"Shining Zai Pelion Ray!"

The golden rays shot out.

But even this attack was easily blocked by the Delos Barrier.

Lufa was floating in the void.

Seeing this scene, he murmured: "Even Shining Triga can't be solved?"

And the barrier's recovery speed is faster than in the original book.

In the original book.

Triga fought for three days without leaving any trace on it.

Finally, with the joint efforts of Triga, the Elite Victory Team and Ignis, a gap was first blasted into the barrier.

Then Ignis jumped in and placed a bomb at the core of Satan Delos.

It was then blown up.

But with the current recovery speed of Satan Delos's barrier.

They absolutely cannot do such a thing.

Why is this happening?

While Lufa was thinking.

Satan Delos attacked it.

Raised his hand and a barrier to block it.

Lufa grabbed the holy sword Shining Triga illusion and urged the light energy and the power of the eternal core in his body.

Just like Dark Orb holding the True Orb Holy Sword - Galatron's tail, he smashed towards Satandelos's barrier!

Bang Bang Bang!!!

The sound of collision continued, and the force was so strong that it almost broke the light bulb eye of Shining Triga's illusion.

It only made a small gap!

And it recovered immediately!


Underwater world.

Hitram saw that even Lufa couldn't break the barrier of his transformed Satandelos.

He immediately laughed sharply!


"Did you see it!?"

"That Lufa Ultraman was defeated!"

"I guessed it a long time ago, my Satandelos defense is invincible!"

Although Carmilla couldn't stand him like this.

But she couldn't help but smile proudly.

In her mind, she had imagined.

Lufa's energy was exhausted by Satandelos's barrier.

Then she attacked again and severely ravaged Lufa with the light whip! !


"Master Lufa, this guy's barrier is very strong and recovers very quickly. I will help you open a gap first, and then you can attack!"

Zeta hurriedly said.

"This barrier is good, it makes me excited!"

Lufa chuckled.

Zeta: ??? ???

What the hell?


This barrier is probably harder than the shield composed of Master Serio's ultimate armor? !


A golden light burst out from Lufa's body.

His height reached 120m in one fell swoop!

Lufa Ultraman Shining Type!!!

Zeta looked at Lufa at this moment, his pupils shrank instantly, his expression was extremely unbelievable, as if he had suffered a bolt from the blue!

Nani? ??? ???

Shining Type??? ??? ???

How is this possible!!! !!!

You know!

Shining Type is the idealistic form of all the light of mankind gathered together after Senior Tiga was defeated and killed by Gatanjea!

Even Senior Tiga can't change into this form freely!


Even the King of Ultra can't do it! ! !

After all, the power of idealism is very metaphysical. If someone can master it, it is not idealism!

However, now!

Master Lufa not only summoned the illusion of Shining Tiga, but also took out Shining Tiga Dawn.

Now he has turned into Shining Type directly! ! ! !

How did he do such an incredible thing! ?

Zeta couldn't figure it out even if he racked his brains!

"What kind of power is that..."

Carmilla stared at Lufa in a daze.

Such power.

Even made her feel a little oppressive from the Eternal Core!

Shota Snakekura and Mitsukuni Shizuma in the armory were also shocked!

Especially the latter.

Unexpectedly, Lufa could change into this form freely!

Until now, he has not been able to see through what this Ultraman is!

"Senior Zeta, what is Senior Lufa's form?" Triga asked curiously.

Zeta told him about the Shining Type.

Triga was immediately surprised.

"The light of hope for all mankind?"

"So, all mankind is in Smail?"

"Senior Lufa's form is really full of hope!"

"In this case, his fighting style must be extremely holy, right?"

As soon as the voice fell.

Zeta put a hand on his shoulder.

Sighed deeply.



Even if it was Lufa.

If he changed into the Shining Type himself.

Then why would he be more restrained?

Triga was confused and didn't know why Zeta did this.

But the next second.

He knew it!

Lufa kicked Satan Delos!

Shining Destruction!

The foot immediately released a golden spiral shock wave, and Satan Delos's barrier shattered. The alloy body flew out like a cannonball, dragging an amazing road on the ground, and finally crashed into a tall building!

"Shining Ring Shield!"

Lufa's whole body burst out with a more intense golden light.

Just when Triga and others were wondering why Satan Delos didn't attack Lufa.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Golden light converged towards Lufa's right hand.

In a flash.

A "gold brick" appeared in Lufa's hand!

Zeta, Triga and others' mouths twitched instantly!

Oh my god! ! !

This damn Shining Ring Shield can condense a gold brick? ? ?

Is it that outrageous! ! !

How many tricks can Lufa play with defensive skills! ?

Zeta quickly touched his head.


Bad memories instantly flooded into his mind.

Lufa instantly appeared in front of Satan Delos.

He kicked it to the ground with one foot with a body of 120m.

Satan Delos simply didn't get up.

Condensed a barrier in front of him.

It was like saying "Come on, come on, you fight, I'll lie here and watch your performance."

Lufa smiled fiercely.

"Do you think your barrier is harder than the Shining Ring Shield?"

He smashed it directly with a gold brick!

Crack! ! !

Under the horrified gaze of Zeta and others, Satan Delos' barrier suddenly shattered!

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