King of Gods

Chapter 866

Queen Bee’s Lair.

The aura fluctuations of Nangong Sheng God Position strength formed a resistance to Queen Bee in a short time.

Outside the lair, Zhao Yufei and Mo Dongyao, temporarily stabilized the situation.

The half-solidified colored agar slurry is within easy reach, exuding a fatal temptation, which can help to reach the Supreme Church of Mystic Light Saint Lord.


In this case, Zhao Feng still did not lose his calm.

His Bloodline left eye, locking the “Queen Bee” on the opposite side, seemed to see through the other’s body.


Zhao Feng’s body is tight, motionless, Essence, Qi and Spirit are highly concentrated.

“Zhao Feng, get rid …”

On Nangong Sheng forehead, a trace of cold sweat, purple blood divine splendor of the body, trembled, and the silver and purple ghosts appeared.

He turned his shocking strength to the limit, but still couldn’t resist it.

That Queen Bee ’s strength level basically reaches the level of Arrived Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, and the strength aura, which covers and suppresses one side void. Compared to King ’s power, I do n’t know how much higher it is.

Zhao Feng still didn’t move.

His Bloodline left eye and the compound eyes of Queen Bee’s Dark Golden are closely opposite each other.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of “Queen Bee”.

It was waiting for this youngster and couldn’t wait to get “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, but the other party was so calm and calm.

Zhao Feng felt that the Queen Bee body had a murderous intention.

Once he gets rid to take “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, he will definitely be attacked.

Saint Lord-level assaults are definitely not at the level of Void God Realm King and Great Emperor.


At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

The second daughter of Nangong Sheng and behind was afraid that they could not hold their breath.

“weng weng weng ……”

At the same time, the entire Poisonous Bee Kingdoom, tens of thousands of poisonous bees, gathered in the nest.

Those poisonous bees, thousands of elites, are comparable to Half-Step King; the number of king-level poisonous bees is also over a hundred, and the average Battle Strength is comparable to Peak King.

Equivalent to.

The four of Zhao Feng were confronted by a 3-Star Sect, and the situation was at stake.

Nangong Sheng also quickly understood the pressure on Zhao Feng.

Saint Lord’s Murderous Intention is brewing, is it so good to deal with it, unless it is the Left Eye Heavenly Monarch during the Peak period, it can still resist one or two.

Meow meow

A silver-gray Thieving Cat appeared, breaking the deadlock on the court.

The Thieving Cat is only the size of a slap, grinning with bared teeth, and looks harmless.


Its next move caused Queen Bee’s anger.

Meow ~

A small shovel appeared in the hands of Small Thieving Cat, and fiercely dug into the area of ​​colored agar.


Small Thieving Cat with a happy face, successfully dug a shovel “Hundred Source Saint Broth”.


Under that shovel, the entire poisonous honeycomb produced a strange vibration, as if it was about to collapse and collapse.

I don’t know what kind of characteristics the shovel brings, so much movement.

The Queen Bee was frightened and frightened, and issued a heaven shaking roar, and one party heaven and earth void seemed to be faintly shaking with it.

Poof jeer

Queen Bee opened her mouth and spit out an amazing “dark flame”.

For the moment when the “dark color flame” appeared, void had the illusion of twisting and trembling, and the taboo aura made everyone in the audience, body and mind cold.

Even more amazing.

The twisted dark color flame, while attacking, the taboo aura, enveloped the void where the target was.

Zhao Feng, and Small Thieving Cat, seemed to be frozen at that moment.

“Not good don’t tell me is the ‘source flame of Queen Bee, …”

Nangong Sheng’s heart beat.

This strength of taboo deterrence is second only to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon outside Xie Yang Mansion.

For the four people present, the source torch is absolutely invincible. Even if the top Great Emperor is in person, he will be instantly killed.

It’s no wonder that Zhao Feng looked just like the enemy.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat screamed, and seemed to sense the unprecedented crisis.

