King of Gods

Chapter 920

“Nine emperor, congratulations, solicitation is so effective”

8th Prince greetings.

Facing Zhao Feng, he and Luo Zun both have an inexplicable disgustingness and weakness.

Zhao Feng’s mysterious and difficult, go deep into their hearts.

However, Zhao Feng was recruited by Ninth Prince, and it did not affect the situation much.

After all, Ninth Prince’s influence background is too weak, there are not many strong hands in his hands, and the overall ranking is lower.

According to past experience, Crown Prince appears in the top five estimated by intelligence agencies.

The queen who ranks lower in strength has almost no odds of success.

They enter into the Imperial Family Tomb. They are more looking for opportunities to consolidate their strength. In the future, they may be able to seal good titles. If they can enter the Supreme Emperor Palace, it is even better.

However, the dispute over distance Crown Prince is still a while away.

No one can predict what will happen next.

As long as there is a trace of contention, there is still a chance to be slack.

A few words of courtesy with Ninth Prince.

There is nothing to say between Zhao Feng and 8th Prince Luo Zun.

“Luo Zun”

Ninth Prince noticed that Luo Zun was abnormal, and he thought it through.

When he first met Zhao Feng, his cultivation base was less than True Lord, the two were aloof and remote, and they did not take it seriously.

Today, Zhao Feng already has become the top of the younger generation, and the Sovereign Dao genius list has risen again.

Looking at the once weak ants, a step by step becomes stronger, and even To surpassed himself, of course, it is not the taste.

“8th Prince, I’m okay, wait for my dual attributes to build a small world, Zhao Feng, by no means my opponent”

Luo Zun’s eyes suddenly burst into the light, and his fighting spirit ignited.

He is now Void God Great Emperor.

Great Emperor and King, the biggest difference is the understanding of heaven and earth Profound Truth, and the power of the small world.

If the dual attribute small world of Luo Zun succeeds in shaping, the power is by no means an echo. Even the old top Great Emperor, he has no fear.

“That’s good. If the next negotiation is successful, our overall strength will increase a little bit.”

Even if he is not a popular candidate for the Crown Prince fight, 8th Prince has to work hard without leaving any regrets.

In Imperial Family Tomb, the variables are very large, and the strongest overall strength is not necessarily the winner.

Great Heaven Imperial Palace, grand and majestic, gold and jade in glorious splendour, such as a giant scale giant dragon, engulfing the earth.

Within the Imperial Palace, heaven and earth Origin Energy, a few grades directly higher than the outer boundary, and invisible air shelter.

The residence of the prince is almost the strongest place in the entire Imperial Palace, heaven and earth Origin Energy.

Along the way, many Imperial Clan personnel on the way took the initiative to say hello.

“His Highness Nine”

“Ninth Prince is back?”

“His Highness has paid off a lot this time out.”

While greeting Ninth Prince, their eyes were watching Zhao Feng secretly, and they were a little curious.

Needless to say, this is the manpower recruited by Ninth Prince, so young, I don’t know who it is, was taken in by Imperial Palace in person.

However, some Imperial Clan personnel who are not optimistic about Ninth Prince have not paid much attention to Zhao Feng.

Most of the staff recruited by the princes were the older generations of Legendary.

There are also some special cases, such as Fourth Prince’s powerful Xin Wuhen.

However, Xin Wuhen’s name has been spread throughout Great Heaven.

I don’t know where this blond boy came from.

“So young, even if Innate Talent is outstanding, after all, the experience is shallow and not very useful.”

“This is natural, really strong and minded, knows how to choose”

Ninth Prince has just returned. Inside the palace, an old steward, immediately walks quickly.

“His Royal Highness, some time ago, the taming animal Beast Grandmaster Liang Sang of Sky Pond City came to visit.”

The old steward was hilarious, and after a slight look at Zhao Feng, he reported truthfully.

“Got it”

Ninth Prince complied, and led Zhao Feng to the side hall.

The old steward was a little hesitant. Liang Sang Beast Taming Master, a highly valued manpower of Ninth Prince, had solicited himself, but was rejected.

Today, Liang Sang Beast Taming Master came to visit, but Ninth Prince looked indifferent.

This is really abnormal.

“His Royal Highness, said Liang Sang, if His Royal Highness can take out five Precious Beasts from King Peak, he promised His Highness.”

old steward quickly followed, and continued.

“If Liang Sang comes back in the future, you will simply refuse”

Ninth Prince introduced Zhao Feng into a magnificent side hall, turned his head and ordered the old steward.

old steward expression startled.

Reject directly?

don’t tell me, Your Highness, Already has recruited a great Beast Taming Master? It wouldn’t be the blonde youngster.

“Don’t tell me, Your Highness Already gave up the Crown Prince fight?”

The old steward slightly shook his head. How can such a young Beast Taming Master compare with Liang Sang Tam’s beast Grandmaster.

Among the ten princes involved in the Crown Prince battle, several princes were not interested in Crown Prince.

But these princes have places into the Imperial Family Tomb.

Therefore, many sect forces spent a lot of Precious Materials rare treasure in exchange for this quota, sent the genius in sect Clan to the Imperial Family Tomb to hone and look for opportunities.

In Old Steward’s view, His Highness may have sold this place to some Sect Aristocratic Family for some practical benefits.

“Ninth Prince, I live here temporarily”

Zhao Feng is not polite, the weather is so rich in Origin Energy, and there is a dynasty asylum, cultivate must be the result with half the effort.

“Brother Zhao, I have more important things. You can live here with peace of mind. If anything, just order Butler Qi.”

