King of Gods

Chapter 918

“You really detoxified, how did you do it?”

Zhou Su’er couldn’t calm down, she couldn’t understand at all, how to plagiarize?

Even the knowledgeable Old Ying was shocked and lost in thought.

He thought that Zhao Feng might use an unknown method to detoxify, but he absolutely did not expect that it was Eye Technique.

Eye Technique, 80% of them are Soul, it is difficult to affect Matter level.

Moreover, the Eye Technique that Zhao Feng just performed was completely incomprehensible.

call out

Zhao Feng swung his left arm to collect Heavenly Rainbow Fire Honeycomb into Bewildering Space Realm.

“Take me to pick other medicine ingredients”

Zhao Feng turned a blind eye to Zhou Su’er’s questions, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Okay, you can choose ten randomly selected medicines with the same value as Heavenly Rainbow Fire Honeycomb’s medicine ingredients. There is no charge, but you must tell me how you detoxify.”

Zhou Su’er slim eyebrows, straight stomping, then boasted Haikou and wanted to trade Zhao Feng’s detoxification method.

You know, the value of Heavenly Rainbow Fire Honeycomb is completely equivalent to a Heavenly Jade Water Lotus.

On the outside, Precious Materials is very rare.

Such a temptation, even the Great Emperor, cannot be rejected.

“I have a lot of Primal Crystal Stone”

Zhao Feng immediately explained.

“Okay, you have Primal Crystal Stone, you, really wayward”

Zhou Su’er stomped with anger, barely squeezed a smile, this youngster, really wayward.

Ninth Prince snickered. He didn’t tell Zhou Su’er Zhao Feng’s identity. As Zhao Feng’s harvest in Divine Illusory Space, would he care about the value of these medicine ingredients.

Seeing Zhou Su’er, who had been shut out of him, was repeatedly frustrated at Zhao Feng’s injuries, Ninth Prince was refreshing, holding back without laughing.

“I need you here, the best Fire Type Precious Materials” Zhao Feng daylight robbery.

Zhou Su’er is certainly happy if some guests say so.

But at this time, her resentful autumn eyes were always staring at Zhao Feng, and her heart only surrounded one sentence: “True waywardness”

So Zhou Su’er took out some Fire Type Precious Materials from his own collection for Zhao Feng’s selection.

The ability of the gold pupil allows Zhao Feng to directly see the number of particles of each medicine ingredient and contain Fire Type.

Zhao Feng used this to distinguish some unknown medicine ingredients, which is valuable to himself.

“Sister Su’er, think again. There is no shortage of rare Precious Materials in the Imperial Family Tomb, and even the legacy treasures of the Immemorial period.”

At this point, Ninth Prince stepped forward and persuaded again.

“I think about already and don’t want to go”

Zhou Su’er both eyes stared at Zhao Feng who was still choosing medicine ingredients and ignored Ninth Prince.

“I know you hate Imperial Father, but …”

Ninth Prince lamented.

“Shut up, you are not allowed to mention him”

Zhou Su’er interrupted Ninth Prince directly, his eyes suddenly cold and severe.

Zhao Feng, who was choosing medicine ingredients, was surprised, and Already guessed one or two about the identity of the woman.

In addition, Ninth Prince wants to attract Zhou Su’er because of her healing ability.

Zhao Feng originally wanted to facilitate the purchase of medicine ingredients. If he could, he would help Ninth Prince by the way, and approach the people he wanted to recruit.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ninth Prince spoke, he violated Zhou Su’er’s reverse scale and suspended negotiations.

“Today Saint Sovereign’s favorite Thirteenth Prince is likely to win Crown Prince. If you hate Saint Sovereign today, it is not good to help Ninth Prince win Crown Crown.”

Zhao Feng finished the selection of medicine ingredients, smiled gently, and said casually as an onlooker.

Zhou Su’er’s heart looked like Zhao Feng towards Zhao Feng. He wanted to say something but didn’t say it. He turned his head and looked like a pair of water eyes, looking towards the distance.

