But his true strength has not yet been demonstrated.

The dark Lopusero opposite him is as strong as him!

Lufa is absolutely unbeatable!

after all.

He is the number one genius in the Kingdom of Light!

Needless to say what kind of strength the representative has, right?

Even if the two illusions of Gauss and Justis come together, they may not be able to win!

Zero punched Dark Lopus Zero.


A medium-sized explosion sounded immediately.

Just with this punch, Dark Lops didn't even take a step back.

Dark Lopus Zero was like slapping a fly, swatting Zero away hundreds of meters!

For Cero's current body shape.

A few hundred meters is a long distance.


Zero subconsciously wanted to use the power of the ultimate armor.

However, he found that no matter how he called, the ultimate bracelet did not give him any response!


Sero also became more and more anxious.

"Dahewang, you bastard!! Just because of you, not only have I become shorter, but I can't even use the power of the ultimate bracelet!"

“Blame me???”

"Did you suddenly take over my body?"

"If you're not convinced, get out of here!"

"What did you say??"

Sero stared.

But he doesn't have seizures now either.

He could only vent his anger on Dark Lopusero.

He grabbed his ankle with all his strength.

Zero's small body really burst out with huge power, and he threw Dark Lopus Zero to the ground!

Gauss, who was fighting the Mechanical Ultra Brothers in future mode, saw this and quickly wanted to run over to help.

Just go on.

The Xade star flew over from the side.

The 65,000-ton steel body directly hit Gauss!

Send him flying!

"¨ˇ Jie Jie Jie!"

"These robots are stronger than the original ones. There is absolutely no way you brats can defeat them!"

The Baxter man rubbed his hands.

He stared excitedly at Lu Fa in the surveillance screen.

He couldn't wait to dissect this Ultraman!

Just when he expected Lufa to take action quickly.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Lufa turned into light particles and disappeared!

What the hell? ? ?

Is this about running away? ? ?

"Is he really Ultraman?!"

“Run away if you can’t fight???”

Zero said angrily.

Anna's people also think so.

Otherwise, they really can’t figure it out.

(Wang's Good) What reason does Lufa have to turn into light particles and disappear?

Despair couldn't help but appear on his face, and a pale color spread all over his body!

"I just feel that to deal with this pile of scrap metal, there is no need to use my own body to deal with it."

The figure of Lufa in human form suddenly appeared in front of Anna and the others.

A black and red spark doll appeared in his hand.

"Dark Zaki, darkness materializes!!!"

The light thunderstorm energy can not only materialize the Spark Doll of the Giant of Light, but also the Dark Spark Doll!

Lufa's figure suddenly turned into a thick black and red fog.

Then a black and red body suddenly rose from the ground!

The face is ferocious, the eyes are blood red and covered with bloodshot eyes, and there is a Y-shaped energy core on the chest that looks like a colored timer.

The whole body is full of ominousness and evil.

Let everyone present tremble!

Dark God of Destruction.

Dark Zaki! ! ! ! !

Sero looked at the black and red face and stared at Dali unconsciously.

How can this be? ! ! ! !

He turned out to be...

Dark Zaki? ! ! ! ! .

Chapter 132: Is the portal used as a cutting technique? Sero's mentality exploded! ! !

"Then, that Ultraman turned into another form?!"

"This form is so scary! It looks chilling and doesn't look like Ultraman at all!"


Anna and others stared at Dark Zaki closely, horrified.

But let’s talk about the most shocking thing.

Of course it’s Sero and Gauss!

An Ultraman actually... turned into the appearance of Dark Zaki! ?

You must know that this kind of thing is simply impossible to exist in their world view!

Not to mention that Lufa transformed into the dark Zaki! !

You must know that there are records in the library of the Kingdom of Light!

Dark Zakina is a machine modeled after the legendary Superman Ultraman Noah by the visitors! !

Beria might be just a little loser in front of him!

How on earth is such a thing done! ?

Zero and the others are puzzled!

This also applies to the Baxter people who are well-informed and think they are knowledgeable and know everything!

What is the principle of this tmd? He can't figure it out even if he wants to!

In the dark interior space of Zaki.

Lufa was like driving a Gundam at this time.

There is no sense of violation and.

After all, where did he come from in the forum before? I heard someone said that when he was in Galaxy TV, the Dark Tiga was actually realized by Luchiel himself.

Don't know if it's true or false.

But if 607 is real, this is probably how it feels.

Shad's right fist suddenly blasted out.

A huge red fist projection shot out!

Shad's tiger finger fist!

"Dark Zagi, come on!"

"As a robot made to imitate Ultraman, you can't lose!"

"After all, you imitate Ultraman Noah!"

It seemed to be responding to Lufa.


Dark Zagi suddenly let out a deafening roar, and rushed towards the huge fist like a beast.

Every step he took, the ground shook violently!

Huge footprints appeared on the ground!

Zagi poured energy into his right fist.

He grabbed Shad's head with both hands.

He suddenly tore his mouth open.

Then he stretched out his right hand.

A purple barrier suddenly appeared in Shad's body!

The moment the energy inside Shad's body touched this barrier again, it was reflected to various parts of the body like a rebellious traitor!

Zagi Reflection!

It is Zagi's defensive skill.

But in the series, I don't know if Dark Zagi is too lazy to reflect or what.

It has always been used for defense.

But his name is Reflection, so he must have the ability to reflect!

Boom boom boom——!!!

Shad's whole body burst into continuous flames, and in a blink of an eye, it exploded into pieces of charred parts and iron sheets, rushing towards everywhere!

Dark Lopus Zero spread his arms.

The dimensional core in his chest suddenly burst out a purple beam cannon!

Dimensional core beam!!!

Wherever it went, the space was filled with layers of purple energy ripples, as if the D4 ray was about to shatter the dimensional cracks!

However, such a terrifying light.

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