King of Gods

Chapter 868

“Almost irreparable”

At the end of the Divine Illusory Space, this blockbuster news caused a thousand waves.

The atmosphere of panic and crisis once again permeated the entire Xie Yang Mansion.

The elite squads of Heavenly Floating Palace, Great Heaven Imperial Clan, Heaven Sword Pavilion, and Duanmu Family have searched for the whereabouts of the “Blue Flood Dragon King”.


Xie Yang Mansion, itself equivalent to an independent space, various senses Divine Sense, have been greatly suppressed.

How difficult is it to find two people from this huge mansion?

The trickiest part is.

The Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon’s hidden fantasy method has only a limited number of people who can spy on its traces.

“Zhao Feng, think about it quickly”

Ji Lan seemed to grab a life-saving straw, with a hint of pleading.

Do not know why.

She has an inexplicable confidence in the purple hair youngster, which is not a high cultivation base.

If there is no way to even Zhao Feng, then the destruction crisis of “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon” will come at the last moment.

“There is only one solution left.”

Zhao Feng groaned for a long time, sighed.

The area range of Xie Yang Mansion is large-scale. It is very difficult to find two people who intentionally hide, even if they use Cross-Space Eye.

Last time.

Zhao Feng was able to determine the location of the false double evil because his gets rid was exposed.

At this time, the Blue Flood Dragon King will inevitably guard against Zhao Feng, so as not to face the “Gaze of God’s Eye” again.

“What’s the way?” Ji Lan’s beautiful purple pupil revealed some hope.

But Zhao Feng saw her a glance and didn’t speak.

Ji Lan suddenly understood that his body had a “World-Exterminating Mark” and could not escape the senses of the Black Flood Dragon.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng face each other a glance.

The Sub-Divine Tool on Zhao Feng’s arm was slightly brightened; a layer of empty silver shadow was superimposed on the two body, accompanied by a wave of space fluctuation.

The next moment.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng disappeared under the eyes of Ji Family and the others.

“This … is the strength of the Sub-Divine Tool ‘Bewildering Space Realm?”

Ji Family’s expert elites are stunned.

Ji Lan and the others, naturally do not know, Zhao Feng had left nineteen Space marks on the periphery of Xie Yang Mansion.

At the same time.

Void Sky Palace, Great Heaven Imperial Clan and other top kings, rushed to the periphery of Xie Yang Mansion.

“Hope it’s too late”

Senior Brother Zhuge takes a deep breath: “There is only one way to stop the Blue Flood Dragon King.”

At this moment.

In Xie Yang Mansion, many genius Kings hurried to the periphery of the mansion.

I don’t know how long it has been.

At a certain moment, on the periphery of Xie Yang Mansion.

“Quickly arrived …”

A layer of transparent dark green camouflage light and shadow, integrated with the surrounding environment, is rapidly sweeping in a certain direction.

in front.

Outside the Restrictive Formation of God, the huge shadow of the huge black Scaled Dragon’s body, hovering in the midair, is already faintly visible.

The dark green camouflage light and shadow are disguised as Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon.

“Master Black Flood Dragon, we will soon be arrived …”

Blue Flood Dragon King’s face with a hint of excitement.


At this moment, in the air ahead, the silver grey phantom flashed, and two purple hair silhouettes appeared.

“How can Purple Hair Demon Twins–“

Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, body and mind startled.

Meow meow

In front of Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, a dancing Thieving Cat appeared.

The silhouettes of Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon appeared, and the two were shocked, gloomy first, and then laughed.

“Ha Ha Ha …… Zhao Feng your Soul Dao Eye Technique, no matter how difficult we are”

Blue Flood Dragon King In the middle of Xiaoxiao, a great Emperor Will freezing heaven and earth emerged from the sky, all around the soil and vegetation, and a layer of blue frost immediately condensed.

The blue scale covered by the Blue Flood Dragon King whole body is as thick as ice crystals and shining, and the aura of Bloodline physique is enough to smash ordinary King.