Thirteenth Prince and Old Ying were shocked in their hearts. The words Zhao Feng said were exquisite, and they were in place.

And this sentence can only be convincing if others say it.

Ninth Prince cast a grateful expression to Zhao Feng, then looked towards Zhou Su’er, waiting for her next reaction.

Zhao Feng took out the medicine ingredients, put down a storage ring, and left directly.

Leaving the Immortal Medicine Pavilion, Zhao Feng strolled around for a while, then left the trading market.

Continuous low peaks, quiet forests, this is a sparsely populated area.

“You are so patient”

Zhao Feng stopped and turned back, his left eye locked thousands of miles behind, and the voice of Soul passed.


The four gray shadows rushed out from the dim shadow of the dense forest, showing a tendency of four corners, surrounding Zhao Feng.

“Devil Path aura, Nine Nether Palace?”

Zhao Feng said indifferently, looking towards one of the old men who was gloomy.

The old man expression stays still, and communicates with the other three people for sound transmission.

They started following Zhao Feng very early, until they found that Zhao Feng enters into the Immortal Medicine Pavilion, and they had a conversation with Ninth Prince on the eighth floor, and they became cautious.

This period is very sensitive, especially in matters related to participating in the ‘Crown Prince’ battle.

If Zhao Feng was recruited by Ninth Prince, they would assassinate him.

Then this matter, Imperial Clan will definitely investigate it.This is a serious act that disturbs the Crown Prince dispute, and there is a major behind.Even Nine Nether Palace, it will be tossed.

Suddenly, a black metal command token appeared in the old man’s hands. The last time Soul fluctuated, and a message entered into the old man Soul.

gloomy old man looked towards the other three shadows, nodded slightly.

Suddenly, the four Devil Path Great Emperor, the power of the small world unfolded, merged with each other, the invisible power of Rule penetrated void.

Zhao Feng seemed to be trapped in the dark world, all undercurrents, roaring and roaring in the darkness, shocking.

The shackles of the small world power of Rule, unstable space fluctuations, in this case, Bewildering Space Realm cannot be used.

“Nine Nether Palace died a Saint Lord last time and hasn’t learned a lesson”

Zhao Feng expression smiled and smiled.

“Junior, could you kill Devil Lord Jiu You without relying on the Sub-Divine Tool?”

whole body old man wrapped in black stream, can’t help sneer.

Zhao Feng However, Void God late stage, even if the innate talent is excellent, and there are many means, they are three Invincible Great Emperor, one top Great Emperor, enough.

Moreover, on this trip, they already have a battle policy.

Four people surrounded Zhao Feng, and the distance attack was consumed.

Once Zhao Feng used the Sub-Divine Tool God-Slaying Arrow, they quickly dispersed, and eventually only one person fell.

It depends on their luck.

The four Great Emperors, get rid of them, in their own small world, attack power increased, and Zhao Feng, was suppressed.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Body”

Zhao Feng whole body golden light Thunder Marks flickered, and the body suddenly rose up, just like a blue gold flashing giant with a mighty force, which caused the small worlds of the four Great Emperors to appear distorted and hidden instability.


The attack of the four Great Emperor blasted on the brilliant body surface of Zhao Feng blue gold, splashed with many lightning flashes, and then disappeared.

“What, the junior’s physical, already is so strong?”

gloomy old man was surprised.

In the intelligence, it was described that Zhao Feng physique defense was amazing, but he did not expect that it was so strong that it resisted the tentative attack of the four Great Emperors.

In this way, it is difficult to force out the God-Slaying Arrow in Zhao Feng’s hands.

“Full strength gets rid”

In the other black flame, the voice of the old woman came out, and a black and white weird flame came out from both palms.

“This child, never stay”

A black bone cane appears in the gloomy old man’s hand. Above the cane, a dark black bead exudes a soul-stunning aura.

