King of Gods

Chapter 869

This series of twists and turns makes everyone completely unprepared.

The two Blue Flood Dragon Kings turned out to be just a cover, the real keys have been passed in advance.

The Black Flood Dragon controls the dynamics of the entire Xie Yang Mansion. As an unknown existence for tens of thousands of years, its wisdom and calculations are once again underestimated by the human side.

In that distance, everyone was less than reactive and unable to stop.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body is as thick as a bucket’s black chain, and it opens at the sound; the sound of the metal is crisp, as if the sound of despair ends, ringing through heaven and earth.

“唔 Everything will come to an end. I will tear you up, and then destroy Xie Yang’s business a little bit.”

The Black Flood Dragon shouted from the sky, and a huge layer of dark flames rose on the body of the huge scaled Dragon.

In a hurry, the aura of the Black Flood Dragon body soared more than twice

Hu Hong

A forbidden forest cold Dragon’s Power, covering the entire space where Xie Yang Mansion is located, heaven and earth, seems to be shaking and falling into endless repression of fear.

Within Xie Yang Mansion.

Many foreign elites are plunged into change into rock, the body and mind Bloodline tremble, True Yuan can’t move, thinking Will, it is difficult to disobey, just shake on the spot.

Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List Bloodline aura, ranked ninth in the “World Extinguishing Dragon Clan”, stands on an unreachable myth Peak.

“Origin Restricter Divine Chain is opened, then the Black Flood Dragon will be able to run the Dragon Yuan Divine Power …”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng are just barely holding the figure, it is difficult to hide the shocked in their eyes.

In Xie Yang Mansion, many of King and Half-Step King who were given the World-Exterminating Mark were directly stunned.

No matter Bloodline, life level, or strength level, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is too much for everyone.

In the crisis at this moment, Zhao Feng touched the Sub-Divine Tool arm guard lightly.

The corner of Nangong Sheng’s mouth evoked a smile of evil looking.

Just the next moment, mutation was born.


The “Origin Restricter Divine Chain” just opened by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, merged with that huge key, bursting out a thrilling five-color Divine Thunder.

Hong long long ——

Suddenly, the five-color Divine Thunder spread out countless electric chains, wrapping around the Black Flood Dragon whole body.


The black scaled dragon’s body of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was convulsed and twisted in the air, with a terrible scream.

very terrifying thunder power ”

Zhao Feng within the body’s Wind Thunder Strength, restless, even God Tribulation Thunder Strength, was a tremor.

Zhao Feng couldn’t estimate how terrifying the “five-color Divine Thunder” was, even the Black Flood Dragon was hit hard by arrived.


Black Flood Dragon body The five-color electric chains intertwine, the huge body fell to the ground, smashing huge pits, and the dust billowed.

“Shameless Xie Yang … how dare you plot against this Majesty”

Black Flood Dragon’s roaring and roaring voice, the turbulent Void Sky, and a ray of Yuwei aura, made many humans heartbroken.


In the dusty area, the huge dragon body of the Black Flood Dragon struggled to roll, the non-stop flashing cutting of the five-color electric chain, and even fell into its within the body.

“Tsk tsk, leave room for opponent, but not Xie Yang Master’s style.”

An evil voice came from Nangong Sheng within the body.

“Ancient God Xie Yang of that year knew he could not permanently seal the Black Flood Dragon. He left this key to further plot against the Black Flood Dragon.”

Nangong Sheng explains.

Related information, he also learned from the Evil God mind body.


In Xie Yang Mansion, experts of many forces, can’t help grow a sigh of relief, and their backs were saturated with cold sweat.

One thing drops one thing, and one mountain is higher than the other.

This Black Flood Dragon, despite its invincible Battle Strength, was sealed by Ancient God Xie Yang.

Not only that.

Ancient God Xie Yang is still in the house, leaving a backhand to further plot against Black Flood Dragon.

“Unfortunately, the key was stored for too long, and the amount of god thunder power that was launched was less than 1% of the Peak period, if not …”

The evil looking voice of Nangong Sheng within the body said with a little regret.

