Looking at Lufa calmly taking out Shining Tiga Dawn.

Their mentality is about to explode! ! ! !

What the hell! ! ! !

Summoning the Shining Tiga illusion is fine, but now he even took out the Shining Tiga Human Head Sword!

And they can clearly sense it.

Shining Tiga Dawn exudes the same breath of the Cosmic Needle as Belia's Dusk!

You know!

If you want to take out the Cosmic Needle!

You must enter Gliza's body and take out the Cosmic Needle from its body!

Geed took great pains and almost lost his life.

He only got a Belia's Dusk.


Lufa took out one directly, and it was the Shining Tiga version! ! !

This guy is more than the Creator!

He is simply the God of Creation! ! !

Zeta, who was originally complacent about Belia's Dusk, was directly emo at this moment!

Belia's Dusk became dumb!

Damn it!

Just now he looked down on Lufa, thinking that he was unique and only he could deal with Gliza.

Now Lufa took out Shining Tiga Dusk.

I don’t know how many times stronger it is than him!

Sensing that terrible light energy.

Belial Dusk has no doubt at all. As long as he dares to speak, Shining Tiga Dawn will directly devour him!

What is the origin of this Ultraman!

He can actually create such a terrible cosmic needle out of thin air!

What’s more infuriating is!

In Lufa’s eyes, this weapon is only a secondary choice!

He is Belial Dusk, but he is not even as good as Lufa’s secondary weapon!

The clown is actually himself! ! !


Gliza’s head suddenly burst into purple lightning, and the surrounding buildings burst into flames and were instantly shattered!

But even with the huge momentum, as Lufa swung Shining Tiga Dawn and released a golden slash wave, the purple lightning instantly dissipated!

Then Lufa stabbed Shining Tiga Dawn into Gliza’s body!

The golden knife goes in, the purple knife comes out!


Purple blood splashes out.

"Shining Zai Pelion Separation!"

Shining Tiga Dawn's eyes suddenly shot out a golden laser, instantly knocking Gliza to the ground!

Looking at Lufa who waved the slash wave again and repeatedly repelled Gliza.

Zeta was so excited!

Great! ! !

Lufa can finally fight normally!

Shining Tiga Dawn is just a knife.

There will definitely not be any brutal fighting methods!

At most, it is an attack method such as slashing.

Lufa can't be that brutal even if he wants to.

It's not easy!

God knows how long he has been waiting for this day!

Seeing Lufa fight like that every day, his little heart is about to collapse!

As Lufa slashed Shining Tiga Dawn again.

A wound covering the entire body appeared directly in front of Gliza!

[Your fighting method is brutal, and you get a blessing: Speed ​​+99! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, and mental strength +233! ]

[You suddenly realized the dark thunderstorm absorption! ]

Dark thunderstorm absorption?

Good guy, even Gliza's skills are out?

Lufa's eyes lit up.

Remember this skill, it is the ability of Gliza to summon countless blue-green energy arms in front of him!

Used to grab something.

Gliza in Ex used this skill to snatch the monster doll away.

Let me try it too!

Lufa waved his hands, and a golden circular halo suddenly appeared in front of him.

One of the huge arms condensed by blue-green energy shot out, and the fist was bigger than three Zetas!

"Is that Gliza's skill!?"

Zed saw this scene in Gliza's body and was shocked.

It was okay to use the skills of the evil Belia before.

Now even the skills of monsters can be used? ? ?

Is it really that outrageous!

Under Lufa's control, he pinched the little head of Gliza with his thumb and index finger!

He squeezed hard.

Bang! ! !

The yellow unknown juice splashed out, and the little head of Gliza was completely crushed, just like a fly head being crushed by hand!

Zeta, Geed, Snake Shota and others all felt nauseous unconsciously!

Only Jiehua was shouting excitedly.


Lufa took out the King's Hammer.

Zeta and others were immediately confused.

What was the purpose of taking out the King's Hammer at this time?

Shining Tiga Dawn is enough to defeat Gliza, right?

As Lufa knocked a few times in the air!

Gliza's body grew bigger again in the blink of an eye, and reached 300m in one fell swoop!

"Lululululufa, what on earth are you doing!?"

Zeta said in panic, and he couldn't speak clearly.

This is fine, why did he suddenly strengthen the enemy?

The next second.

As Lufa raised the Shining Tiga Dawn.

"Shining Zai Pelion Fang!!!"

As soon as the words fell.

He used the hand speed of being single for more than 5,000 years, and pressed the Shining Tiga Dawn button more than ten times in an instant!

Boom boom boom——

The next second.

A dozen huge energy bodies burst out from the shining head of Diga, rushing towards Gliza from all directions. Each one's mouth was wide open, as if they wanted to swallow everything!


Zeta's eyes widened.

Lufa! ! !

Are you in Gan Shen Mo? ! ! ! !

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, the huge Gliza had not yet become arrogant, but all parts of his body were bitten off by more than a dozen big Shining Diga heads that Wuyang Wuyang rushed up to him!

Several rotten holes were bitten into the body in an instant, and yellow pus gushes out from the open wounds!


Gliza's voice, which was originally like a ghost with an evil smile, was now full of wails.

The heads of more than a dozen Shining Diga bit a piece of meat and pulled it suddenly toward the back!


Gliza's skin was torn, his muscles were torn, and his bones were gnawed. His huge body was torn apart like five horses and a car, and a dozen Shining Diga heads chewed the meat in his mouth!

Geed was freed from Glizza's body.

Hezeta, Snakekura Shota and others looked at the shining Tiga, who represented the light of hope, now eating Griza's body like a zombie.

Holding head.

It can almost be said that my heart is broken!

Damn it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

How to use Shining Tiga like this? ? ? ? ?

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +66, speed +66, strength +66, and spiritual power +66! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have obtained the fruits of the operation, and with the blessing of Mother Earth, all side effects have been eliminated! 】


The mentality of Zeta, Geed and even Shouta Osakura is completely broken!

Damn it!

It’s okay to break off the horn of Shining Tiga’s illusion before, and then use the Shining Encircled Shield to directly smash the five emperors into minced flesh!

Now he actually held the Shining Tiga Human Head Sword and released a bunch of Shining Tiga heads, chewing up Griza alive and dismembering him!

They had almost forgotten that Lufa was a mage!

Which mage is like this? ? ? ?

To know!

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