King of Gods

Chapter 919

“Two people, is this show beautiful?”

Zhao Feng’s gentle greeting sounded in the two middle-aged man Souls, waking them from their stagnation, and Soul shuddered and panicked.

The two looked at each other a glance, took out a dark yellow spell, and branded Soul Will.

Subsequently, this spell was integrated into void and disappeared

They are professional intelligence personnel and are good at hiding, sensing and tracking.

Therefore, they have generally learned about Zhao Feng’s fighting situation just now.

I just didn’t expect that Zhao Feng discovered them from the beginning.

Zhao Feng took the initiative to chase the old woman, just to get close to them, lest they notice that they were wrong and ran ahead.

Zhao Feng’s strength, let them convince.

The two had no way to escape, and before they died, they could only send the news.

call out

A light golden light line penetrates everything and hits the endless distance.

next moment.

In void, the dark yellow charm emerged, and then slowly dissipated.

The two men were shocked again, despair, looked towards the sky, and the blood flame Thunder Light giant coming.

Under infinite strenuous repression, the two were extremely difficult to speak, and fell to their knees, waiting for trial.

When Zhao Feng Left Eye congealed, a super powerful Soul Eye Strength emerged, directly restraining the two Soul.

“Soul Search”

In the Left Eye, a wave of evil looking Soul surged into the Soul of the two.

After the two interest rates.

With a wave of Zhao Feng, the power of the red thunder blood surged, and their bodies turned into fly ash.

“Thirteenth Prince”

Zhao Feng both eyes is cold, and through Soul Search, he knows everything.

It was the faction of Thirteenth Prince, who secretly sent the message to Nine Nether Palace.

Let Nine Nether Palace do it first.

First, fear of the God-Slaying Arrow in Zhao Feng’s hands.

The second is to investigate his strength.

If Nine Nether Palace fails, they can send a killer to target Zhao Feng.

“Sure enough, Yufei is still in the drum” Zhao Feng was more certain in his mind, and cold and severe appeared in his eyes.

Eliminating Zhao Feng was a strategy of Thirteenth Prince.

As soon as he died, the pillars of Zhao Yufei’s heart collapsed, and the bondage of Saint Sovereign’s marriage contract, Thirteenth Prince, could rightly soothe Yufei, and then slowly win his favor.

If he can win Crown Prince, everything will be easier.

“Hehe, want me to die, want to be crown prince”

Zhao Feng sneered, both eyes rays of light chilly, invisible murderous aura makes all around heaven and earth dim.

“However, the factions of Nine Nether Palace and Thirteenth Prince will not stop there.”

Zhao Feng eyes reveal Deep, deep in thought.

In order to get Zhao Yufei, Thirteenth Prince will surely eradicate himself.

In addition, Nine Nether Palace is the same as the faction behind Thirteenth Prince.

However, Nine Nether Palace was reluctant to send four Great Emperors and wanted to replace Zhao Feng with a God-Slaying Arrow.

The four Great Emperors do not know yet. Nine Nether Palace executives did not expect them to kill Zhao Feng at all.

Unfortunately, they were all dead, and no one could bring the information back.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Feng determined his thoughts, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth: “hehe, it seems destined”

Ninth God Eye, and Ninth Prince

Having decided, Zhao Feng immediately flew to Changhong City.

Immortal Medicine Pavilion.

Ninth Prince is still on the ninth floor, talking to Zhou Su’er, and Zhao Feng goes straight up.

“How come you are here again?”

Zhou Su’er’s dissatisfied voice came first. She really couldn’t help Zhao Feng.

This youngster, too wayward.

Zhao Feng turned a blind eye to Ninth Prince and said directly: “Ninth Prince, if your original promise is still valid, I promise you”

Ninth Prince froze slightly, then to be wild with joy.

When he met Zhao Feng, he asked, and Zhao Feng said he was not interested.

He didn’t have much hope. For two and a half years, Zhao Feng should have thought through it.

However, he did not expect that Zhao Feng would come back to promise him after he went out for a while.

This is really, as Zhou Su’er said, too wayward.

In addition, his conversation with Zhou Su’er, because of a previous suggestion by Zhao Feng’s, also made some progress.

Ninth Prince suddenly felt confident.

In Ninth Prince’s mind, Zhao Feng is not only good at Soul attack, he can be the main combatant, but also an excellent Beast Taming Master. He also has the auxiliary item Bewildering Space Realm, which is very important.

Zhou Su’er frowned slightly.

After Zhao Feng left, Ninth Prince made clear Zhao Feng’s identity and surprised Zhou Su’er.

Thinking of Divine Illusory Space and Ancient God Secret Mansion, many forces have suffered in Zhao Feng’s hands, and it’s okay to take him, Zhou Su’er feels much better.

Subsequently, Ninth Prince also said that he had solicited Zhao Feng’s. Until now, Zhao Feng had not agreed and had not joined the camp of other princes.

Zhou Su’er herself is also the same. So far, Fourth Prince, Seventh Prince, and 8th Prince have all come to show that, even more than once, she has all refused.

“Why did you suddenly promise him?”

Zhou Su’er stepped forward and looked towards Zhao Feng’s Eye.

For two and a half years, Zhao Feng did not agree with Ninth Prince, why did he go out for a while and then agreed.

She was very puzzled about what happened in this center, making him so decisive.

“Because, I want to kill Thirteenth Prince”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, the words floated out.

Thirteenth Prince, who framed Zhao Feng so much, also caused him and Duanmu Family to stalemate this way, making Master Duanmu Qing difficult to be a man in the center, which made Zhao Yufei so heartbroken.

