King of Gods

Chapter 870

Divine Illusory Space.

The Space Matter now looks like a cloud of smoke, like the years in a mirror, everything tends to be transparent Void.

at this time.

The layer of a world like a dream, covering heaven and earth, is gradually leaving the area of ​​the Continental domain.

The first departure was the northwestern part of the Continental domain, not the Continental dynasty.

Inside a grand giant beast-like palace.

“Yu Tianhao counts you lucky this time, ‘Heavenly God, Inheritance Holy Item, let you take it …”

A red haired man moving all over the stream of light of gold and iron, holding a long spear in his hand, standing proudly on a huge “Flaming Wing Dragon” with a length of several ten zhang, like a flame of War God.

Just the aura emitted by “Flaming Wing Dragon” is close to Void God Great Emperor.

Opposite the red haired man was a black hair youth, complexion pale, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

This black hair youth “Yu Tianhao”, although there is only Void God intermediate stage cultivation base, the body has a heaven shaking Will, the battle of ghosts and gods.

“You are strong but you are not my real opponent …”

Yu Tianhao wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and his body had an indescribable confidence.

That red haired man is really too strong, the cultivation base Bloodline is impeccable, and in the Divine Illusory Space Early Stage, opportunities are repeated, breaking through the Void God Great Emperor.

Moreover, he also got a “Bing Winged Dragon” with Battle Strength close to the Great Emperor.

Had it not been for the approval of Inheritance Will, the savage god, Yu Tianhao would have been defeated.

“The arrogance and ignorance look at the entire Divine Illusory Space. Among the new generation genius, only the obituary is my greatest enemy. Unfortunately, this time I did not meet him …

The corner of the red haired man’s mouth was ridiculed.

It seems that he did not pay attention to Yu Tianhao.

Shua shua

In the faded void, Yu Tianhao and red haired man quickly disappeared.

After this.

Continent’s internal overlapping areas, such as the genius silhouette in Xie Yang Mansion, began to fade away.

Zhao Feng and the others, both disappeared in the latter batch.

If we consider the Divine Illusory Space as a layer of fully transparent world, it overlaps with the Continental domain space.

In that case, the area near the overlap of the Western Northern Section of the Continental domain will break out of the overlap first.

Followed by Central Continent.

In the end, it is the side sea where Ten Thousand Saint Sect is located, or even the more distant Deep Green Sea True Martial Holy Land, etc.

If you overlook the entire Divine Illusory Space, the most thrilling thing is Xie Yang Mansion.

Shua shua shua

At this moment, within Xie Yang Mansion, each and everyone genius elite, to be wild with joy, returns to the Continental domain.

Although Xie Yang Mansion is the most thrilling, the opportunities here are also far better than other regions. Once you leave alive, the future achievements are inestimable.

“Real Matter Space … very good”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon looked coldly at the disappearance of these genius elites, not at all to stop; he licked his tongue, and looked a little excited.

“Everywhere I go is the end of destruction …”

The silhouette of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon gradually sinks into the dimly visible Continental domain Space below.

Continent domain, border area, Sky Maple Great Island Region.

A purple hair youngster appeared on the to connect platform of “Ten Thousand Saint Sect”.

“He appeared … Zhao Feng”

“This kid will be the first one to appear?”

Near the dark platform, there was an exclamation sound from some sect members of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

“Me, the first?”

Zhao Feng stood on the spot and froze for a moment.

He pondered a little and understood the reason: He was in Divine Illusory Space, and following the “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon”, enters into the area where the interior of Continent overlaps with Divine Illusory Space.

The to connect between Continent and Divine Illusory Space is earlier than this. Correspondingly, it is also earlier to leave the overlap.

This is why Zhao Feng will return first.

“What’s in the Junior Brother Zhao Divine Illusory Space?”

“Why did you come out first, junior, and the rest disappeared?”

Around the platform, Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s old and rookie generations gathered around, staring at Zhao Feng with bright eyes.

The change of Zhao Feng body is really too big

“Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm?”

“Before entering into the Divine Illusory Space, this kid seemed to have only Intermediate Stage Small Origin Core Realm cultivation base.”

Some Inner Disciple, discuss spiritedly.

In just a few months, the jump from Intermediate Stage Small Origin Core Realm to Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm is really appalling.

To know.

In Divine Illusory Space, part of the equivalent to time is used for exploration, and there is not much time for cultivate.

“This speed is not fast.”

Zhao Feng shook the head.

He doesn’t have much cultivate time in Divine Illusory Space, which is not too fast compared with Nangong Sheng and the others.

Although Zhao Feng’s progress is not lost to Nangong Sheng, but he is Body Possession recultivation, the situation is different.


Zhao Feng is dissatisfied with the speed of his advances and is sincerely speaking.

And such words made Ten Thousand Saint Sect present some new and old members in the presence, weird faces, as if being stunned.

“This kid is packed with garlic”

“This child has a great opportunity in Divine Illusory Space.”

Many eyes on the field, fixed on the body of “Zhao Feng”, including hot, eager, envious, jealous, unwilling and other expressions

Among them, also includes one or two Void God Realm King’s Divine Sense.

“Zhao Feng”

An immense amount of King mighty force came under pressure, and the Soul level burst.

The noisy platform area was silent; many people’s thoughts seemed to be oppressed by the invisible mountains.

“Different worlds are really different.”

Zhao Feng almost didn’t get used to it, and his heart was filled with emotion.

The pressure on the Divine Illusory Space is too great. Where Void God King is, the power and destructive power that can be exerted is thousands of times different from the current Space.

