What Lufa used was actually the Spark Legend? ! ! ! !

In Reijido's consciousness, Gauss and Justice stared upward in shock, staring at Lufa intently, without moving their sight at all!

Their hearts were as exaggerated as a huge wave, violently hitting their chests!

You know.

The Spark Legend is Reijido's strongest skill!

The strongest ultimate skill in the universe!

Before, Lufa used the power of the Aurora, which was already incredible to the extreme!

But now it is even more incredible!

Gauss and Justice no longer know what words to use to describe such a scene, they only hate that their vocabulary is too small!

The brain is buzzing.

The whole body seems to be trembling!

"Master Lufa, my Master Lufa!!" ! "

Zeta in Haruki's body screamed excitedly.

He wanted to transform immediately and use the light trumpet to tell the relationship between himself and Lufa!

Even the face of the King of Ultra showed some fluctuations.

Use the skills of Lufa in front of him and Lufa.

Such a thing.

Only Lufa, this incredible child, can do it, right?


He, Gao Si, and Justice were quietly relieved in their hearts.

After all!

The Legend of Sparks is Lufa's strongest skill!

Even if Lufa wanted to be brutal, he would never have a chance.

He backhanded and killed him in one second.

What else can be brutal?

Luffa glared at Giga Endora.

"You keep saying it's for justice!"

"If that's the case, Tartarus traveled through parallel universes and destroyed countless timelines. His nature is worse than mine!"

"I didn't see you send Giga Endora to the Kingdom of Absolut!"

"What multiverse punisher? The name of multiverse double standard dog is more suitable for you, right? "

"What did you say?" Drasion's tone was obviously fluctuating.

Lufa sneered.

Just when Gao Si and others thought that Lufa was going to throw the Spark Legend out.

Lufa loosened one hand.

On the other hand, the Spark Legend was not thrown out, but was spinning in his hand like a huge 100-meter golden light wheel.

In an instant!!!

Gauss Justice, and even the King of Ultra couldn't help twitching their mouths!

Damn Lufa!!!!

This is the Spark Legend, you use it as an eight-point light wheel????????

On the other side.

At the same time.

The Kingdom of Light.

The Space Guard Headquarters.

"Leo, Astra, where is the king?"

Father of Ultra looked at the Leo brothers flying from a distance and asked hurriedly.

Just now he applied to go to the King's Star.

There was no response from the King of Ultra.

Leo said in a deep voice: "The king said that Drasion appeared in Lufa's universe, and he went to help!"

"Nani! ? "

Ultrafather and the six Ultra brothers beside him could not hide their shock.

You know what Dracion is?

It is the multiverse, almost the same level as the king!

Why would he target Lufa???

"Don't worry!"

"The king has taken action himself, even Dracion will be afraid!"

Leo said.

Just then.

Several figures landed in front of them.

It was the Taiga trio, Ginga Victory, Geed, X and other new generation Ultraman warriors!

Even Grob brothers and sisters were there.

The new generation is all here!

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Taiga asked hurriedly.

They have heard the conversation just now.

"Dracion dared to attack our people? ? ? "

"Tnnd, brothers, the situation is urgent now, let's go and kill Dracion!!! "

Ginga raised his arms.

Geed and the others immediately shouted.

He immediately became the final form with blood boiling.

This posture.

If he said he wanted to fuse Linga and fight Drasion to death, people would believe it!

"Young man."

Ultrafather and the others shook their heads.

A smile appeared on their faces unconsciously.

This is their Ultra Clan!

If you can't beat them, call for help... No.

Have your own partners in your heart!

Well, that's right!


Ultrafather still wants to give Ginga and the others a big slap.

Even if you go and fuse into Linga, it's useless!

Drasion is like this.

Only the king has room for negotiation.

Not even Lufa can do it!


Look at the other side.

It collapsed!

It collapsed to pieces!

Gauss and Justice looked at the rapidly spinning in Lufa's hands The spinning "light wheel" made my mind explode!

Damn it!!!

What is the Legend of Spark?

That is the ultimate skill of the legendary warrior Reijido!!!

No matter how you think about it, there is only one way to use it, right? ? ?

What happened? ?

Damn it, the Legend of Spark turned into a light wheel in Lufa's hands!

The corner of the King of Ultra's mouth twitched slightly.

It was barely noticeable.

But it was enough to prove how much of a shock this old man, who was hundreds of thousands of years old and had no emotional fluctuations because of anything, suffered!

Damn it.

This kid made his space prison solid before, and squeezed Belyudor alive.

Now even the Spark Legend has become a light wheel in his hands.

Is there really no skill in this world that Lufa can use normally?

Perhaps, only the barrier skill can be normal in Lufa's hands? ? ?

Looking at Reijido.

The King of Ultra smiled bitterly.

They are already the top existences in the universe.

But they will be shocked by this kid Lufa and their hearts will fluctuate uncontrollably.

Zeta was also stunned.

He felt that the light wheels of the entire universe were nothing in front of Lufa!

The master directly used the Spark Legend as a light wheel!

Lufa held the Spark Legend and raised his wheel to Giga Endora!


Boom boom boom! ! !

As if cutting iron like mud, Giga Endora was easily cut in half, and countless flames burst on it, crushing it in an instant! ! !

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: defense +66, speed +66! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You suddenly realized Lingjia Photon Heavy Attack! ]

Just then.

Just a few thousand kilometers behind Lufa!

At that position, a Giga Endora appeared again!

Only then did Justice come to his senses.

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