Asked nervously:

"Do you have a way to save Ultraman Dyna?"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Fa.

Dyna is the first Ultraman to come to this planet.

Saved them from the monsters.

But as Hyperjeton was about to break out of his cocoon, Ultraman Dyna used all his energy to turn into a stone statue in order to stop it. He has still stayed in Hyperjeton's cocoon and has not come out yet!

They have always been thinking about this matter!

Lufa is so powerful.

There must be a way.

"As long as Hyperjackton appears, I will have a way to save him."

Lufa said calmly.

Hearing this, everyone quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the shadow that Hyperjetton left behind for them was too huge.

Anna couldn't help but said: "Hyperjedon is very powerful. Even if he hasn't emerged from his cocoon, he can easily defeat Dyna. You have to be careful..."

This sentence is like a bucket of cold water.

Poured on the hearts of others.

It gave them a chill.


Because they saw how powerful Lufa was, they almost forgot that Hyperjedon was just as powerful!

Just size.

It can rival dozens of big monsters!

Can Lufa really defeat that monster?

"Don't worry, doesn't this still belong to me?"

"I'll help too!"

Sero and Musashi said at the same time.

Lufa didn't respond.

Because he felt that he was not familiar with them in this timeline, and he had nothing to say to Anna and the others.

"Na na, big brother, this is for you!"

"It's a thank you gift!"

A little girl with braids handed a rag doll in her hand to Lufa.

Lufa did not refuse.

"Big brother."

The little girl said suddenly.

"Can my parents come back?"

"I really miss them..."

"Anna-nee asked me not to say such things in front of you, but I really want to see them!"

Her words also made other children clenched their fists.

He bit his lip tightly, almost to the point of breaking it without making any sound.

··········Ask for flowers·········

Mom and dad taught them.

I do not care what time.

Neither can give up hope.

These children are young.

Even in a normal world, they would still be at a carefree age.

but now.

They act stronger than some adults.

At the same time, it was also because he was afraid that Lufa would think they were troublesome because of their crying and would pat their butts and leave.

Being sensible makes people feel distressed.

Lufa stood up.

About to speak.

"Jie Jie Jie!!!"

"You have no chance!"

"Next, whether it's your parents, you, or this Ultraman brat named Lufa, they will all turn into despair and become the food of Hyperjeton and be swallowed up by it!!!"

... 0 ....

A huge projection appeared in the sky.

Inside, the face of the Baxter star with an evil smile that made people shudder appeared.

"Evolve, my Hyperjetton!!!"

His words trailed off.

A huge purple "ball" fell from the sky!

The moment it hit the ground in the urban area, a large crater covering a radius of more than ten miles suddenly appeared. The cracks were as dense and huge as the web cut out by Spider-Man's monster!

Thick smoke filled the whole place, roaring like a tsunami!


The dull mechanical cry reached their ears in Dahewang!

A huge figure that looked like a black centipede, 300m long, with yellow light-emitting organs on its back and chest came into their sight!

Hypajton larvae! !

"It's Dana!" Anna exclaimed.

Looking at the stone statue in front of Hyperjetton.

She subconsciously ran over.

As if he was deliberately showing off to them, Hypageton raised his scythe hand and knocked the stone statue away.

This move also angered Dahewang and Zero!

Lufa stared at Hypajton.

This time.

He wants to devote himself wholeheartedly to the battle.

If you like to absorb the power of despair so much.

Then your own despair should be the same, right?

If there is a fierce look in his eyes.

Let’s test the power of Hypageton’s complete form on Hypageton!

(Thanks to 15572 readers for their monthly votes!) Er.

Chapter 134 Dyna is resurrected! Will your brother protect you? ? ?

With a burst of brilliant white light, Lufa suddenly transformed into Ultraman form.

at the same time.

Sero is still communicating with Dahewang.

"Please, Taihe, Ultra warriors are not gods. Sometimes they make mistakes, and even do irreparable things!"

"But you have to believe it!"

"Whenever someone needs it, Ultraman will definitely be there!"

"Now, we have to protect these children!"

"Please Dahe, let us work together..."


Under Sero's words, he escaped.

Dahewang's hesitant expression suddenly became firm.


I always think about the past.

But these children are still innocent.

The two smiled at the same time.

Zero's Ultra Glasses appeared from the Ultimate Bracelet, and Ohkawa Wang took the initiative to put "Six Zero Seven" on his face.

With a burst of brilliant blue and red light.

The normal-sized Zero appeared in everyone's field of vision!

Musashi also took out the Sun and Moon.


With a shout.

He also turned into Ultraman Goss!

"Humph, isn't it just a little bit bigger? When this young master solved Beludora, you didn't even know where you were!"

Zero snorted coldly.

He immediately rushed towards Hyperzetton!

At this moment.

The disc-shaped spaceship of the Balt Star appeared above!


His Hyperzetton has been successfully hatched, does it still need to be hidden?

Do you still need to be afraid of these so-called Ultramen?

No need at all!

He is already invincible!

From now on, this universe will be in his pocket!


"Hyperzetton, sound the salute of your birth!"

The Batman laughed and opened his arms.


The yellow luminous organ on Hyperzetton's back suddenly ejected two huge one-trillion-degree dark fireballs!

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