
Space Guard Headquarters.

A member of the Red Clan Guards flew over and said: "The energy fluctuations of the Absolute Clan were discovered on the planet Babylon!"

Ultra's father, Ultra's mother and five brothers were shocked when they heard this.

Planet Babylon.

Isn’t that where Ultraman Noah is rumored to appear?

Where is Tartarus going? ?

Is this guy okay with his brain? ? ?

If you’re not looking for Lufa, you’re looking for Noah!

"The Ultra Armed Three have passed now!"

"Do we still need to send someone over?"

The father of Ultra thought for a moment and replied: "Now the new generation of warriors are on missions, and Zero has also been taken to the K76 planet for special training by Severn, Leo, and Joanias. Let Libut go! "


Babylon planet.

Nalak suddenly unfolded here.

The Titan came out and looked at the desolate planet.

It looks like there are ruins and ruins everywhere, giving it a very ancient atmosphere.

"Ultraman Noah, where is he?"

Titan groaned.


"Ultra Energy Ball!"×3

Three blue light balls fell from the sky.

Taitan's eyes flashed and he quickly dodged away.

Three red and white figures landed in front of him.

Two male and one female Ultraman.

One has a strong build and is in the prime of life.

One looks older than Zoffie.

Another female Ultraman.

She has a slim figure, a smart and charming complexion, and a pair of eye-catching long white silk legs.

They are Scott, Chuck, and Bass!

"It's incredible that someone dares to attack Ultraman Noah!"

Scott laughed.

"Let's go!"

Bess chuckled.

The three of them immediately rushed towards Titan.

Fight with him.

"Ultra Cut!"

The three people simultaneously condensed blue light wheels in their hands and threw them at Titan.

The Titan's golden sword swung out a golden slashing wave, instantly crushing them all.

Then he turned and blasted a 100-meter slashing wave towards the three Beiss.

Chuck and Bess ducked.

The slashing wave quickly penetrated Scott's body, causing him to fly backwards and create a huge dent on the ground of Babylon. The pain made him groan in pain while holding his waist.

Beschak angrily unleashed a special move called "Granium Ray" on Titan.

Although Titan looks like a miscellaneous soldier.

But in fact.

In the original work, this guy's just a flat A was on par with the strength of Little Taurus's Ox-breaking Fist.

It is enough to show that he is powerful.

Duoduo is a swordsman who ranks among the top ranks in the entire universe.

The golden sword filled with energy suddenly slashed, instantly turning their special attack light into light particles, turning into countless streams of light that splashed around, sparking countless soaring flames!

"Not bad, he can handle the three of us with ease!" Scott laughed.

"Hmph, you guys are not bad either. You cooperated perfectly!" Tai Tan responded.

After a wave of business exchanges, both parties are about to start again.


A red ball of light landed!

Libut is coming!

Holding a Sblada spear.

"Galactic Rescue Team, Libut!"

Titan narrowed his eyes.

"Are you Libut? I've wanted to fight you for a long time!"

"Come quickly and fence with me!"

The two figures moved almost at the same time.

They collided in the blink of an eye.

The friction between the golden sword and Sblada's spear made a sound of metal collision, and violent sparks burst out one after another at the contact point.

Titan saw that his attack was neutralized by Libut.

The sickle sword on his head popped out.

Become a double sword style.

The fight with Libut became more and more intense.

But Titan obviously doesn't understand Ultraman's fighting style.

They just like righteous gang fights!

"Don't forget there are us!"

The three of them came up to him together.

Gradually, the style of painting started to look wrong.

Four people surrounded a swordsman.

For a while, it was even hard to tell who was righteous.


Titan roared.

Rich Absolute particles erupted from the whole body.

The body began to rotate at high speed.

Bah——! ! !

Sparks exploded on the four basses, knocking them away.

at this time.

A silver phantom appeared above the tallest ruins.

Staring at him, Bes and others looked in a daze, full of shock and respect.

"Ultraman Noah..."


Titan's eyes lit up.

I immediately became energetic.

But he hadn’t waited to chop Noah.

Noah turned into light particles and disappeared.


A figure with a 'Y' shaped energy core on its chest was condensed by light particles.

"Noah? No, it's Nexus!" Libut exclaimed.

Then something happened that they couldn't believe.

Nexus actually launched an attack on the five of them!

It's just that they didn't see it.

A pair of eyes was staring at them from behind a mini planet hundreds of kilometers away.

the other side.

"Lightning Noah."

Lufa felt the skills he had learned this time in his mind.

His face could not suppress the expression of joy!

You know, this is Ultraman Noah's special move!

A skill of the same level as the Spark Legend!

Make your right hand into a knife shape, and tap your left hand to touch your right wrist. Heavy super photons and plasma will instantly overlap each other, and the seven-color light emitted has the destructive power to distort time and space!

Even Ultraman Noah uses it as a super-killing light!

In Nexus TV, Noah used this to kill Dark Zagi!

"Legiddo Seiga Noah's special moves are all here!"



Lufa received a message from Galatron.

"Is it time? The little golden man's admiral Titan is going to kill Noah."

Lufa couldn't help laughing.

He was schizophrenic in his previous life.

This little golden man and Titan are pure mental illness.

"Anyway, Zeta was suddenly called back to the Kingdom of Light by Hikari."

"It seems that he said he developed a new medal?"

"Just right, let's try this new skill!"


Planet Babylon.

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