“Magic Assault”

The gloomy old man waved the bone cane, and among the dark beads, a wave of dark magic light burst out, which was accompanied by the dark Soul wave.

Bang bang bang

The four Great Emperors, running the power of the Devil Path, are no longer reserved and get rid of it all.

Throughout the Diablo world, heaven shaking demonic energy is tumultuous, and there is a wave like ghosts and howl like wolves.

“Haha, come here well”

Saint Thunder Body Protection

Zhao Feng’s whole body suddenly formed a layer of substantive simple and unadorned Thunder Marks cover, golden glow Thunder Light is brilliant, accompanied by the roar of Wind Thunder.

All attack, blocked by Protection Thunder Glow, for a while, bombed by Thunder rolls, staggered by rays of light


The simple and unadorned Thunder Marks light cover on the body surface, the dazzling Leixia Lightning Glow, shattered all the attacks in an instant.

The infiltrated Soul attack came into contact with Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Soul Body, and was directly bombed by Thunder Calamity Strength.

This phenomenon was observed by Zhao Feng.

He suddenly wondered if he could learn from Saint Thunder Body Protection and create the Soul protection secret.

But for now, let’s put this idea aside.

After reaching the 5-Layer Peak, Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body has never fought head-on.

Now, it happens that someone is here to help Zhao Feng hone the Saint Thunder Body, and to stimulate the physical strength of the body for six months.

Suddenly, the little world power of all around void suddenly disappeared.

Four Devil Path Great Emperor, already use mystery to escape.

“Not good, strength is exposed too much, scared away”

Zhao Feng was slightly awkward, then sneered, “Can you run?”


This sentence sounded at the same time among the four Great Emperor Souls, making them tremble for a while, whole body cold sweat straightened out, using the method of concealment, and speeding up.


Zhao Feng’s left eye, a strong Soul wave brewing, the amber-like gold pupil reflects numerous golden glow rays.

gloomy old man top of the head, a pale gold transparent Eye of Filling the Heaven emerged, and from it a Golden Lightning Spinel burst out, rushing directly into the old man Soul.

Golden Lightning Spines, with a certain penetration, penetrated deep into Soul, then Thunder Calamity Strength shone, a bombardment, and the old man’s body fell directly.

At the same time, Zhao Feng Left Eye, a light golden light wave was emitted without any obstacles, penetrated everything, and shone on thousands of li away, shadowing skulls.

A weird scene appeared, and the shadow’s head suddenly disappeared, and then his body fell.

Thunder Wing Spatial Flash

After performing the Eye Technique twice, Zhao Feng whole body turned into a reddish Thunder Light and disappeared into void.

next moment.

Zhao Feng appeared directly in thousands of li away, Jinleiphysique Thunder Light shone, intangiblephysique, suppressing one side.

Behind the red Thunder Light slammed a wing, the sky was filled with Thunder Fire storm, interweaving heaven and earth.

A complexion pale old woman, extruded from the shadow below.

Saint Thunder Tyrant Fist

Zhao Feng both fists waved for a while, striking out the power of Fist Force that was heaven and earth, like the metal Thunder Mountain, brilliant overbearing, directly engulfing the black clothed old woman.

“not dead?”

Zhao Feng gave a light flick, his eyes locked on the shadow of flickering in void.


Zhao Feng runs Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, within the body shakes, and the whole body shines with dazzling flames.


Zhao Feng rolled up a fierce Thunder Light hurricane, like a ball of blood red thunder, bursting into an unparalleled speed, rolling forward.


The old woman was smashed by a group of blood-red flames and thunder.

Meow ~

The dark silver light line flickered, and Small Thieving Cat appeared on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, showing an invitation.

Four Great Emperor, fallen

Zhao Feng exhaled with anger, in the Duanmu Family, he was oppressed by many people, for many reasons, he couldn’t do it, and was furious.

Nowadays, people like Nine Nether Palace come to take the initiative and give him a fire.

After packing up the four, Zhao Feng smiled and looked towards the distance: “Two people, is this show good-looking?”

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