King of Gods

Chapter 867

Zhao Feng body surface’s flowing Water-Thunder ripples, like the deep sea, vast and unpredictable, but also a touch of sapphire-like translucency, Perfection is endless and endless.

at last.

Zhao Feng’s first Five Elements Wind Thunder, Wind Thunder Of Water, reached a Peak Perfection.

His “Wind Thunder recipe” reached the apex limit of the sixth layer and touched the higher seventh layer faintly.

The “Wind Thunder Of Water” that urged to the limit gradually produced a trace of Wood Type Qi of Life, which is obviously the atmosphere of the seventh layer “Wind Thunder of Wood”

“” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “, the former Third Layer is the basic skeleton of Wind Thunder, the fourth layer to the sixth layer, is the first Five Elements Wind Thunder to be laid out. Starting from the seventh layer, the Each layer, ‘Five Elements A new Five Elements Wind Thunder … “

There was a touch of joy on Zhao Feng’s face.

Each additional Five Elements Wind Thunder means that his strength is improved and his ability and means are diversified.

Five Elements come together-From Metal comes Water, From Water comes Wood, From Wood comes Fire, From Fire comes Earth, From Earth comes Metal.

The first Five Elements Wind Thunder is optional.

Zhao Feng chose “water”.

In “Five Elements”, From Water comes Wood.

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s second Five Elements Wind Thunder is “Wind Thunder of Wood”.

So quickly a “Wind Thunder of Wood” aura was born, and Zhao Feng was also greatly unexpected. After all, his cultivation base is not enough for the Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm.

In theory.

His cultivation base needs to be very close to King, or reach King, in order to produce “Wind Thunder of Wood”.

With a little thought, Zhao Feng understood the reason.

“It turned out to be ‘Baiyuan Honey Juice,’ which contains a huge amount of plant and tree essence. After all, this honey juice is the essence extracted from hundreds of top grade pollen, which has been refined through huge projects.

Zhao Feng knew it.

This level of Baiyuan Honey Juice has such effects. Zhao Feng can’t help look forward to the higher-level “Hundred Source Saint Broth”.

of course.

Zhao Feng is not suitable for taking “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, otherwise it is too wasteful.

Baiyuan honey juice is enough for him to improve a lot.

Remember here.

Zhao Feng swallows a few mouthfuls of “Hundred Sources of Honey Juice”.

In that honeycomb nest, the yield of the next-level Baiyuan honey juice is relatively much higher. Zhao Feng has a few cylinders in its quantity.

Time, day by day.

Zhao Feng body’s Wind Thunder Strength, the Wood Type essence, is more and more.

After four or five days.

Zhao Feng’s body surface, a hint of pale green Wind Thunder of Wood, and the Crystal Nucleus scale of the within the body also expanded a few points.


Nangong Sheng, who was retreating and absorbing Evil God’s Power, shook his nose.

The place where Zhao Feng stood, exuded a layer of faintly discernable vegetation; the vegetation around him is obviously more vigorous than elsewhere.

“Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm”

Zhao Feng opened both eyes. The body had a clear aura. This aura was deliberately or unintentionally fuming in Nangong Sheng’s body.

Nangong Sheng takes a light breath, looking deep into Zhao Feng a glance, the coldness and indifference on his face eased a little.

“This Wind Thunder of Wood can reach all kinds of flowers and trees, drive away hundreds of poisons, and have a better healing effect. At the same time, it has a stronger corrosive effect on the attack of living flesh …”

Zhao Feng felt this new Five Elements Wind Thunder.

Wind Thunder of Wood, attack is not strong, even weaker than Wind Thunder Of Water, however, it is more auxiliary.


Zhao Feng’s top of the head, condensed with a green mist, Lightning Glow interlaced.

With the help of Great Emperor Will and top resources, Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder of Wood quickly condenses and accumulates.


Zhao Feng used this Seventh layer’s Wind Thunder method to tempered Saint Thunder Body, and the efficiency has more than doubled.

The next few days.

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder of Wood aura, gradually restrained, but its physical aura, in a little improvement.


Zhao Feng’s “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” is extremely close to a fifth layer small accomplishment; once he succeeds, he can suppress Domain King and even continuate Peak King with fleshly body physique alone.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base is constantly improving.

It can be said.

Zhao Feng’s current cultivation base enhancements, including Saint Thunder Body, have no real bottleneck.

If yes.

Zhao Feng cultivate for another month or two to break through Void God Realm King.

However, Zhao Feng couldn’t do this; he couldn’t waste expensive time like this treasure in cultivate in Xie Yang Mansion.

“Zhao Feng, the overlap of Divine Illusory Space, there is only one month left.”

Nangong Sheng’s voice sounded.

Over the past half month, the strength fluctuations of Nangong Sheng within the body have not strengthened much, but they have become smoother.

On the strength level, Nangong Sheng already goes beyond the Great Emperor level; for him, how to really use this strength of strength is the most important thing.


Against the strength of the “Queen Bee” strength, Nangong Sheng was obviously struggling and couldn’t hold it for a while.

To know.

Then Queen Bee is not a fighting race, it cannot be moved, and there is no fighting method, it is only the level of life and strength, which basically reaches Saint Lord level.

If you encounter the real meaning of Mystic Light Saint Lord, Nangong Sheng at the time, you cannot continue.

“The last month is to make good use of it.”

Zhao Feng stood up.

When you get more resources, return to the Continent domain, it will take more time to cultivate.