“Void Matter Transfer”

A layer of obscure Eye Strength ripples presents invisible vortex inside, and at the same time envelopes the dark flame and Small Thieving Cat.

Small Thieving Cat and the surrounding dark flames disappeared suddenly.


There was a hint of surprise in the Golden compound eyes of Queen Bee.


Its complexion changed greatly, hissing, and it was covered by a layer of invisible vortex of Eye Strength ripples.


A dark taboo of twisted taboo flames fell on the face of the “Queen Bee”.

“His …”

The sharp fiercely shouted hiss, shook through the void, and on the Soul Matter level, there was a tremor.


The whole huge hive was shaking, terrifying aura fluctuations, and people at the Heaven Sword Pavilion and Duanmu Family outside the garden were throbbing.

“Hundred Source Saint Broth, close”

Zhao Feng, before the Queen Bee has not eased up, expand the Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm” and collect a nearby “Hundred Source Saint Broth”.

And this time.

The terrifying strength of Queen Bee fluctuated, and almost sealed the void.

Zhao Feng’s face flushed for a while, Soul level zhi zhi sounded, Queen Bee’s desperate murderous intention has locked him.

“Quick withdrawal”

Nangong Sheng body transformed into a layer of silver and purple ghosts, blood waves, covering Zhao Feng.

Shua wind

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng reluctantly withdrew from Queen Bee’s lair.

“Can’t stand it”

At this time, Mo Dongyao and Zhao Yufei, under the attack of several Bee Emperor, dozens of Bee King, and tens of thousands of bees, retreated to the nest of Queen Bee.

Foursome, meeting in front of Queen Bee’s lair.

“Very good, the plan is complete.”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, raising his arms.


Just then, mutation was born.

In Queen Bee’s lair, the bloody face of Queen Bee reveals a trace of cruel murderous intention, and spit out.

“Be careful”

Zhao Yufei and Mo Dongyao, simultaneously spoke out.


A wave of colored light spit out of Queen Bee’s mouth, forming a range-like attack, covering several people at the entrance.

There was a hint of taunt in Queen Bee’s eyes.

It analyzes that Zhao Feng’s Void Matter Transfer is aimed at individual Matter.

But this time, it launched a range-type attack, which just happened to bring together a few people, all in one shot.

A wave of taboo strength strangled the four.

“Hehe, goodbye”

Zhao Feng raised his arm and waved ahead.

Over the entire body of the four, a layer of empty silver shadows and silver flashes emerged, accompanied by a wave of space fluctuations.

Hu Hong

That color light wave swept across the area where Zhao Feng and the four were located.


place to leave only a transparent and faded silver faint shadow, the silhouette of Zhao Feng, already are missing.

Outside the garden.


A layer of empty silver shadows overlapped in void, and four people emerged from the inside, from fuzzy to clear.

These four people are Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Mo Dongyao.

“Too thrilling”

Zhao Yufei and Mo Dongyao have a look of fear.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng plot against the standard, at the last moment, use the Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm” to bring everyone back and forth.

Before set off, Zhao Feng was outside the garden, leaving a space mark.

This Space tag is a backhand preparation.

Zhao Feng had previously thought that if he wanted to get “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, it would be impossible not to alarm “Queen Bee” at all.

And the “Queen Bee” was shocked, which was equivalent to shocking the entire Poisonous Bee Kingdoom.

If it weren’t for the Sub-Divine Tool Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng would not dare to sting this “horse”.

“Nothing is fine”

Duanmu Family’s green robe old man, long heave a sigh of relief.

He is mainly worried about Zhao Yufei, who owns Spirit Clan Bloodline, and will break through Mystic Light Realm in the future, without bottleneck, it is not worth the risk.

“Brother Feng, did Hundred Source Saint Broth succeed?”

Zhao Yufei was shocked and spits a long breath; before entering Divine Illusory Space, she had made up her mind to get resources for Senior Brother Duanmu to help break through Saint Lord

“It worked, the number was completely sufficient.”

