"Hiss!!" Zeta took a breath of cold air.

Just now, after five rays of light went down, there was only a crack in Satan Delos's barrier, and it repaired itself in the next second.

But Master Lufa actually smashed the barrier with a brick!

How could he not be amazed?

He subconsciously hugged his head.

If Master Lufa had used this gold brick to hit his head, it would probably be more than just spraying light particles.

It would be like blooming!

"It's time to deal with you!"

"You are so tough, you must use the strongest skill of the shining type!"

Hearing what Lufa said, Zeta's eyes lit up.

..... ... ...

The strongest skill of the shining type? !

That is the special timer flash!

You know, Senior Tiga used this skill with the Zaperio ray to solve Gatanjea.

Is Master Lufa finally going to fight normally! ?

"Come on, Master Lufa, solve it!" Zeta shouted excitedly.

"Of course!"

Lufa appeared in front of him instantly.

With a bang, he took off Zeta and Triga's timers.

Zeta: ? ? ?

Triga: ? ? ?

Everyone in the armory: ? ? ? ?

Carmilla trio: ? ? ?

What the hell is this operation! ?

Taking off a person's timer? ?


Zeta suddenly realized something!

The next second.

Lufa tore Satan Dilos's mouth with one hand.

Stuffed Zeta and Triga's timers in!

"Special timer flash!"


The bright light was released from the two timers without Zeta and others seeing it.


Satan Dilos immediately shattered!

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: energy purity +99, strength +99! ]

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: Defense +101]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You suddenly realized Lightning Noah! ]


Two timers rolled out, emitting black smoke, like burnt sweet potatoes.

Lufa picked them up.

Blowing on them.

Showing a bright smile.




Zeta and Triga were already dumbfounded.

Their brains were broken, and because of the shocking scene just now, they had completely lost their ability to think.

It was as if they could only say "Aba Aba".

It was not easy to recover.

Their faces were still twisted unconsciously!

Damn it! ! ! ! ! !

Lufa really has no limits!

It was right that the special timer flashed.


Why the hell would he use their timer? ! ! !

The entire universe, no, it’s the countless Ultraman in the multiverse, who would steal someone else’s timer to release the light? ? ? ? ?

They are so crazy! ! !

At this moment.

Even Carmilla couldn’t help but twitch her lips.

Lufa is the Giant of Light?

I won’t believe it even if I kill him! ! ! ! !

Even those dark giants who killed people without blinking in the ancient times didn’t say that they could defeat the enemy by stealing people’s timers!

Such a powerful force.

Why is it so primitive in Lufa’s hands?

The same is true for Shizuka Hikari.

In his mind, Shining Tiga is the god that all mankind hopes to be born, holy and flawless!

But what?

Such a good skill, in Lufa’s hands, it almost shattered his worldview!

Lufa kindly pressed the timer back on Zetatliga and the other two.

“You’re welcome!”

He said with a smile.

He flew up into the sky immediately!

At the same time.

On the other side.

In the Kingdom of Absolut.

It seems that there is also an undercurrent.

“Planet Babylon, where Ultraman Noah is said to have appeared too often…”

(Thanks to the monthly votes of # readers!)

Chapter 94: Using Noah Hellfire in front of Noah, the little golden bull spark puppet shocked the audience!

Tartarus stared at the virtual screen, looked at the information on it, and began to think about something in his mind.

“Planet Babylon, where Ultraman Noah is said to have appeared.”

“It must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise it is also an uncertainty. If it is true, it will definitely become a huge obstacle to the kingdom in the future!”

“And if Noah is on it, you can try to seize his power and use it to deal with Ultraman Rufa!!!”

Thinking of this, Tartarus couldn’t help but flash a touch of excitement in his blue eyes!

Ultraman Rufa’s strength has far exceeded his imagination!

The undead Super Grant King and the previous complete Gua couldn’t compete with him.

If Tartarus was able to handle Luffa with ease before, and felt that he could defeat Luffa even if he used full power of Absolute Destruction in a head-on fight, then he would be a match for Luffa.

But now.

Luffa really gave him a sense of crisis.

Even Zero, who he valued so much in the past, was nothing in front of Luffa.

Of course this time.

He had to send someone who was strong and trustworthy!


As soon as the words fell.

Titan, holding the golden sword, walked over with a confident and calm smile.

"Leave it to me!"

"All obstacles to the kingdom will be cut off by me!"

Tartarus smiled with satisfaction.

Very good!

Very energetic!

This is what the Absolut people should look like!

Pull open a Nalak immediately.

Send Titan in!

Tartarus stood leisurely on the palace observation deck.

Waiting for good news from Titan.

On his virtual screen.

A black and red figure was displayed in it.

Tartarus certainly knew that it was not safe for Titan to go alone.

What if Lufa appeared again.

That would be bad.


He specially left a gift for Lufa.

Looking at the face on the screen with red bloodshot eyes, Tartarus laughed excitedly.


At the same time.

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