“Retreat first”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, clearly understood that the strength of the five-color electric chain on the Black Flood Dragon body surface is gradually weakening.

At the same time, a slight crack appeared on the surface of the Origin Restricter Divine Chain.

Zhao Feng determined that the strength of the five-color Lightning cannot erase the Black Flood Dragon. It won’t be long before Black Flood Dragon may gasp.

The human elites coming from behind, each and everyone, like Big Enlightenment, retreated deep into Xie Yang Mansion.

“Divine Illusory Space is about to end. Hold on for a while, and hope for survival will be a little bit bigger …”

Senior Brother Zhuge, very decisive evacuation.

In the field of vision, the flowers and trees in Xie Yang Mansion gradually faded, showing more obvious transparency.

sou sou sou

Those King elites rushed away from the direction of the Black Flood Dragon.

Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon took the opportunity to plunge into the soil, and other humans did not care about them.

During the evacuation process, Zhao Feng noticed clearly that the struggle of Black Flood Dragon was much smaller.

Half a day later.

The genius elite of all parties retreated to the deepest place of Xie Yang Mansion and gathered together.

“When the Black Flood Dragon raids arrive, the overlap of the Divine Illusory Space will leave the Continental domain. Our hope for survival is still not small.”

8th Prince, slightly smiled by Imperial Clan.

At least, Black Flood Dragon is much less threatening than before unlocking.

Time passed slowly.

Inside Xie Yang Mansion, everyone was suffering.

After another half a day, the struggle of Black Flood Dragon outside Xie Yang Mansion, and the alert stopped completely.

“Humans, as a world-destroying family, have no suspense even if the wounds are so weak and they kill you ants.

A gloomy growl, through the Dark Heart Seal, through Xie Yang Mansion.


The “Restrictive Formation of God” outside Xie Yang Mansion was another tremor.


The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon turned into a humanoid man covered with dark Dragon Scales, opened a crack, and a “sou” sound, enters into the Xie Yang Mansion.

Outside of Xie Yang Mansion, the original Origin Restricter Divine Chain was broken in inches.

Without the restraint of the “Origin Restricter Divine Chain”, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon can be transformed into a humanoid state and perform various Secret Technique Magical Powers.

Whoosh Shua

At this moment, the black-skinned man in the human form was exposed to the venomous very ruthless, shrouded in a layer of red-black flames, and a pale Black Dragon torn around, sweeping across several dozen li.

Call hong long long

Where the humanoid Black Flood Dragon passes, the creatures are painted with charcoal and everything is black.

“Here the Black Flood Dragon raids …”

Within Xie Yang Mansion, some human elites are scared to turn pale.

The dark Dragon Scales man, despite his small physique, was destructive. Even under the suppression of Xie Yang Mansion’s strength, it was broken.

Most of the human elites are in the depths of the Xie Yang Mansion complex.

In a cellar.

“Yufei, we are already working together to resolve your ‘World-Exterminating Mark within the body.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng slowly released their hands.

Zhao Yufei opened his eyes, revealing a trace of joy, and then anxious, his eyebrows frowned.

Zhao Feng knew that she was worried about the safety of the rest of the Duanmu Family.

“Yufei, it’s too late. The World-Exterminating Mark of your body, originally from the Black Flood Dragon, took a long time.”

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly.

Resolving the World-Exterminating Mark is a laborious task.

Zhao Feng has no obligation or ability to resolve the World-Exterminating Mark for everyone.

The advantage of resolving the “World-Exterminating Mark” is that after Black Flood Dragon raids Xie Yang Mansion, this goal cannot be sensed.

Black Flood Dragon raids Xie Yang Mansion. First of all, it is sensed that those targets have World-Exterminating Mark, and the remaining targets without World-Exterminating Mark can be far avoided.

Therefore, before that, everyone in the government was trying to resolve the World-Exterminating Mark.

But few succeed.