“Great Emperor Will This Blue Flood Dragon King, already promote Great Emperor”

Zhao Feng two, slightly moving.

The Blue Flood Dragon King’s Bloodline can be included in the top ten of the Emperor Path Bloodline. Once promoted to the Great Emperor, the Battle Strength is at least very close to the top Great Emperor.

“Illusionary Mask”

The Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon “tsk tsk” smiled, showing a clown mask on his face, but with a powerful Soul Dao magic.

“This is an Inheritance Holy Item of Soul Dao of Illusions”

Zhao Feng complexion grave.

No wonder, the two of the Blue Flood Dragon King look fearless.

Blue Flood Dragon King was promoted to Great Emperor. With the sturdy Bloodline, strength already exceeded that level of Great Emperor Mu Yun.

The Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon itself has a strong immunity to the Soul Dao secret and Illusion Technique. Today, I got a Soul Dao-like Inheritance Holy Item at Xie Yang Mansion, which is not a fear of the Great Emperor-class Soul Dao. Surgery.

“Two to two, let’s have a fight.”

Nangong Sheng licked his lips, the purple blood imprint of the forehead, bright red and glamorous, and the strength of the body fluctuated, leaving the space in one area as if stagnant and inexplicably suppressed.

Zhao Feng Bloodline left eye was opened, and the body surface was floating with a layer of blue gold light pattern, Saint Thunder Body’s aura, spread out.


This is just the surface action of Zhao Feng’s. He is calm and ready to control the King Rank Poisonous Bee and elite poison bee in the Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm”.

The two secretly stored up their power, and Already was ready for the First World War.

“Hey we are not so stupid”

“You two thieves, one inherits Evil God’s Power, and one owns the Sub-Divine Tool Bewildering Space Realm …”

Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon are sly.

With Black Flood Dragon, the two have clear control of the situation within this Xie Yang Mansion.


place to dark green camouflage light and shadow flashes, Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, disappeared.


Zhao Feng found that there were no traces of the two men near the ground.


The eyes of Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, while looking down at the soil.

I saw that the crystal angle of the Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon’s head was rotating at high speed, and bright yellow orange rays of light appeared.

Poof jeer

That Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon took the Blue Flood Dragon King, drilled into the soil, and moved forward unimpeded.

“Does the chameleon actually dig a hole?”

Zhao Feng two, simultaneously discolored.

Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon’s physique and Battle Strength, although slightly inferior to Blue Flood Dragon King, but his assisting ability and escape ability are top-notch.

“Zhao Feng, will you not be soiled?”

Nangong Sheng asked.

Zhao Feng twitched his face and rolled his eyes, he was not everything.

At this time, he had some regrets, why did he not choose “Wind Thunder of Earth” when he chose the first Five Elements Wind Thunder.

If “Wind Thunder of Earth” is selected, Zhao Feng can completely shuttle in the soil.

Zhao Feng pedaled the soil with a foot. It was very hard. He had to work hard to open a crack, let alone shuttle through the soil.

Here is Xie Yang Mansion after all, even if it is soil, not stone floor, that is extraordinary.

However, the Bloodline feature of Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon has this special ability to break through it.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat suddenly waved a shovel, facing the ground soil, fiercely shovel.

嘣 hong long long ——

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking near the ground.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng perceive the collapse and cracking under the soil layer.


Below the soil, the two Blue Flood Dragon Kings in the shuttle were making grunt screams.


The two were spitting blood under the terrifying strength of the soil cracking and crashing, and were almost stuck below.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, with strange faces, looked at the shovel in the hands of Small Thieving Cat.

At the location shoveled by the Small Thieving Cat, a bottomless ground fissure, densely packed crack, spread to all around.

Zhao Feng speculated that the shovel of Small Thieving Cat has a powerful crushing and digging effect on Matter such as earth, stone, and iron.

