Just as long as there is even the slightest connection with Lufa.

All will be erased.

The moment I saw it.

Even Shota Snakekura, who had just returned to the armory, felt a fatal threat.


"What a joke!"

"Is human life not worth mentioning in His eyes?!"

Yuki Yoko said angrily.

"Asshole, who do you think you are?!"

"My dream is to make everyone in the world smile!"

"Deciding the fate of others from such a high position...human beings don't need you to take care of them!!!"

Jian Wu said angrily.

He immediately took out the Victory Light Stick and planned to transform again.

It was just a sudden sharp pain in his body.

Let him kneel on the ground.

I could only look up desperately and helplessly.

Yuuka clasped her hands together tightly.


Can Lufa be able to withstand such a terrifying weapon?

The centers of Giga Endora's six arms began to condense violent energy.

The surrounding space began to tremble violently!

The ripple-shaped beam suddenly shot out towards the earth!

Reset the light! ! !

Gos Justis looked at each other.

Rush into the sky immediately.

at this time.

A ray of light suddenly appeared!

Silver cloak windless automatic.

It seems to represent the anger of its owner at this moment!

It's the King of Ultra!

Did he really think that he would just watch others bully the cubs of his clan?

Condoning the Absolut clan.

That's because they haven't made much noise yet.

You're going to send Giga Endora.

First ask him if the Hammer of the King in his hand will answer!

"King of Ultra...?" Dracion's voice finally fluctuated.

at this time.

Lufa stepped out.

His expression was more terrifying than ever before!

He couldn't bear it anymore.

He wants to sprinkle some sparks of legend into Dracion's eyes! ! ! ! ! ! .

Chapter 86 King Regedao was confused: Spark Legend Blood Drop? ? ?

the other side.

After the Ultra King arrived, all attention was focused on Dracion.

His hands shook the void.

Then two rays of light suddenly blasted out, colliding with the reset light.

All of a sudden.

After resetting, the light will break apart and turn into little light particles floating in the universe.

Because of this, the Ultra King did not see a way to rush out.

In the city, the expressions on the faces of people who were originally extremely desperate have softened a bit.


Is there any help?

Dracion appeared at the same time.

A huge vortex rotates in the universe, affecting the surrounding void galaxies.

"Dracion, stop it!"

"Luffa is a warrior of our Clan of Light, no matter who is in charge, it is not your turn!"

Dracion was silent for a moment.

He spoke indifferently.

"How can you guarantee that he will not threaten the universe? You don't even know how his incredible power came about, right?"

He originally only wanted to punish Lufa alone.

But when he saw Lufa took out the Hammer of the King and used Noah's Hellfire again.

Last time I heard Justice say that Lufa would also be able to use the power of Ultraman Saiga.

This made Dracion realize that Lufa, an extremely uncertain existence, is more likely to pose a threat to the universe than even humans!

"Furthermore, there is a fusion phenomenon in this universe, so he must have done such a thing!"

"Now that he has forcibly merged with the universe, he will definitely destroy the universe next!"

"As the carrier of the multiverse sanction court, I have the obligation and qualification to get rid of it quickly!"

As soon as the words fell!

Giga Endora actually fired out a reset light again.

"Qualifications? I think you dare!" said the King of Ultra.

Suddenly, his expression changed.


"He rushed straight towards Giga Endora???"

Gauss and Justis were extremely surprised.

Although Lufa knows the power of Aurora.

But this is also Reggio's proud skill.

Once or twice is fine.

If Giga Endora keeps releasing reset light, Lufa's energy may not be able to keep up!

Sure enough, you are still young!

But no wonder.

To achieve such an achievement at this age, it is understandable that Lu is a bit reckless.

But here are the words.

Let’s teach them!

Gauss and Justis appeared in front of Lufa as if they were teleporting.

Came to the universe.

Put up a barrier.

Then he took the initiative to meet the reset light!

In a gorgeous light, the figures of Gauss and Justis turned into light and overlapped.

A purple-silver figure exuding a mysterious aura appears again!

"When two rays of light in the universe meet, their true form will be revealed, Ultraman Regedo!"

The King of Ultra's eyes flickered.

Regedo looked up at Giga Endora in silence.

Why is this happening again?

Dracion can't get along with his two clones, right?


These two clones of myself are getting bolder and bolder.

After mastering the fusion skills, you really dare to do anything!

When Reggio was about to raise his hand to release the power of aurora.

The silver-red figure quickly passed by him.

In a blink of an eye, we are in front of the reset light!

"Lufa?!" Gauss and Justis in Reggio's consciousness were shocked.


Lufa suddenly raised his hand.

Brilliant light gathered in his hands, instantly absorbing the reset light!

Turn around.

Lufa continues to charge towards Giga Endora!

Turn your hands slightly.

Do you want to return the absorbed reset light?

Not a bad idea.

But for Gigabitora.

But it’s not enough!

Regedo began to mobilize energy with both hands.


He made a move!

There was actually a hint of surprise in his eyes as he looked up at Lu Fa!

Just look!

Lufa rotates with his hands.

Vast energy like a galaxy emerged in his hands, like a spiral golden galaxy. The surrounding space suddenly began to tremble suddenly, and there was a clicking sound like broken glass. It was just released normally, and the surrounding universe seemed to be unable to bear it. And the collapse is just as scary!

Spark legend! ! ! !

! ! ! !

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