“I really want to go back to that Queen Bee.”

Nangong Sheng body Floating a layer of dazzling purple blood silver glory, the terrifying strength aura makes the nearby one void and has a sense of stasis.

“Your strength level is hardly lost to Mystic Light Saint Lord. Unfortunately, your Realm is too far behind.”

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly.

Nangong Sheng’s strength level is indeed powerful. Even within his body comparable to King-level Wind Thunder of Wood, it is stagnant and difficult to operate.

However, Nangong Sheng’s Realm is not enough. It can only use three or 40% of this strength.

This is still a situation of recent retreats and improvements.

Nangong Sheng hearing this, my heart was a little depressed, so I gave up to pay attention to Queen Bee.

If it were not for the Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm”, the last operation of the horse-riding honeycomb, the four of Zhao Feng would probably have died.

“I’m not in a hurry to improve strength at this stage; at least wait for Soul Concept to reach the Great Emperor level.”

Nangong Sheng is determined.

At this moment, he still sees the gap between himself and Zhao Feng.

If you encounter “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch” in the Peak period, to his present level, I am afraid that it is not yet opponent.

Shua wind

Zhao Feng and the two, in the shadow of a layer of silver and purple shadows, traveled in Xie Yang Mansion at an amazing speed and explored around.

Wherever they went, the strong strength aura made some genius elites scared.

Fortunately, the powerful and almost invincible Purple Hair Demon Twins, not at all gets rid looting; even the fake twin evils did not appear again.


After Nangong Sheng got the strength Inheritance of Evil God, his temperament changed greatly. Several times he wanted to plunder, but was stopped by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng noticed that Nangong Sheng’s personality was changing slowly.

Moreover, this slow change is like a “natural” process, and Zhao Feng is difficult to change.

Time flies.

In the remaining month, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng explored and dug around and got more and more resources.


With the stability of “Restrictive Formation of God” in Xie Yang Mansion, many important locations cannot be penetrated at all.

Opportunities like “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, no matter how hard to find, the resources you get generally are better than “Heavenly Jade Water Lotus”.


There are enough opportunities for Zhao Feng to join forces, which are far from enough.

For example, in Xie Yang Mansion, there is a “Spirit Pet Garden”, and the Spirit Pets in it are all Saint Lord and are confined in the garden.

Zhao Feng, the mighty aura of Spirit Pet Park, did not dare to approach.

In addition, there are some dangers. You can kill the Great Emperor, even the crisis of Saint Lord, and the two don’t want to make fun of their lives.

This day.

Zhao Feng and two stood on a high-rise building with a breathless look.


Zhao Feng found that the Space in front of him was faint.

One brick, one tile, one grass, and one tree in the field of vision seemed to fade a little bit; the feeling was like a mirage in a mirage, with an unreal feeling.

At the same time.

Many Kings of other forces also found this sign.

“The overlap between the Divine Illusory Space and the Continental domain is coming to an end …”

Xuanyuan Wen lowly mumble.

Forget the time, everyone stayed in Divine Illusory Space for several months.

“About three or four days left.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng face each other a glance.

Divine Illusory Space is an extremely special ancient God remnant space. It is like a real “mirage”, overlapping with heaven and earth everywhere.

Half a day passed.

The space that fades in front of it even has a faint transparency trend.

“Why, now I feel that everything I experienced in Divine Illusory Space is not so real?”

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

His God Eye, clearly understood this void, is a bit impenetrable.

A similar feeling was also found on Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace; just as he couldn’t see through the painting wall Liu Qinxin at that time.

“According to the information I got from the ef gentleman’s mind, Divine Illusory Space was once a ‘Dao of Illusions, a special world of interpretation, similar to your Soul Dao’ Illusionary City Domain, and moreover, Ancient God is not this space. A long time ago, many gods arrived here. God Position experts once speculated that Divine Illusory Space is a space fragment left after Immemorial was broken. “

Nangong Sheng looked at this fading Space with a strange look.

at this time.

Zhao Feng even has the illusion that Matter he touched in this Space seems to be years in the mirror; but it really exists.


Zhao Feng thought of “Immemorial Dreamland” in his left eye Space, and his heart was shocked. To some extent, the two seem to have similar goals.

Over time.

The space heaven and earth where everyone is located gradually fades and becomes phantom transparent.

Most people are waiting for the return trip.

But on this day, an amazing news spread inside Xie Yang Mansion.

“Quickly Intercept Blue Flood Dragon King”

A voice came from Xie Yang Mansion.

“Major event is not good”

“Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, got the key of the Arrived ‘Origin Restricter Divine Chain,”

An atmosphere of panic and fear spread throughout the human camp.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng were shocked to capture these movements.

at this time.

sou sou sou

Ji Family’s team, who came from nearby, was headed by Ji Lan.

“Purple Hair Demon Twins?”

Ji Lan startedled, immediately anxious: “Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, have been mixed in humans before. Half a day ago, these two demon thieves, using the forces of the Imperial Clan to overcome Deciphering, got the ‘Origin Restricter Divine Chain, key.”

“It’s a bit troublesome now.” Zhao Feng frowned.

“Almost irreparable”

Ji Lan said with a weeping voice: “Except for you and me and a very few people, Eye Bloodline can see through the ‘Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon’, and the rest of the overwhelming majority cannot see the trace.”

: The double monthly pass has begun, and one cast becomes two. At the end of the month, everyone can start “bombing”)

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