Shining Tiga is the light of hope for mankind gathered on Tiga's body and turned into a form!

The light of hope for mankind!

Not the fucking soul of the underworld! ! !

Recalling the scene just now when a bunch of Shining Tiga opened their mouths wide and ate Gliza's body like prey!

Zeta and the others still can't accept it now!


Lufa actually used the King's Hammer to enlarge Gliza first!

Just to make it easier for the Shining Tiga's head energy body to bite!

Meow, who in the entire universe uses the King's Hammer to do this? ? ? ?

The King of Ultra is not as extravagant as Lufa!

I don't know how many people think that the Void Monster Gliza is a terrifying existence.

Even some powerful evil cosmic people have to run away when they see it!

In Lufa's hands, it's as pitiful as a little rabbit that can be ravaged by anyone!

Where is the feeling of terror?

Shining Tiga Dawn and Lufa are terrifying!

Zeta dares to guarantee that even if he uses Belia Dusk, he can't do such a hellish thing! ! ! !


"Interesting, so interesting!"

Belia Dusk flew out of Zeta's hand, and rushed towards Lufa with fiery eyes.

"I've decided, you will be my user from now on!"

Lufa glanced at him.


He kicked Belia Dusk away.

The sword just happened to be inserted into a septic tank.

Belia Dusk: "I!!!"

"Who wants you, a traitor?"

"Go back to Gliza's body and practice for 30,000 years, and I will consider using you again!"

Lufa said ruthlessly.

If it were someone else, Belia Dusk would have chopped him off long ago.

But facing Lufa.

Belia Dusk had no choice but to be honest!

Seeing this artifact actively throwing itself at Lufa, and being rejected with disgust, Zeta Zede's face was twisted into a bitter gourd!

Damn it! ! !

Is the artifact in their eyes so worthless in Lufa's eyes?

Forget it!

And directly inserted it into the septic tank!

Zeta laughed and lifted Belia Dusk.

"It's okay, I don't dislike you, you will follow me in the future!"

"I will make sure you have a good life!"

Belia Dusk sneered: "Hmph, what benefits can a weak chicken like you bring to this uncle?"

Zeta: "..."

Don't refuse to drink the wine!

Although he is not as good as Lufa now!

He will not be as good as Lufa in the future!

He may not be as good as Lufa in his whole life!

But he also has dignity!

"Speaking of Senior Zeed, what are your plans? Are you going to join the armory just like this?" Zeta came to a river and asked while washing Belia Dusk.

"How is it possible!"

Zeed waved his hand:

"I will go back after I solve this matter of my father!"

"Even if he is in a parallel universe, I will never let anyone use my father's power again!"

Zeta's heart skipped a beat.

Silently put away Belia Dusk!

"It seems that it can still be summoned..." Lufa touched his chin and muttered.

Zeta's ears moved.

He said hurriedly:

"Lu, Lufa, you don't want to summon some weird Ultraman again, do you?"

"Don't do that! At least not when there are people around!"

The damage caused by Blaze summoned by Lufa last time was more serious than that of the monster!

There are even experts on the Internet who speculate that their Ultraman came from a primitive tribe and came to Earth to fight monsters and hunt!

God damn hunting!

Damn, which Ultraman came to Earth and was not revered by humans, and even called the guardian angel and savior?

When they came here.

It became hunting directly!

Zeta said that the baby was wronged, but the baby didn't say it.

Lufa didn't care about Zeta.

He just remembered that there was still a summoning card that hadn't been used.

Just in time.

Use it now!

The moment the idea appeared.

A time and space gate suddenly tore open in the sky!

Zeta, who had just relaxed, suddenly exploded!

"Lufa, didn't you say not to summon someone nearby?!"

Lufa looked puzzled: "Are you human? You are Ultraman!"

Zeta choked!

I'm so angry!

That makes sense!

He was speechless!

But this time, what Ultraman will Lufa summon?

He actually has a little expectation!


On the other side.

Absolut Kingdom.

On the observation deck.

Diablo walked out of the Cascade light, his face full of comfort!

He has become stronger!

As a careful person standing in front of him will find!

The edge of Diablo's Strong Force Breaking Bull Fist emblem has an extra layer of gold!

It looks like a gold edge!

"It's right to fuse Absolut particles and Strong Force Breaking Bull Fist!"

Diablo said excitedly.

It has to be said.

Although he is a bit lacking in some aspects, such as having a kind of mysterious self-confidence.


In terms of cultivation, his mind is still relatively flexible!

He had forced the Cosmic Buffalo from Master Lei Ting's body into his own.

In other words, there was no contract at all.

Naturally, the full energy of the fantasy beast could not be exerted!

Diablo thought of a way to inject a large amount of Absolut particles into the fantasy beast emblem!

Use Absolute energy to replace the energy of the cosmic beast!

This really makes his Strong Bull-Breaking Fist even better!


"Last time it was because I underestimated the enemy and didn't use my full strength."

"Ultraman Lufa, don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will make you taste the pain ten thousand times more than I did last time!!"

Just imagine him smashing Lufa's light bulb eye.

Injecting cosmic buffalo energy into it crazily, making Lufa in agony.

Diablo's breathing unconsciously became rapid, and red bloodshot eyes burst out, and his spine was numb with pleasure!

"Humph, you can only be defeated by a little devil. That's your level."

Titan sneered.

"Asshole Titan, you have the guts to say it again?!"

"What? Have you thought of two moves?"

"Come on!"

"Absolute Slashing Wave!"

"Strong Bull-Breaking Fist!"

Just as they shouted out the names of their moves and prepared to fight.


A space-time gate was torn open under Diablo's feet!

Diablo was stunned.

Then he fell directly into it!

The gate closed instantly!

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