
Dracion sent two Gigabit Endoras! ?

Damn it! ! !

She was so shocked that she forgot about it for a while!

If Lufa was hurt because of her, she would never forgive herself in her entire life!

Reggio rushed towards Lufa.


Lufa turned around.

Raise your hand and use the power of Aurora to directly absorb the reset light released by Giga Endora behind you.

Then he directly threw out a spark legend!

I blanch! ! ! !

Seeing this scene, Gauss and others felt their scalps numb!

Lufa can finally use his skills normally!

Thank God!

If Lufa held the Spark Legend again, Gauss and Justis felt that they would be unable to hold on to their Taoist hearts and disintegrate from the posture of Regedo.

at this time.

Lufa stretched out his right hand.


Gos Justis and the Ultra King had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Then Lufa stretched out his right hand.

"¨ˇ King's Spark!"


Blue thunder and lightning suddenly shot out, and the lightning and flint were connected to the center of the Spark Legend.

"King Spark Blood Drop!!"

This moment.

Gauss and others had a complete mental explosion! ! !

It's like a time bomb has been installed in the heart!

Damn it! ! ! !

Just use Spark Legend as a blood droplet.

His meow's path is actually using the Ultra King's skills to form a blood drop? ? ?

Gos Justis held his head.

I feel like my head is a little slow (Li Hao) Come on!

The impact was really too great!

Lufa used the King's Spark as a thread and threw the blood droplets directly towards Giga Endora.

Giga Endora was instantly ground into powder by the Spark Legend and scattered in the universe.

Two Gigabit Endolas, destroyed! ! ! !

Regedo stared at Lufa's figure.

He looked at his hands.


Suddenly you feel like you can imitate this kid's fighting style?

I'll give it a try when I get the chance!

Take that Absolute man named Tartarus!

Anyway, he runs fast.

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Energy Purity +66! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, and mental power +233! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, and mental power +233! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have suddenly enlightened to Wood Release, including: Wood Release Secret Technique: The Birth of the Tree World, Wood Release: The Arrival of the Flower and Tree World, Wood Release: The Technique of the Wood Dragon, Wood Release: The Technique of the Wooden Man, and Wood Release: The Technique of Ranking , Wood Release: Kabutei no Jutsu, Senfa, Wood Release, True Thousand Hands, Buddha Transformation on top, and with the blessing of Mother Earth, the power of ninjutsu has automatically evolved to a level consistent with Ultraman's worldview! 】

[You have enlightened the King's Silence, and because of the blessing of Mother Earth, the phantom of the Ultra King will appear when you use it. Use the King's Silence to help you resist the enemy's attack, for no other reason than to get higher! 】

(Thank you to readers of Clown., Vance, Ru and other grandpas here, me, my taste, and Jinliang Yuge for their huge monthly votes, 19936...a huge 1000 VIP points for reminders!).

Chapter 87 Lufa was shocked: Summon the Ultra King! ? Tartarus' plan!

at the same time.

Parallel universe.

Ruins of the ancient Ara Empire.

Because when Lufa used the Super Tyro Spark Doll to deal with Morde and Zeuda, he accidentally blew up the entire Gua Empire ruins.


Tartarus can only travel to a parallel universe.


This time he did not want to pull the two sleeping dragons and phoenixes, Zhouda and Molde.

"Since King Gulant can't do anything to you, then only that demon can deal with you, right?"

"Do it."

A strong blue-gray figure immediately walked out next to Tartarus!


Tartarus brought it from another parallel universe!

This guy's ability to resurrect the undead of cosmic beings and monsters is very good, not even inferior to Beria. Tartarus cannot bear to throw away such a powerful combat power.

Rebertus immediately chanted a spell.

As a ball of dark energy emerged.

A female cosmonaut with a snake head and a platinum skirt and armor appeared in front of them.

Gina looked at Tartarus and was immediately furious.

"Is it you?! The one who took Brother Zhouda and Molde away forcibly!"

As soon as he disagreed, he took out the bat magic whip and whipped it at Tartarus.

Tartarus just stretched out his hand, and the golden energy instantly bound Gina.

"If you want to see your brother and brother, just listen to me."

"Collect the demon fragments for me."

"Otherwise, I will prevent you from ever seeing them!"

Gina glared at Tartarus unwillingly.

But there is nothing we can do.

Tartarus let go of his hand in satisfaction.

Took Gina and Rebertus into Narak!

There was an uncontrollable excitement in his eyes!

He was just as simple-minded and strong-limbed as her brother and sister!

Do you really think he would be so kind?

He resurrected Gina just to create the demon that ruled the entire universe, the Phantom Fusion Great Demon Emperor Gua! ! !

"Ultraman Lufa, let's see what you can do to fight me this time!"

Tartarus grinned.


On the other side.

Armory Universe Earth.

"Dracion, you should leave."

King of Ultra and Regido stood on both sides of Lufa.

Two legendary beings.

Even Deracion didn't dare to say anything at this moment!

After being scolded by Lufa, he could only leave in disgrace.

Regido glanced at Lufa.

King of Ultra seemed to find that there was more appreciation in his eyes.

This child and Regido have a common language.

The King of Ultra thought of Lufa's method of using the Legend of Sparks and sighed helplessly.

Reijido split into two and turned back into Gaos and Justice.

The King of Ultra looked at Lufa.

530  "I thought I had seen your strength clearly, but you really surprise me again and again!"

"Even an old man like me rarely has emotional fluctuations!"

Lufa scratched his head: "I just learned the Legend of Sparks by luck."

Lucky? ? ?

Hearing what he said, Gaos and Justice looked at each other and saw that the corners of each other's mouths began to twitch wildly unconsciously.

This is called luck? ? ?

No one in the universe is as lucky as you! !


Is Lufa really Ultraman?

Why do they feel that they are not of the same race?

"Absolut clan's affairs."

"Just keep it in mind."

The King of Ultra said:

"Also, I have repaired the monster cemetery, and I have also captured the monster spirits inside. Don't destroy it again."

Hearing his half-joking tone saying such horrible words.

The worldviews of Gao Si and Justice were once again greatly shocked!

Destroyed the monster cemetery? ? ?

Good guy!

They shouted good guy! !

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