This shovel is not an Attack Type, it should be a Sub-Divine Tool of the auxiliary class.


Small Thieving Cat waved the shovel and digged again.


Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, shrouded in a layer of earthy yellow crystals, barely surfaced and spit out blood.

“Second, let’s surrender the key to the ‘Origin Restricter Divine Chain’. Divine Illusory Space is about to leave. By then, everyone can survive the crisis.”

Zhao Feng faintly opened the mouth and said.

If it is two to two, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng have a greater odds of success.

But if the Blue Flood Dragon King and the two of them want to escape, it will be difficult to keep them.

Victory and killing are two different concepts.

sou sou sou

Just then, a blast sounded from a distant area.

“Hurry up arrived”

Xuanyuan Wen turned into a gorgeous crystal mark, and the first leap came.

After that, we can vaguely see silhouettes of powerful Kings such as Zhao Yufei, Mo Dongyao, Senior Brother Zhuge.


Two Blue Flood Dragon Kings, caught in a pinch.

“Zhao Feng, as long as you can entangle them for a moment, we can succeed.”

Senior Brother Zhuge cry out in surprise.

“no problem.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng are confident.

In the rear, King’s elite who was chasing, can’t help reveal a hint of luck.

Thanks to Zhao Feng, there is a Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm”, which takes a step ahead and intercepts the Blue Flood Dragon King.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

In the midst of the crisis, Blue Flood Dragon King burst out laughing.

Blue Flood Dragon King, standing on the spot, didn’t move much.

“Why are you laughing”

Zhao Feng and the others following him were inexplicable.

“All of you can’t escape it”

Blue Flood Dragon King’s gaze was bleak, with a taunt of ridicule in his mouth, and his voice calmed down.


Just then, a heaven shaking Dragon’s Roar came from outside the Restrictive Formation of God, which changed the color of heaven and earth.

With the eyes of everyone, can’t help throw in the “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon” outside the Restrictive Formation of God.

“Master Black Flood Dragon, this is the key to the Origin Restricter Divine Chain.”

A thick eyebrow man throws a thick black key like a tree and throws it to the Black Flood Dragon outside the crack.

God Chain Key

There are many humans in the rear, with full eyesight, seeing the scene, each and everyone’s heart “ge-deng” sounded straight.

“Gu Chaozhi”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng were criticized out in surprise.

The thick-eyed man who handed in the keys turned out to be “Gu Chaozhi” of the Earth Spirit Palace.

“Hehe, Lord Black Flood Dragon, have seen through your plan long ago. This key has been taken over by others in advance. The two of us are just a cover …”

Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon complacent smiled.

“Gu Chaozhi, as a human genius, why do you help Black Flood Dragon?”

Nangong Sheng can not help questioned.

At the time of the subterranean palace, Earth Spirit Palace, where Gu Chaozhi was, also joined forces with Nangong Sheng, and Ten Thousand Saint Sect, where Zhao Feng was.

“People who came in behind us were given the ‘World-Exterminating Mark’, and their control was not so powerful. If you delay time, you can leave alive, but we can’t escape it.”

Blue Flood Dragon King Wei Jing, indifferent way.

Zhao Feng and the others, fell into silence.

Under the dual effects of life threats and temptations, the presence of overwhelming majority people will definitely make the same choices as Blue Flood Dragon King and the others.

At this point, the situation is irreversible.

Xie Yang Mansion outside.


The Origin Restricter Divine Chain of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body came with a crisp sound of unlocking, destroying the aura of Dragon’s Power, and suddenly climbed a level.

Pingping Pingping

Everyone on the field, heartbeat accelerated, and his body was cold.

: Recommended monthly pass is not bad. Fast food these days, in order to prepare for the wedding, I am very busy. I can hold two more every day, both are gritting teeth. I just went to my mother-in-law’s home after I got my marriage certificate, and I almost didn’t stabilize Update. Fast food didn’t dare to promise anything, but this month doubled activities and will fight hard. )

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