“Zhao Feng”

There was a trace of wrath in that King’s voice, and the invisible great force oppressed it.

King said, the boy looked absent-minded.


Some sect members around Zhao Feng were having trouble breathing, and Soul was as if they were frozen.


Zhao Feng stood on the spot, and seemed to have no feeling at all.


In this scene, the Void God King who questioned was surprised, and the remaining Half-Step King, many senior experts, felt Evil Sect.

“What advice does this Elder have?”

Zhao Feng raise one’s head, looking into the midair, the powerful man in the brightly woven cloth shirt.


There is another middle-aged King of snow white cloud robe coming, it is Huang Yunhu’s Master “King Lu Yun”.

“Wu Elder has something to say slowly. If it is a dispute with a junior, wouldn’t it be his identity?”

King Lu Yun hastened to make a round.

In Sky Maple Great Island Region, Zhao Feng’s backstage is not ordinary.

It is rumored that there is a person behind him, the hidden Void God Great Emperor, which is also appreciated and attracted by King Nan Feng.

“Hmph this child is disrespectful to Elder, and the crime should be punished, and Wu will not care about it. But regarding the whereabouts of other members of the sect team, you must truthfully submit the details

The shirt was Elder, coldly snorted.

Wu Elder pressed the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart: a Origin Core Realm junior, relying on the backstage hard, even dared to disrespect him, not even King.

“Zhao Feng, you appeared half a day earlier than expected. Tell me about the whereabouts of others?”

King Lu Yun asked exactly.

The whole Ten Thousand Saint Sect, why did Zhao Feng come back alone, did anyone else encounter anything.

This question made Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s mid-level and senior officials present with anxiety.

After all, the places of enters into the Divine Illusory Space are either new generation Chosen or old elite, with great potential.

The survival or death of this batch of enters into the elite may be related to the future fate of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.


Zhao Feng fell into a moment of contemplation, and replied, “I entered the divine Illusory Space initial stage, and I parted ways with them. At least at the time, they were fine and there were not many casualties.

In the Divine Illusory Space initial stage, Zhao Feng spent a small section of his time in Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s team.

After the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was born, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng joined forces to jump out of the team.

“Parting ways? Why are you leaving the team.”

The Nether Elder complexion sank.

This issue is also the focus of concern of everyone present.

“Because of a major disaster, the sealed ‘World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’ was born, everyone fled and went their separate ways …”

Zhao Feng briefly explained the situation.

Basically, 80-90% of his words are true; what’s really concealed is that he doesn’t look at the strength of Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s team and decides to stand alone with Nangong Sheng.

It turns out.

It was a turning decision. Divine Illusory Space initial stage, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng joined forces to get through the weakest stage of strength.

“A world of extinction? World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon?”

The members of the sect hearing this, each and everyone, like listening to myths, were dubious.

“Hmph nonsense”

Wu Elder complexion cold and severe, King Will wandered around Zhao Feng, trying to put some pressure on this youngster, but found that the other party was not affected at all.

Later, Zhao Feng was patient and described some details.

But Wu Elder and others raised doubts one after another, asking more and more details.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, gradually getting impatient.

“Then I ask you what opportunities will you have at Divine Illusory Space in the future? A mere Origin Core Realm, separated from the team, why is it possible to have unadvanced advanced Stage Great Origin Core Realm in such a short time?

Wu Elder’s eyes shone.

Right now, this junior, even his King Will’s temptation, has no reaction. In the Divine Illusory Space, there must be a great opportunity.

“Opportunity? This is not a big secret. Many people have broken into the Ancient God Secret Mansion. As for advances, I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s fast.”

Zhao Feng answered everything truthfully.

Wu Elder’s difficult questions and aggressiveness made him increasingly impatient.

“Ancient God Secret Mansion? Isn’t it advances that Tian Fang Ye Tan is so fast? It’s just a big joke.”

Wu Elder’s face grew more and more angry.

An Junior Core Realm junior did not dare to put him in his eyes and repeatedly played with him with words.

But he could not have expected that everything Zhao Feng said was an iron fact.

After the end of Divine Illusory Space this time, it won’t be long before the prestige of the word “Zhao Feng” will surely shake the superpowers of the Continent Dynasty III and 4-Star level.

“Believe it or not, I’m leaving now …”

After that, Zhao Feng walked out of the dark platform and was more lazy to explain.

He is still waiting to go back and check the gains of the Divine Illusory Space.

On this magical trip, the harvest was too rich. The previous Ancient Iron Ring was not enough, and it was better than the Arrived Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm”.

“If the boy stands still, if he doesn’t say one, then he will take you down”

Under the wrath of Wu Elder, the body’s great power shone in a circle of hundreds of miles, an invisible strength, and Zhao Feng was shrouded in space.

In the case of the ordinary Origin Core Realm, under King’s ingestion, there was no resistance originally.


Zhao Feng was also angered, running Saint Thunder Body’s strength, and kicking at Nuku Elder.

Bang wailing-

The moment this kick kicked out, heaven and earth stunned, thunder exploded, and a terrifying force like corporate blue gold penetrated one side void.


With only a trace of aftermath aura, many members of the sect nearby felt as if they were under the pressure of a huge mountain, and many vomited blood to the ground.

“Not good forgot …”

Zhao Feng discolored slightly, realizing the gap between here and Divine Illusory Space.

The power of his Saint Thunder Body close to 5-Layer small accomplishment will be terrifying, absolutely crushing ordinary King.


The Elder screamed, Wei Li shone brilliantly, was kicked out of a few hundred miles, his bones almost fell apart, and he vomited blood in midair.

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