in the shape of a red-purple spiral galaxy suddenly opened above the heads of the first-generation machines!

Dark Realm G!

It can be said to be the dark version of Meta Realm!

Even better

It can easily cover the meta field and absorb Nexus' energy in the blink of an eye.

Cero and the others have also heard of this skill.

Don't underestimate the intelligence capabilities of the Kingdom of Light.

Does he want to send Ultraman Robot into the dark field G to fight? ?

Just when Zero and the others were thinking this. ?

When the Dark Domain G covered half of their bodies in the first generation of machines.

Sudden shutdown!

Click! ! !

The Mechanical Ultra Brothers were directly cut in half! ?

Damn it! ! ! ! ?

What the hell! ?

Is this how you use the portal? ? ? ? ?

Guess why the portal is called a portal? ? ? ?

Just because it is used to move! ! ! ! ?

The results of it? ? ?

Dark Zaki actually uses this thing as a cutting skill? ?

What kind of weird way is this? ? ? ?

Suddenly. ?

Zero and the others all thought of Lufa's fighting style.

Although I didn't take action personally. ?

But it can be seen from the fact that he controls the illusion battle between Gauss and Justis. ?

There is nothing normal about him! ! ! ?

They have reason to be suspicious. ?

Would Dark Zaki not be so cruel if he wasn't controlled by Lufa? ? ? ?

Think of this. ?

Sero's and his others' expressions tended to be twisted together. ?

Who is Dark Ultra? ?

Can't tell the difference! ?

They really can’t tell the difference! ! !

[Your fighting style is brutal, gain 78, mental power +299! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have an epiphany of the Dark Realm·Compound Eye Ray! 】

[You have enlightened on the power of the evil god and can use skills: Torreira Arutecaesar, Torreira Kelpos, Torreira Arutiga, Otto Dacris, Great Shield, Gia Gee Dag, Torreira Slar! ].

Chapter 133: Hyperjetton’s complete body vs. Hyperjetton?


“What a bastard!!!”

"How dare you take action against my precious mechanical Ultraman?"

"What a reckless thing!!!"

The Baxters stomped their feet angrily in the spaceship, as if they were going to collapse the spacecraft!

But soon.

He regained his senses.

He chuckled twice, as if laughing at himself, and touched his nose.

"Me too."

"You are already a person who wants to dominate the universe, why can't you control your emotions~?"

"Soon, my baby will be born soon!"

"I originally wanted to slowly appreciate the desperate expressions on the faces of these remaining humans, but now, I don't want to play anymore!"

"Speed ​​up the hatching of Hypajton!!"

The entire spacecraft echoed with the Baxter's excited laughter.

As long as Hypageton is born.

That Silver Ultraman will be killed soon!

At that time, not only can his body be used as experimental material to conduct various studies.

His prop that can turn into Dark Zaki will also be his own! ! !

Think so.

The Baxter people are even more excited!

Earth Defense Force.

"Are you the Ultraman?"

"Sign, please give me an autograph!!!"

"Big brother, thank you for protecting us!"

"You seem stronger than Dyna!"

A group of children chattered around Lufa, as if they were going to drown him.

Ohkawa Wang and Musashi stood on one side.

Musashi smiled gently.

Ohkawa Wang looked disdainful!


Although he didn't volunteer.

But at least he fought to protect them, okay?

Why did everyone run to Lufa?

Ohkawa Wang had a lot of opinions about Ultraman.

When he was young, it was because Ultraman didn't show up in time that his parents died at the hands of monsters.

Although he knew it wasn't Ultraman's fault.

But seeing those people saved by Ultraman give devout support to Ultraman, he felt anxious and irritated inexplicably!

If he really fights.

His strength will definitely not be inferior to Lufa!!

"Excuse me!"

A woman in a white coat walked towards Lufa.

Her name is Risa.

She is Anna's younger sister.

She is in charge of the medical work of the Earth Defense Force.

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