This person must never forgive

Ninth Prince, Old Ying and the black clothed old man at the door, expression suddenly changed, breathing stopped, deeply looked towards Zhao Feng.

If it were outside, Zhao Feng was doomed.

Although Ninth Prince is the Imperial Brother of Thirteenth Prince, almost all the prince’s mothers are not the same person.

On the surface, the princes are very harmonious. In fact, each other wants each other to die. It is just hope.

The prince will not get rid, even in secret, dare not.

Once found, it will permanently deprive Imperial Clan Bloodline.


Zhou Su’er suddenly sneered, and then said casually: “I also want to kill, Eighth Brother, your request, I agreed”

Ninth Prince is still wondering why Zhao Feng said this.

As a result, Zhou Su’er went on to say this sentence and promised his solicitation.

All this came so fast that he couldn’t believe it.

Get two great people in an instant.

He suddenly felt that all of this was due to the 13th Brother, and he should thank him in person.

Old Ying smiled cheerfully and looked towards Zhao Feng deeply.

Originally, so far, Ninth Prince has participated in the Crown Prince battle, and the odds of success can be said to be zero.

But now, there is a glimmer of possibility.

“In addition, Zhao Feng little brother, we are all in the same camp now, can you tell me how did you get rid of the poison?”

Zhou Su’er’s temperament suddenly changed, showing a cute smile, looking at Zhao Feng, a familiar look.

Everyone around the week, for a while to blush with shame.

Sure enough, a woman turns her face faster than a book.

However, they are equally curious.

“In the future, I will have the opportunity to explain to you slowly. Now that we are in the same camp, should the medicine ingredients of Immortal Medicine Pavilion be provided for free?”

Zhao Feng avoided the question of Zhou Su’er and opposed the army.

The ability of the left eye, it doesn’t matter to speak out, the principle of solution, must not be disclosed.

Zhou Su’er’s face was suddenly stiff, and sure enough, he wanted to take advantage of Zhao Feng’s hands, which was really whimsical.


Ninth Prince smiled cheerfully, and today is really happy.

“Ninth Prince, I have just arrived inland, I have no place to settle, I don’t know …”

Zhao Feng was a little embarrassed and said slowly.

He came looking for Ninth Prince, on the one hand, looking for a place of safety.

“I understand that it would be better for Brother Zhao to go to me, relatively quiet and suitable for cultivate”

Ninth Prince knew what Zhao Feng’s meant, and also knew that Zhao Feng was a cultivate fanatic, and invited Zhao Feng directly to his residence.

“That bothers me”

Zhao Feng nodded slightly, you’re welcome.

Nowhere is it safer than the Imperial Clan Palace.

In this way, his identity is self-evident, even Thirteenth Prince and Nine Nether Palace, dare not rush to get rid.

“Sister Su’er, I’ll leave now”

Ninth Prince said goodbye to Zhou Su’er and took Zhao Feng Old Ying to set off to Imperial Palace.

“Ninth Prince, Zhou Su’er is Princess?”

From Ninth Prince’s title of Zhou Su’er, Zhao Feng guessed one or two.

“Yes, sister Su’er, was once the favorite Princess of Imperial Father”

Ninth Prince smiled bluntly.

“Then why did you leave Imperial Palace?” Zhao Feng was puzzled, and Zhou Su’er and Saint Sovereign and Thirteenth Prince seemed to have great grudges.

“Zhou Su’er’s mother, formerly Saint Empress, will not pass away”

Ninth Prince complexion is soft, sighing slightly.

There is no word of friendship between the princes, but Princess is different. There is no dispute between them and the prince.

All the princes even tried to please Princess.

Because the object of the Imperial Clan Princess will also be Upright Sect Great Sect in the future.

Zhao Feng was slightly nodded, clear in his heart.

After the death of Zhou Su’er’s mother, today Saint Sovereign has married another woman whose son is Thirteenth Prince.

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder, then Zhou Su’er would also say that.


Although Zhao Feng said this, he would not act blindly.

Behind Thirteenth Prince is Saint Sovereign Saint Empress, the symbol of the entire dynasty, and behind the Great Heaven Dynasty, is the 4-Star power Supreme Emperor Palace.

Without great confidence, he must not get rid of Thirteenth Prince.

More than XNUMX days later

Zhao Feng came to the Imperial Clan Palace.

Near the Imperial Palace, Zhao Feng felt faintly, an invisible and strong strength, guarding one side of heaven and earth, above all else.

Stepping into it, Zhao Feng felt like he was entering the rule territory of others, and all his actions were controlled by a mysterious strength.

The Imperial Palace range, except today’s Saint Sovereign and some special agencies, is prohibited from flying.

Zhao Feng followed Ninth Prince and entered into the Imperial Palace main entrance.

“Zhao Feng?”

A familiar voice came forward.

“Eight Imperial Brother”

Ninth Prince is smiling, and there is a hint of compartnt. Zhao Feng’s is strong. I believe that 8th Prince and Thirteenth Prince have a deep understanding.

8th Prince knew Zhao Feng long before Divine Illusory Space.

Now Zhao Feng is successfully recruited by him.

8th Prince is still accompanied by Luo Zun.

The two looked complex and looked towards Zhao Feng.

8th Prince actually has some regrets, if not for Luo Shui’er.

He would not have that many misunderstandings with Zhao Feng, and it is definitely him who is recruiting Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng’s performance in the Divine Illusory Space faintly suppressed the prince of Fourth Prince, Xin Wuhen.

Today, Zhao Feng is Void God late stage.

But the true strength, he dare not estimate.

Also, the gold pupil, like an amber, made him afraid to look directly, and Soul trembled.

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