Those who have the ability to resolve, but are very few people such as Zhao Feng, Mo Dongyao, Nangong Sheng.

Hong long long

On the periphery of the Xie Yang Mansion complex, the humanoid Black Flood Dragon drew a light black dragon coil of wind, vandalism and attack.


Already there are a few genius elites, who are so far away that they are affected by the light black Dragon wind, and they are instantly broken into pieces.

Shoop shoop

The Black Flood Dragon in human form has greatly increased speed and sensitivity, deliberately engulfing some human elites in the destruction.

Xie Yang Mansion, overwhelming majority of humans, fell into an endless panic.

Those genius Kings who did not resolve the “World-Exterminating Mark” were the first targets to be slaughtered and had no resistance at all.

Whether it is life or death, whether it is early or later, depends mainly on luck.

But on one tower, two purple hair silhouettes, indifferent, not at all panic color.

“The Black Flood Dragon was seriously injured, but it was supporting the raids Xie Yang Mansion to vent his anger …”

Nangong Sheng said indifferently.

After being attacked by Xie Yang, the threat of Black Flood Dragon was reduced by more than half.

Zhao Feng two people, one without the World-Exterminating Mark and the other with the Sub-Divine Tool Bewildering Space Realm, the survival rate can be said to be the highest.

“Bloodline such as World Extinguishing Dragon Clan is really abnormal. It can enhance the strength by destroying and destroying, and even restore the Origin Energy. It is said that ‘World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, every time a Space or world is completely destroyed, it can absorb a kind of Destroy the Strength of Source to strengthen yourself. “

Zhao Feng said with emotion.

This is the characteristic of the Bloodline race, ranked ninth in the race.

If not, there would be no benefit, would the World Extinguishing Dragon Clan die at every turn?



In Xie Yang Mansion, there was a horror of chaos, and those genius elites were scattered.


At one moment, the Black Flood Dragon roared and killed the area where the two Zhao Feng were.

That strength has not yet arrived, Zhao Feng’s body Soul, a shudder, there is a crisis premonition that will soon be annihilated and turned into fly ash.

A layer of empty silver shadow enveloped Zhao Feng and their silhouettes, which faded and disappeared.

The next moment.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng appear on the periphery of Xie Yang Mansion.

Previously, Zhao Feng was on the periphery of Xie Yang Mansion, but there were more than a dozen Space tags left.


Zhao Feng gave a low whistle suddenly, looking towards the faded transparent space.


His God Eye, through this layer of faded Space, you can see the misty mountains and rivers below.

“Aura of the Continent domain.”

Zhao Feng was pleasantly surprised. On the body of a sect command token, there was a ray of inductive fluctuations, and even a little pulling force.


Before enterings into the Divine Illusory Space, the superpowers will leave the corresponding “return command token” to the elites who enters into the.

At the time when the Divine Illusory Space overlaps are the lightest, through the induction of the return command token, you can return to sect without getting lost.

“Can go back”

In Divine Illusory Space, there were some exclaiming and exulting sounds.

Shua shua shua

Some genius elites are trapped under the faded and transparent Space, and moved towards the dimly visible Continental domain Space, flying away.

Those silhouettes soon disappeared.

The Space in front of me seems to have become the years in the mirror, like a dream.

“Real Matter Space …”

The Black Flood Dragon, which is raging and damaging, can’t help. Looking at the dim Continent Space below, a gloomy and cold cruelty is wiped in his eyes.

Shua shua shua

More and more outside elites, including Xie Yang Mansion, many silhouettes, each and everyone figure in other corners of Divine Illusory Space disappear.

“Nangong Sheng, see you again in Japan”

Zhao Feng’s body, Already sank to the bottom, and in response to the induction pull of the “return command token”, enters into a misty channel like Matter and illusion.

I do not know how long it took.

Zhao Feng figure sank and appeared on a dark platform. All around came the exclaimed voice of Ten Thousand Saint Sect member disciple.

This is the Sky Maple Great Island Region, Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

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