Zhao Feng is smiling.

Although the Hundred Source Saint Broth he got was only a small part of the Queen Bee’s lair, it was enough for dozens of people.

The distribution ratio is the same as before.

Zhao Feng alone holds 40%, the other 60%, Zhao Yufei, Nangong Sheng, Mo Dongyao, 20%.

“weng weng weng ……”

Just then, a large swarm of poisonous bees chased out from the garden.

Deep in the garden, Queen Bee’s fury screamed.


The people at Heaven Sword Pavilion and Duanmu Family were shocked.

“Don’t worry, these are my bee slaves, …”

Zhao Feng raised his hand.

Bee slave?

The crowd calmed down and saw nearly a thousand poisonous bees flying out.

Among them, there are three King Rank Poisonous Bees, hundreds of elite poison bees, and a few hundred remaining. Aura is at least as good as Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm.

Zhao Feng just brought out some of the poisonous bee’s elite.

With a wave of the Sub-Divine Tool armguard on his arm, the small world unfolded, and all these poisonous bees were contained.

“I suggest, leave this right and wrong place quickly.”

Mo Dongyao was a little upset.

In the garden beehive, the huge and boundless aura of “Queen Bee” leaked out, making everyone frightened, and True Yuan was a little out of control.

Half a day later.

A group of people arrived in the quiet courtyard of Xie Yang Mansion.

For Duanmu Family and Heaven Sword Pavilion, go and explore elsewhere.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng stayed in the courtyard first, meditating and consolidating one or two.

In Xie Yang Mansion, there are many opportunities, only worry about insufficient ability, not worry about insufficient opportunities.

“Baiyuan Honey Liquid.”

Zhao Feng first took out the honey solution a little lower than Hundred Source Saint Broth.

After all, this is the “honey” essence brewed by the Five Poisonous Unusual Bees group.

This “Hundred Sources of Honey Liquid” requires at least hundreds of top grade pollen, plus the huge project of bee colonies, which gradually build up over time.

You know, many of the flowers in the garden are comparable to Heavenly Jade Water Lotus, and many of them are unrecognizable.

The higher level “Hundred Source Saint Broth”, which Zhao Feng uses now, is too wasteful.

Therefore, he first used Baiyuan Honey Liquid.

After taking a sip of Baiyuan Honey Liquid, Zhao Feng felt a smooth and fragrant aura, penetrated within the body internal organs and limbs.

Perhaps it is the characteristics of Baiyuan Honey Liquid, or Zhao Feng’s powerful Saint Thunder Body. After the honey liquid strength, enters into the within the body, it is quickly absorbed and transformed by Zhao Feng’s body.

Only 5 minutes of work.

Zhao Feng body was shocked, flickering in her eyes, and golden blue gloss in her whole body.

“The effect of this ‘Baiyuan Honey Juice’ is really unexpected, and my physical physique has obviously improved …”

Zhao Feng hurriedly runs “Saint Thunder Body” and “Wind Thunder Tips”

Baiyuan Honey Juice, although it is a little bit lower, but even if taken by Great Emperor, it can lay a foundation for assault Mystic Light Realm.

The higher-level “Hundred Source Saint Broth” has a great boost to assault Mystic Light Realm.

Three days later.

The physical aura of Zhao Feng body is getting stronger and stronger, and even getting closer to Saint Thunder Body 4-Layer small accomplishment.

In addition, the effect of Baiyuan Honey Juice not only acts on the body, but also greatly promotes True Yuan cultivation base.

It didn’t take long.

Zhao Feng cooperated with Wind Thunder King Crystal Nucleus and Baiyuan Honey Juice, within the body’s Wind Thunder Of Water, condensed to the peak of Ruyi Perfection, and even gave birth to a trace of grass and wood.

(The second one is, the plot of Divine Illusory Space is about to end. Once again I call for a ticket next month ~~~~ Thank you for fast food)

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