Ninth Prince gave some instructions to Butler Qi and left with Old Ying again.

Zhao Feng walked into the palace and closed the cultivate.

Today, his cultivation base is still too low, and the experts in enters into the Imperial Family Tomb have no age limit.

In other words, this time is not the contest of the younger generation, mainly the genius elite of the previous generation and the older generation.

Moreover, the entire team has its own division of labor, and each person is responsible for the part that he is best at.

Zhao Feng borrowed Ninth Prince to keep it safe, and he will do his best to help Ninth Prince.

Above the Left Eye Space, above the golden sphere, God Calamity Skull floats.

Zhao Feng found that even if the purple Fog Sea disappeared, as long as he was able to pull the God Tribulation Thunder Strength.

Thunder Calamity Strength will slowly disappear and automatically integrate into his Soul.

Zhao Feng’s Soul at this time was much more solid than ordinary people.

Powerful Soul means extraordinary mind and soul, and Soul Will.

And in his Soul, it also contains the Thunder Calamity brand.

As long as Soul Strength and Thunder Calamity Strength are operated, they will come out.

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s attack, as long as it contains Soul Will, will have Thunder Calamity damage.

And Zhao Feng fleshly body cultivate “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”.

Once you break through to the sixth layer, you can use the Thunder Calamity Soul Body to retrograde the Tempered Saint Thunder Body.

At that time, whether it was Soul or fleshly body, Zhao Feng contained Thunder Calamity Profound Truth, which was of great help to face God robbery in the future.

Zhao Feng’s mind and thought turned into four strands and began to cultivate.

The first stock is used to absorb God Tribulation Thunder Strength.

The second share, cultivate Wind-Thunder of Fire.

Third, the particle structure stored in the insight golden sphere.

The fourth stock, using the power of Blood Devil Sun and Wind-Thunder of Fire, after the fusion of red thunder blood, polished Saint Thunder Body.

“Fire Lincao, fire rune blood Zhi …”

Zhao Feng took out Fire Attribute Precious Materials purchased from Immortal Medicine Pavilion and used it directly.

If this scene is seen by others, it will definitely vomit blood and curse.

These rare and precious medicine ingredients, even the top Great Emperor, will be reluctant and will be made into spiritual medicine.

Zhao Feng, however, took a variety of directly.

“Heavenly Rainbow Fire Honeycomb, not yet detoxified, for the future”

Suddenly, Zhao Feng whole body Fire Attribute aura surged, and within Crystal Nucleus, Wind-Thunder of Fire was boiling.

The whole body Wind-Thunder of Fire True Yuan runs fast and absorbs the medicine efficacy.

The remaining medicine efficacy is absorbed and digested by Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, making the best use of it.

On this day, the Wind-Thunder of Fire in Zhao Feng Crystal Nucleus suddenly increased.

“Wind-Thunder of Fire, Consolidated in Small Accomplishment Realm”


Zhao Feng spit one mouthful of impure air.

In Left Eye Space, Zhao Feng already remembers the particle structure stored in the golden sphere.

After all, Zhao Feng hasn’t decomposed much so far.

Too few references make it difficult to gain important experience.

“Bewildering Space Realm things in the small world have no decomposition value”

Zhao Feng has already reached this conclusion.

If he wants to analyze the particle structure of flowers, he can directly decompose the real flowers and plants outside.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s eyes brightened.

Bewildering Space Realm item storage, an Earth Rank Divine Weapon, appeared directly in front of him.

“If in combat, break down the weapon of the opponent, hehe”

Zhao Feng activated his left-eye ability, and a light golden light beam penetrated the weapon in his hand.

However, the beam of mysterious ripples penetrated for a long time, and Earth Rank Divine Weapon remained unchanged.

“The casting of any weapon contains at least dozens of hundreds of different types of ore materials. After high-temperature smelting and casting, the particles therein are deformed, fused with each other, and mottled.

Zhao Feng stopped decomposing and closed his left eye slightly.

At that instant, his left eye obtained the huge metal particle structure information.

But most of these particle structures are deformed and incomplete.

The hardness of Divine Weapon is, to a certain extent, the embodiment of particle density.

That densely packed particle structure like twist made Zhao Feng dizzy.

“Sure enough, breaking down Divine Weapon is not realistic.”

Zhao Feng abandoned this idea for the time being.

At the same time, another grand palace in Imperial Palace.

“Obsolete to Thierteenth Prince, this is the person who brought into Imperial Palace 8th Prince some time ago”

A slave, kneeling on the ground, with a blank sheet in his hand.

Thirteenth Prince, took the blank paper, Soul touched his mind, and a gold gold pupil, a handsome man, suddenly appeared in his mind.

“This, isn’t this Zhao Feng?”

Thirteenth Prince stood up suddenly, expression surprised and angry.

“What? Chen’er, you said that the person brought into the Imperial Palace by Ninth Prince was Zhao Feng?”

Behind the great hall, the majestic man sitting on a chair stood up immediately, both eyes gloomy.

“Uncle, it’s Zhao Feng, but the color of his hair and eyes has changed.”

Thirteenth Prince, very sure.

“These wastes”

Majestic man expressing anger.

The assassination of Zhao Feng’s plan was what he ordered his subordinates to do.

His men also assured him that Zhao Feng would die.

Now it’s better, Zhao Feng enters into the Imperial Palace, afraid that it is already’s manpower to become Ninth Prince.

He is in the faction behind Ninth Prince, and absolutely cannot get rid, let alone in Imperial Palace.

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