He used too much force, causing his body to stumble backwards several steps unconsciously.

"You have me, what are you going to do?"

"Beria's voice???"

Zeta looked at the Cosmic Needle in his hand in surprise!

I blanch!

Why is this the head of Beria? !

Could this be the needle of the universe? ? ?

Zeta is confused!

In a dark space.

Beria, who had been observing the battlefield, was also confused.

What the hell is that? ? ?

Belia Dusk suddenly produced a force of gravity, causing Zeta's body to kneel down.

"I ask again, what do you want to do with me?"

at last.. ...

In Yaohui's mouth, he escapes and outputs.

Belial Dusk finally agreed to fight with them.

Zeta is almost extremely excited now!

The Cosmic Needle is actually a sword with the head of Beria!

Want to know who Beria is?

That is Master Zero's old enemy.

The strongest dark Ultraman who brought disaster to the entire Kingdom of Light and finally forced the Ultra King to take action!

Use his head as a weapon.

Only you can do it, right?

Upgraded Delta Claw form, plus Belial Dusk.

He felt that the gap between himself and Lufa had narrowed a lot!

Immediately use Belial Dusk to attack Glizza.

Belial Dusk opened his mouth.

Shoot out a yellow light!

Gliza seemed to have lost his void body and was hit from the front. A large amount of sparks exploded in front of him and he fell to the ground.

"Disium Slash!"

Zeta swung Belial Dusk violently, a purple slashing wave suddenly appeared in the air, and sparks exploded violently.

Instead, focus the energy on the sword.

With Zeta making stabbing motions while holding Belial Dusk.

A purple spiral shock wave shot out immediately.


Gliza quickly summoned several circular light shields in front of him.

Want to resist.

But only for a few seconds.

All the light shields were shattered!

Knock Grizza away again.

Just when Zeta was planning to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Gliza's head suddenly burst out with powerful energy.

Use space distortion to move instantly and disappear in place.

The next second.

Appeared behind Zeta!

Release a terrifying attack called "Glizza Double Helix"!

The diameter of the purple spiral light wave is much larger than that, and the space is vibrating wherever it goes!

Zeta was shocked.


An explosion sounded.

Lufa takes action! ! !

Beria Dusk snorted coldly and said contemptuously: "Where did this little devil come from? Get out of here! Gliza is a void monster. Only I, the Needle of the Universe, and the Darkest Dusk Sword can defeat him. Don't get in the way!"

Lufa turned a deaf ear and stepped on his foot. Terrifying air waves rippled and invaded in all directions. Lufa's figure quickly flew in front of Gliza.

The hammer of the king appears in your hand!

For a moment.

Beria looked at the weapon in his hand at dusk, and his heart began to tremble!

I don’t dare to speak anymore!

The hammer hit Gliza's body.

In the shocked eyes of everyone.

Gliza's body was like a light bomb flying backwards, smashing into several high-rise buildings one after another, until it hit the farthest mountain before stopping!

Damn it! ! !

Lufa's King's Hammer can also hit Griza? ?

Then why did he want to watch a show just now? ! !


Zeta's expression suddenly changed!

"Luffa be careful!"

Yuka Yoko's heart trembled!

I saw a huge force suddenly erupting from Gliza's head, and the energy fluctuations emitted were much larger than those in Delta's Claw form!

Purple lightning-like light shot out!


Lufa raised the hammer of the king high.

Thunder and lightning suddenly broke out among them.

With a sudden wave of his hand.

The violent thunder rushed towards Gliza in an instant, shattering the purple light in an instant and bombarding Gliza on the head!

Boom! ! !

A loud boom instantly caused the yellow glowing part of Glizza's head to explode!

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +33, speed +44, strength +55, and spiritual power +66! 】

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Defense +101! 】

"You really don't deserve to let me use the King's Hammer."

Lufa said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

In Zeta's surprised eyes.

Lufa actually took back the Hammer of the King!

Turn around.

A bright golden light burst out from his hand!

It feels very familiar to Zeta!

"Shining Tiga's energy fluctuations??"

"Is Lufa trying to summon the illusion of Shining Tiga?"


Even though Shining Tiga is strong, his illusion can't cause harm to Griza!

Let alone hurt Glizza.

It’s impossible to even touch it!

"Huh, as expected, I still have to show up!" Beria snorted coldly at dusk.

The Hammer of Kings disappears.

He felt like he was okay again.


The golden light in Lufa's hand receded.

When they saw the golden short sword with a very conspicuous Shining Tiga head on it.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The pupils of Zeta, Geed in Griza's body, Shota Jakura and others shrank instantly!

Nima! ! ! ! !

What the hell is this? !

Shining Tiga Dusk? ? ? ?

In an instant!

Zeta and the others were stunned!

(Thanks to 18792..reader for the 2000 VIP points to urge for more!!!)

Chapter 65 A dozen Tiga heads tore and dismembered Griza, and Zeta exploded!

"Luffa Ultraman actually used the head of Shining Tiga that appeared before as a weapon?"

"This is a real man!"

Yoko stared at the screen excitedly.

Hearing this, Jiehua felt a great satisfaction in her heart.

It was as if Yoko was praising her!

This is her Luffa!

Shota Jakura's eyes fell on Shining Tiga Dawn.

He could clearly feel the energy fluctuations that were no less powerful than Shining Tiga, which made him afraid!


If we were to say who was the most shocked.

It would be Zeta and Geed!

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